Captcha is disabled.
We're about to get a Redpill so fierce that they will be forced to slide the damn board into the dumpster
Pic related if you remember
Captcha is disabled.
We're about to get a Redpill so fierce that they will be forced to slide the damn board into the dumpster
Pic related if you remember
Other urls found in this thread:
4chanx are still forced to do it.
But it's not turned off nigger
it's only off for those who have been targeted
I hate phone posters with a passion.
I'm sure they are the ones who ruined this board. Besides the boomers who complain about 4chins being raided in every other one of their posts.
Test my testicles
haha I’m free
Wew lad. Checked. Mine's still on though, guess I'm safe.
captcha has been off nerds wth its been off for like two weeks where have you all been
Mine's been playing up - refusing multiple uploads.
Feck, it's off now though...
Well fuck me
But it's not
Ah shit nigga
Imagine being this incompetent with one of the most anctient and basic human tools. Of course it was a fucking woman.
>do you even homo sapien bro?
Oh shit, it is now.
Good to know I'm unimportant to (((them)))
Error: You forgot to solve the CAPTCHA. Please try again.
You're going to the pokey faggot
>Tranny jannies vs the posters on this board when the Captcha blocks kick in
people who have to wait in line for toilet paper don't matter
Checked. Come get me then alphabet fags
DIAF nigger
Captchas aren't limited to phones though. On my laptop I get so many Captchas it's impossible to post
Mine have been actin up. Bit spoopy
trips of truth. They keep a profile of what you post, and I'm thinking that based on that they either keep your captcha on if you are reasonable/intelligent, and turn it off for the spergs. This way they let the spergs sway the board in the wrong direction should a big happening occur.
CIA I’m on your side.
Fuck drumpf
Epstein committed suicide.
Take my guns.
Fuck free speech.
Government pls run my life.
Haha poor cunts
Nice hop faggot
>Mfw caught in captcha hell
I can never even fathom what they were trying to do here. I mean the fruit was in half, just pull the pit with your fingers.
shizos on suicide watch
back up noob
check your fucking voicemail faggot
Am safe yeet
not politics, shut the hell up.
It keeps going on and off for me
What a fucking idiot!
According to that logic I must be some kind of reasonable super genius. I sometimes solve north of ten captchas. The ones that really piss me off are the ones that ask you to intentionally misidentify things. I always viewed it as the reverse though, more of a discouragement to posting. Or maybe it's just some arbitrary AI robogod.
>Only solved four for this post.
I'm safe
i am getting server not found page if i try to load any Jow Forums page?
but i can get to threads through history.
>Captcha is disabled.
No it is not. This isn't the cuckaning 2.0 you kike, not even close. It's just summer
Yeah. Avocado pits are tough as hell too. I have no idea how hard I would have to stab one to pierce it and my hand at the same time. It's a common ER injury though. More of the avulsion, a chop injury with a dull kitchen knife. Never seen anything like that picture in person.
They are bombarding this board with pro-loli stuff now
They really want to make sure this place is taken down so we will stop messing up the (((narrative)))
My memes are read.
Paying from my iPhone
wtf that mean
Oops, I meant to type posting. Damn auto correct. I finger draw type.
Lets test this on fortune app. Nigger lips.
Sorry, still shows for me on this app.
you are just on the watch list then
for now
Ur a faggot.
-posted from your moms iphone
>Finger draw type.
Least technical explanation of anything I've heard all day, made me laugh too.
>Also, my captcha is now off. Fuck.
The board is already getting slid, what's happening?
Testing, if quads will be taken by black helicopters tonight.
>caphtcha: boats
It's been fucking boats all day.
*nervous laughter*
Ch-checked and checking if I'm targeted, never thought I'd say this pls b captcha
Red pill:
>the time it takes you to solve a captcha , is less than the time it takes:
>>an AI flag triggered
>>wagie to skim your post and solve same captcha
>if quads will be taken by black helicopters tonight
Since not you will just think it was you touching yourself tonight, not pic related
based and targeted pilled
Try switching to the audio captcha. I find it much less annoying.
I second these thoughts. Can we have a vote? Aye.
its satire anyway
Mine was off earlier but not anymore
That's bullshit, I still have captcha.
Black helis are probably more for transporting slaves and VIPs around. We'd get the van or heart attack gun.
Ur mom gay
>mfw those times where I've had to do literally 10 captchas to post means I'm one of the highest IQ posters here
feels great senpai
Snob. Who wants to sit at a computer all day? I phone post when walking my dogs or working.
god damnit
Oh I have it whew .
In all likelihood though it is the opposite - captcha tracks your ip