Rocko's Modern Life makes one of the former characters tranny

Rocko's Modern Life makes one of the former characters tranny

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My childhood just shows just keep getting ruined or retconned to shit.

Why are you surprised? The show was always lefty propaganda.

Really activates those almonds

Ed BigHead did say he had no son....

More like Rocko's Post-Modern Life

90s was a funny before jew cancer


I dunno, user, I kinda liked it. She didnt change her voice or way of acting, just name and dress. Besides I thought Jow Forums liked dick endowed roasties

Fuck this gay earth.

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Rocko's Cultural Marxist Life

Go away CIA

Grow up

Have you ever actually seen the show? It's pretty raunchy and bizarre already.

Now imagine Ed Edd n Eddy gets this treatment and now Double D is a tranny.

Fuck I would be mad.

Nice. This reminds me about that time Epstein conveniently died before naming powerful people, whilst being held in the flagship USA holding facility. No cameras. Haha cartoons

imagine shitting your pants over a cartoon like these smelly faggot incels. it's just so fucking embarrassing.

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Rocka's modern Shitpost
>Literally gay frog explains that they are a tranny
>Rocko fucking shoots them
>Posts about it on 4chin
>Posts shitpost memoir too
C'mon folks, lets make it happen

If Gen X'ers and 30 Year old Boomers would stop suckling on the teat of nostalgia and driving up demand for remakes, retcons, and reboots this shit wouldn't even be a thing.

Whoever pushes these ideas should be drilled in the brain

Don't care
Cartoons are ass nowadays
If I'm feeling nostalgic I'll watch some Thundercats or Samurai Pizza Cats

>namecalling is an argument
Lefty IQ

go dilate freak

Do people still think that being trans isn't trendy?
Trendsgender is definitely real.

it's a very fond part of my childhood

stop being a cunt

Nigga he was already a fag.

he told you but you wouldn't listen

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Based redirect user.

>Libertarian flag user complaining about the market making itself heard
Nice job outing yourself as a pussy faggot

Ok fuck the Jews now


Fucking kek

This show formed me into the degenerate I am today. When I watch the old episodes I'm sickened that I was exposed to this jewery


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makes sense though. its Rocko's MODERN life. modern life is clownworld thats filled with trannies and faggots.

Kinda funny, considering that Ralph (the tranny) was personally based on the creator of the show.
What is the message here? Did he had to sell his soul to Netflix so that they could acquire the rights from Niggerlodeon?

>nooooo!!! stop making fun of me for taking cartoons seriously!!! it's not MY fault that women want nothing to do with me, they're all fucking whores anyway!!!

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Show flag you kike. You kikes out yourself constantly. Time for anons to find and start gassing you JIDF KIKES

What would a Duckman reboot be like? I feel like they'd just make him an enlightened centrist.

Look at all these discord trannies NPC squeaking trans rights

Sheeeeeeit forgot pic

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Even more infuriating

>Jimmy is gay
>Sarah is her transboyfriend
>Naz is a lesbian

And then the basedboys on /co/ will say "it makes sense cuz jimmy always acted like a faggot anyway, and sarah was butch and naz had short hair therefore lesbian lol"

No he pozzed it up all on his own, so he's probably a tranny.

It's just a jewish attempt to get people that wouldn't watch it before (trannies) to watch it so that they can feel ""represented"".

Not with that voice (he voices him himself)

i dont think the movie will be completely transparent, he might end up being identified in a fucking morgue

oh look, the go to cope for Jow Forums incels. why are these bitchy crybabies so formulaic?

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>Not watching anime

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fucking saved

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>3rd world incel showing up just to prove me wrong

sad. go play with the family fuck-pig or whatever you subhuman retards do for fun.

>3rd world incel showing up just to prove me right

sad. go play with the family fuck-pig or whatever you subhuman retards do for fun.

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Cool patterns on the tranny shirt

This. Can't believe no one posted this .

People pls.

I know what I won't be watching. This show was great back in the day.

Wow pop culture has an impact on how people think???

Good goy. Enjoy eating bugs whilst dilating

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>did you people even care before this
>trans rights


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You must have been very young when the show came on. It is a left leaning show, you just dont have context.

It still blows my mind that anyone buys something that they could so easily pirate

But Rocko really was a freaky gay show for leftists idiot just watch the old episodes.

>"doesn't matter Rob. trans rights!"
>"unless you are talking about the salty transphobes trying to revert the edits, and in that case; preach it eyeballs"
God damn. These are the kinds of asshole that calls you ""transphobic"" when you call them out on their bullshit too.

>(((they))) continue to ruin everything from the 90s


trans rights

Based /co/tard

>(((they))) work to appeal to 35 year old degenerate lesbian tranny millennials who went from normal kids to soi-ified freaks due to the rise of big pharma in the late 20th century and the estrogen in the water supply from birth control

Never had a chance.

That's the power of what we call: The NPC

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Its like some trauma brainwashing on some level. Theres always more than one reason.

>ahhh please watch my shitty reboot look how woke it is
>remember how based and comfy the 90s were?
ummm that's gonna be a Sneed from me

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I'm trans and I hate tranny shit being pushed in the open. I was fine when no one knew about this because now I'm constantly in fear of being outed.
Fuck sjws

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