BREAKING: Medial Examiner finishes autopsy of Jeffrey Epstein

They did not announce if it was suicide or homicide. Michael (((Baden))) observed the autopsy.


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>Determination on Epstein autopsy "pending further information"
What else do you need other than the body?
Was he poisoned??

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Why of course

>Drumpf did it
Push that shit over at plebbit kike

>This link doesn't work.
>People outted Shareblue on a website they're posting on and immediately the link doesn't work so it must have all been lies.

There's literally paid shills on this board 24/7 do you really think they would not notify their boss to take down that link immediately as soon as they realized that email had been leaked?

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Good post stalwart, $0.02 deposited

maybe a white-hat faction came to terms that epstein wasn't going to talk so they decided to fake his death and mindfuck/torture the info from him...

just kidding. the white-hats of this world are useless pussy boyscout faggots who deserve to be on a subhuman goblin's leash

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Avi's real name is Allison Girvin.

what did he die of?

There are certain poisons the CIA uses that induce heart attacks

> private

> Baden


>this is the body of Jeffrey Epstein
>examine it
>k, thankxx fellow government employee
Unless they are comparing DNA I don't believe for a second the person they examined was Jefferey Epstein. Also, I'm going to assume that all the joo joo cum he had frozen for his jew baby farm is not his and that story was created specifically to provide DNA proof to the goyims

Will there be any findings?

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There are no white hats, only a mass of people sucking jewish dicks and their lives slowly becoming a brazilian hell.

Oh boy am I tired, I can't even keep my eyes open.
I think I'll just lie down and sleep for a bit...

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Its a combination of Bin Laden. That's the signal for the terror attack to happen in exactly 24 hrs.

t. schizo

Are you going to the ast... I mean, The Fade, my fellow goy?

Dr. Michael Baden, chairman of the House Select Committee on Assassinations' Forensic Pathology Panel that investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Is this pathologist the same dr. Michael Baden?

>Michael M. Baden, born 1934


lol that jew damage control. KYS kike.

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Baden, isn't he the same shill that was on the OJ Simpson case?
Dershowitz too.

>all dns entries are located on the internet
Lowest of IQs.


Lmao these fucking kikes
There really is going to be a world wide holocaust soon.

How about a heart attack gun


wikipedia says he still works for nypd


They're just stalling so they can be offered more money to keep their mouth shut

Announce results or we riot

Who hired him? He isn't there out of the kindness of his heart.