White person here, please take all the rights away just take them take them all if it means one more life saved I'll be happy just take it all away no more speech no more movement no more guns no more anything
>possible It was probably just a loud car again like in Jew York update me when things are real
Gavin Cox
mall? just more chimpery
Carter Ross
There have been three or more literal false flags of possible shooter in the past week, from motorcycle backfiring to a sign falling. In addition to two or three incidents of people seeing someone with a gun.
Evan Miller
Houston is Texas’ Chicago. Last week someone was shooting people on the highway!
Zachary Powell
Sloppy job
Joshua Baker
Kek or champs or nike
Leo Long
We need gun control. At this point it's just common sense. Think of the children.
Samuel Adams
>Houston If it's not a white shooter then it's not news. See: the San Fernando shooting a day before the garlic festival
Jackson Myers
I came here to post the first SLOPPY JOB MOSSAD of this happening.
Noah Perry
There have been two or three claims of shootings this week already, always something else. Just as many reports of someone armed too.
Josiah Morales
sloppy job mossad
Jose Diaz
more car backfire?
Justin Williams
Trump's connection to the rise in mass shootings and far-right terrorism is undeniable!
with the fed on that site looking for their next fuck boi, no thanks
Levi Stewart
>Epistein did nothing wrong
Dylan Ward
Lmao who goes to the fucking mall
Robert Myers
what the fuck
Caleb Rogers
It's Mexicans or Blacks
Brayden Morris
mostly spic town over yonder.
Thomas Scott
It was firecrackers.
Jace Clark
houston reporter was on the scene
Isaac Wood
Kayden Gonzalez
Kayden Long
Finally! I was think we had gone two long between mass shootings. Please let it be a white incel with a manifesto who is a Jow Forums regular. Oh please! Bring the glowniggers!