Is coffee really that bad for you?

Is coffee really that bad for you?
People here say it's a Jewish trick, but can they back this up with credible proof? Checkmate.

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Only scizos say its bad so do as you want

i unironically NEED coffee
no milk, no sugar, no onions

caffeine + nicotine + adderall is the combo of the ascended

bump for interest

I'm literally a zombie if I don't have a coffee in the morning

Attached: 4c9.png (645x729, 113K)

based, those three supplements you listed all happen to raise DHT, lower prolactin and raise testosterone.

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This depends very much on how you prepare it.
It's bitter and freshly ground, it's not a problem
If it's heavily processed or sweet, then it is a problem.

Have fun with your trashed adrenals and eternal baggy eyes.

Avoid the tricks and follow your intuition user. If you need fucking brown juice to get going every damned day you have already lost.

Professors here says a cop a day is good for you. But don't use the new coffee machines with no filter in them. The filter in the older ones kept many things that I can't remember, away from yoru coffee cop

Euro's need coffee and stims. We didn't do very much before it became commonly available around the time of the enlightenment.

I thought bongs drank tea? Coffee is for real men.

In my experience, consuming caffeine has given me brain zaps and other strange seizure-like episodes (never actually had a seizure in my life though, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about). When I withdraw from caffeine I am stuck in a brain fog which has resulted in getting a poor test grade once when I was in school. Caffeine to me is stimulating in the same way being poked with a stick is stimulating. I don't see the point in it when I could just bike to work and be stimulated from the exercise, or if I'm okay with being addicted for a period time, use nicotine, which I find far superior.

Meant to include this picture.

Attached: caffeineweb.jpg (397x276, 38K)

If you're talking about k-cups, please don't. If you open up a k-cup, you will see the grounds and a filter. Instant coffee is another story, but I'm certain that is also harmless. It's just freeze-dried coffee.

It's all in your head. I'm working my way through a PhD after drinking probably 10 cups a day on average since 12th grade.

>brain zaps
What is that?

Literally no idea what you are talking about. I'm just saying, using something like this, instead of the new which grinds whole beans

Attached: melitta-excellent-40-kaffemaskine-hvid.jpg (450x450, 23K)

homemade fresh coffee is extremely healthy.

old burnt coffee masked with tons of syups and all kinds of shit additives you buy in public, not so good.

Coffee is good for your heart

Coffee is based

Holy shit I'm out of the loop. I'll check it out. Thanks user!


It causes various heart diseases.

But as it's a multi-billion dollar business, it doesn't matter if you fucking goy suckers die consuming it.

Remember that (((coffee))) is another Jewish trick to make White men addicted to it and more (((productive))).

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