Bongs defend this
The absolute state of the UK
Other urls found in this thread:
America is even worse
looks like the boss from dilbert
We can’t, it’s ridiculous. Waiting for the whisk age restriction picture to apologise for too. This country has become a joke, literally.
How exactly is laughing about a bad haircut a prosecutable offense?
stop voting conservatives.go more right.
MEGA-Make England Great Again....It's such a historic and wonderful country! Their gonna drown in the BROWN ! Time to do what Englishmen would have done 100 years ago...THROW THE NIGGERS OUT !
SDP is the best party in the UK.
Fuck niggers
Fuck Chinks
Fuck pooz
Fuck Jooz
London has it's priorities straight.
Imagine being murdered with Thomas and Friends cutlery. The humiliation.
Gay Britain
>oi mate you have a mocking license?
Is jam and butter not halal?
This one makes me legit angry
fuckingkek x2. A meme is born.
That nigger was up to no good.
1 of them fine, but 3???
GTFO the cops did right.
>you need to be 18 to buy toy for 5yr old
what the fuck is this a parody? them is fucking pliers no a "weapon". is anything with metal in it a goddamn weapon to these dumb asses
He had a lot of scones to butter up
F*cking meat eater.
those poor animals are SUFFERING
This is in dollars
These threads always make me hate England so fucking much.
You could cut someone's throat open with those things idiot
Meat jam?
LOL, bolt cutters only open wide enough or a pinky. Maybe an index finger
oy whut u say u fuk, u fukn oy whadda, oy u gawt lucky dis time, time for me tea n i gots "Asian" peepee to milk *glarg glarg glarg* yah ya betta runalong now, nazi, oy
Are you sure that's not from Canada?
He's an oppressed poc so doing that is the same as murdering 6 million jews
Hope they took the needles from granny's sewing kit as well.
You got me, it's from London, Canada.
>mfw that's actually real
Zero respect for Bongs
Just how much space do you need to open up someone's Carry Rotted artery?
>socially and culturally integrated
Of course a sand nigger will feel right at home in the UK.
wtf is going on with the Brits hair as of late? Is this the results of banning scissors?
I could circumsize ye with a cheese grater but aint nobody calling that a weapon...
Ooooohhh good one.
I'll be sure to bring that up at the next council meeting.
Enjoying all these headlines and images from urban shitholes, luckily I live in the comfy countryside and go to church every day. And I seldom see a non-white Briton other than the occasional tourist.
Wtf do blacks have to do with this
Top Kek
Keep up the good work greek bro, you might make it into the next MM ep
I think this quote sums of the state of the UK.
butter eggs bacon are considered "junk food," and the law against advertising them is supposedly to stop childhood obesity. To be sure, the American Egg Board would have utterly destroyed any congressman who supported a ban on advertising eggs in the US.
This one really makes me angry.
So they want to take weapons off the streets so that the homeless can't defend themselves from this barbarism?
Not until I forward this to Sgt. Smibbly Wibblebottom
I had to scroll through that site to make sure it wasn't a parody news site. I just don't understand anymore. I'd actually be happy if England were doing well and it were just our mutthole falling apart because at least there would be one nation that could carry the banner of western civilization. Unbelievable.
I get that England is burning down faster than America, but we have serious problems in this country just like they do. It just isn't the time anymore for, "at least we aren't YOU guys."
Looks like he's wearing what's left of the Twin Towers on his head.
There's a disgusting video of the bitch on the right
Granny won't be needing those in prison
Needs webm, I have to see it.
>no you
nice one, leaf.
I can say without reservation or hesitation. Fuck this planet, and everyone on it. Myself included. Vogon hyperspace bypass fucking when.
kek why did I lose to this
>Immigrants are only in urban cities
That thing got shot at the DC march. Some based right winger just whipped out his handgun and blasted the fucking thing. (Trump Baby Blimp)
he was going to butter those toast slices with a three-knife-style. the mad man.
>in Bongland
"Hehe your hair silly!"
>no sound
god this site sucks. The one with sound is 1000 times worse
Fucking hell, saved. Thanks. KEK
Centauri looking mother fucker.
at least we can make fun of ugly niggers hair
Fucking bongs, man. Every criticism of niggers will get you fucks convicted.
I'm surprised you're even allowed to come to this website. Ha ha. If they ever managed to dox you bonganons, there would be overflowing prisons.
It's like a prison sweep for shanks.
I would say "Hold on to your fork, cause there's more", but she doesn't use them.
What if the recipe calls for a tablespoon of cinnamon, or crushed habenero?