Jow Forums humor thread
Jow Forums humor thread
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Say the line
Lmao you pathetic ra
Here. Have some edits.
okay this is funny
Lmaoi you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your 'pol humor' threads. Face it, most PoC will be infinitely more successful than you sad virgins will ever be! You're on the wrong side of history, get over it losers!
Your post made me laugh. ...and I'm black. lol
If it turns out the Earth actually is flat, should the Harlem Globetrotters have to change the name of their team, or would that be racist? Because making them do something they don't ant to do is like they're being your slaves again?
based commie black man has it all figured out
fact that I'm pretty sure you actually typed this out shows maximum effort. You'll get raked last leaf.
>He doesn't have a beef tree
I wish the earth was flat, Not only do I love being wrong because I learn something every time I'm wrong but I would have saved almost half a million dollars on my business not having to build my towers the extra height to get past the earth curvature.
are nigs common in india?
Based chink
Being as new as you........
It's every Canadians duty on this board to post that if it has not been posted in a /pol humor thread. FYI you fucking stupid newfag nigger
>same species
based Chang can get a free ride back to China
Can't tell if this is b8 or not.
what's this
based chinaman
Is this from the security CCTV?
Someone please shop Michelle Obama onto the left please?
>billnye theweimarguy
Well done
Flat earthers can't dispute this.
These are shit memes
a joke, retard
Post better ones
i don't speak niggerish
Wouldn't it be smarter to do the hand over the eyes for a quick glance into the sun. Js
Based yellow man.
No nigger cocksucka!
I love that page.
Actually lost
That's just depressing...
What the fuck is wrong with niggers this is appalling.
idiot newfags
trolling is a art
Why? Hers is real.
thots an' preyers
This Jow Forums humor thread is fucking lame.
Is they?
Proper English this isn't.
actually the smartest/laziest one. just act like you push it and have the other niggers to the real job
checked and kek'd
>meanwhile hue cops
Literraly you can fool the FBI like that.
Did she really tweet this? What did she mean by this?
happy nao, frendo?
(((we))) solved the mystery.
Fixed it for you since the left can't meme
Bobs and vagana whatever will it be sit the fuck down t series I'm here to spill the real tea
Choose your hue cop class.
There’s nothing wrong with this. It would have been better if he was wincing to see, but he’s using his hand as a hood to shade his eyes from the sun, yes the hat would do the same but for style people where it backwards, and sunglasses don’t always work, like adding an ND filter to a lens when filming will allow drop the lighting, but a sun hood (like his hand) will keep the sun from shining directly into the lens and creating a lens flare.
Shit at times on set - Cam op’ing ive used my hand or a flag, because the hood or matte box wasn’t long enough
yep lel love this pic
2 AK platform rifles
1 AR platform
1 mini14
1 guy dual wielding pistols
no 2 people are dressed the same
i'll stick with my pistol bro
> fifteen years later little Adolf wasn't so little any more
>if you hate Trump you must be leftist!!!!
burger go to sleep
...That German University being racist to that one Indian starts to seem legitimate, lol.
>beef tree
>African horticulture
easily the funniest post here
people believe this crap
why did this happen