Keep in mind that Adolf Hitler, and by an extent Nazi Germany fought for this

So We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth

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Other urls found in this thread:

french people don't look like that though, just sayin

built for bbc nickernation rise up

those girls are currently being railed out by tyrone lol

So We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Because the beauty of the stock photos must not perish from the earth

the left one is a man, nice try frog

at least you are not speaking german


Fuck off you fucking faggot.
For any retard to enter this thread, the one on the left is a man.

they look like they fuck niggers

Europeans need to be culled, the liberals need to stop breeding and die out and those who would race mix need to do so, so we can ascend once again and get rid of all the undesirables

nigga u drunk

hitler founded mossad, retard.


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WTF I hate Nazis and Hitler now

Can I ask why everyone goes easy on France when it comes to its part in ww1 and ww2 but everyone spergs our at the brits?
For the record I’m in the whole I wish the real good guys won, but I’m not retarded and see that the allies young soldiers thought they were fighting the good cause, but answer bout France pls

youre the one to talk. you country literally refuses to acknowledge that the sandniggers are rapists.

Why the FUCK would I chose to date a Nordic girl over a black girl?

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letting animals on furniture just causes problems further down the road.

AJ blows 90+% of white whores out of the water fag

>save her so Chad can have 100 thots to keep himself entertained
I have no stake in it tho. I don't care.

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the eternal swede

lol swedish faggot thinks breedable women are men, you have gay on the brain.

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i'm not into zoophilia you motherfucking degenerate. you should be swinging from a tree by your neck. reported on all fronts.

Why do you post that ugly tranny then you stupid fuck?

>meme flag
show your flag, moshe.

>simping for white whores
kek, have sex dude

People like should get murdered in real life

You have absolutely no proofs about that

They did

That's why he murdered so many whites?
Chrlemagne cuck

genetically ambiguous white mutts

Reminder than White Nationalism is the weapon Jews use to exterminate Whites.

lol is that emma ellingsen on the left?? that's a trap

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I didn't know Swedes liked meat and potatoe pie


You misspelled tranny

>fucking animals is awesome
sick twisted fuck. reported.
think about it retard.

>opened a second front
>made germany into a cuck
>permitted the creation of the holohoax

Meat and potatoe pie is the smell of a greasy nib nibba

>highly photoshopped picture vs an inbred
what a contest. what is your point, nigger?

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shall we continue?

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Yep just what I thought. Only speculations. Kys

>i'm a retarded inbred and proud
ok we get it.

Because 80% of black girls are ugly asf and 50% of black girls have genital herpes.

>unable to use intelligent
it is super ineffective!

Epstein case must continue

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Dude you're just putting some mere Greentext and have no factual proofs, articles or text showing he create it. You're embarrassing yourself.

We would still have German girls even if they spoke English. Adolf and his band of government assassins were a worthless distraction.

My future children will love Jesus, that's what matters not the skin color of my future wife. Almost no Nordic women submit themselves before God anymore, therefore I will date an African woman who loves Jesus with all her heart and will be a good mother

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the girl is cute

>i'm a retarded inbred and proud
No one wants to hear your sister story Cleetus.

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Nice larp you Kike. Gas yourself.

White women aren't suitable mothers anymore

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If you're French, why are you shilling for Germanic supremacists?

What a horrific sight to see. Followers of a false prophet instead and not followers of Jesus. Send everyone who isn't a Christian back to where they came from

Uh huh.

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i take that back. That's Siri Lehland and she is a skellington. Looks cute in the pic though.

A nasty looking greasy individual posting with VPN, huge faggot

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Inget VPN här broder, så länge som hon är kristen så är relationen okej

Vichy France.
The amount of collaborators was extremely high.
SS Charlemagne (a french battalion) was the last one defending Berlin.
After the war the french switched to pretending to be good goyim. Can't blame them for trying to save their ass but they git africanized anyway. Sad.

>I will date an African woman who loves Jesus with all her heart and will be a good mother
>african woman
>good mother

nigger what? half of the black women kill off their niglets for the sake of convenience. reminds me of that webm of some cunt hammering her 7month in stomach

Reminder that atleast 10 times in history, whites have been less than 1% of the population and have risen everytime. Stop posting and have babies, faggot.

North American black women aren't pious like African women are

that on the left is literally a dude

These girls are at best sixes.

protect what. y'all lost lol. it's over and decided as of 1945

I take that back too. It's another tranny.

That's a man baby

Based and redpilled... These slugs will never understand that both racial purity and racemixing are divide and conquer tools employed by the kikes. Needless to say that this girl is probably more European than 60% of Jow Forums im willing to put a bet on that.

Kristendom = Judismen

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Fuck off Atheist

Fuck off kike worshipper

Your kind is responsible for almost all degeneracy in the West, fuck off

Really? I'm not Jewish so how is that possible? You realize most whites in America and Christians yet this place is worse off than any atheist European country?

Atheists are worse than Jews

>Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth
I find that to be cringey. It doesn't appeal to anyone but the worst sort. It's basically "muh dick." How about fighting to not destroy a people and culture? Especially since that people has proven to be so meritorious and valuable. It's a fight for a higher state of mind and being. For truth, reason, actual virtue and actual progress. Whether European women are beautiful or not is irrelevant. That's like an appeal to the other peoples of the world to keep us around for sex slaves.

>"Racial purty and racemixing are divide and conquer tools employed by the kikes"
That doesn't make sense. If everyone in the world racemixed then everyone would be some shade of brown because it's the dominant trait. How would that be used to divide and conquer people?

Is this really an allegory for white nationalism? The message seems so clear now, but I’ll break it down for you guys. You see, when Sneed is selling his seed and feed, is it really the products of livestock feed and crop seeds that he is selling, or is he selling the IDEA of feed and seed, or to put it more plainly, of feedING and seedING? In this second interpretation, the famous duo of seed and feed are being interpreted as an action rather than a product. You see, this action of feeding and seeding can be directly linked to something all white men strive to feed and seed, that being white women. A key facet of white nationalism is that of FEEDING aka providing for your women, so that she may allow you to SEED her and raise her children who you will in turn FEED, and later be FED by(though hopefully you will be neither be seeding or being seeded by your children, cause that would be weird haha ew gross haha). It’s quite clever by the simpsons writer when you really break it down like this, and even more clever when you consider chuck, who’s is the former. Chuck used to just suck and fuck, living his life in the moment and for no purpose. But through pride in his own race he evolved to become SNEED and FEED and SEED white women rather than be sucked and fucked by mutts. Thoughts? I personally think SNEED is super incredibly BASED through this logical interpretation and we should all strive to FEED and SEED our own women.

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>"If you don't believe in a sky wizard then you are the problem"
Found the retard


The ones in magazines. Most of them never did.

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>"If you don't belive the universe started by a ball the size of a golfball exploding you are the problem"
Found the retard

yeah its been working out in whites favor for like thirty thousand years now. im not exactly concerned.

> dyed blonde hair
> dark eyebrows

Those mutts are far from aryan

>"If you believe in evidence and theories instead of believing in a sky wizard that made everything and himself then you are the problem"
Found the retard. Also, look up the Miller-Urey experiment if you don't know how life on earth started.

>thinking the white race is in danger
>wanting a fake cause to fight for
>wanting to feel belonged because loser irl

ok user

>Look mom I posted it again

No He didn't

You can have the left one burak boi