Israeli here

How can I become a Mossad agent?

Attached: BC7222EF-12BC-47AB-B0AB-64A341894773.jpg (640x768, 221K)

Suck me off. I won haha.

tay tay is not jewish faggot

Use a cell phone

chew on my foreskin

they don't let retards in

Suck a Rabi

Jesus look at that Adams apple

Obvious trap

Sloppy job future Mossad

i want to drink tay tay's pee

just be sloppy enough in every aspect, they can't get enough of that

From her cock or the toilet?

Attached: taylorfunny g.gif (320x160, 1.36M)

you have to let an african migrant fuck your wife on their way to europe and wear a cage on your dick for mossad to approach you

If your a hot female might happen, she’s definitely a lesbian.

All of our "useful idiot" positions are filled already by Canadians. You, however, may apply for organ harvesting position. What is your experience?

so what, some women have a pronounced adam's apple, it doesn't mean she's a tranner

Ive been shitposting, false flagging, spreading false information, taytayposting on Jow Forums since 2015

i will change my gender to drink from the fountain of tay



tay is not a trap. you can tell by her liberal cunt outlook on life.

Well, you already do this for free, why pay more?


>Posting slide treads
>Using meme flag
Report for your badge and paycheck soldier.