@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>The Fine People Hoax 8/10/19
>KAC on FoxNewsSun 8/11/19
>ActDHSSec McAleenan on MtP 8/11/19
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on (((Fake News))) 8/11/19
>Bannon on SunMornFutures 8/11/19
>StateDeptVideo: Morgan briefs press on Hurr Season 8/10/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Morristown NJ 8/9/19
>Pres Trump departs DC 8/9/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 8/9/19
>Lara Trump on Hannity 8/9/19
>HUDSec SleepyBen on Bloomberg 8/9/19
>DefSec Esper bilat w/ROK DM Jeong 8/9/19
>DefSec Esper visits USFK 8/9/19
>ActUSCISDir Cuccinelli on F&F 8/9/19
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on FBN 8/9/19
>Uniformed Army Leadership Changes Hands 8/9/19
>WHTradeDir Navarro on CNBC 8/9/19
>Ron Paul being Ron Paul on FBN 8/9/19
>SpiceDaddy on FoxNews 8/9/19
>This Week@Interior 8/9/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:




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Why are Americans so obsessed with niggers and dicks???

fat fuck

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Italians are bad news

MAIL TIME, /ptg/!

I wonder what's inside...

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At this very moment US Congressmen and Senators are discussing the 2nd Amendment. It is up to "We," the American People to help them make the right choice in preserving our right to bear arms.
Contact your Congressmen. Write them letters, Email, and Phone.
Contact your Senators. Write them letters, Email, and Phone.
Contact President Trump. Write him letters, Email, and Phone.
>1 - 2 0 2 - 4 5 6 - 1 1 1 1
These organizations have many contacts in Washington and can also help your message be heard. Email, Write In, and Call
GOA, Gun Owners of America
NRA, National Rifle Association
Of particular importance in this Debate are the leaders of the Senate.
Mitch McConnell
Leader of the Senate
Charles "Chuck" Schumer Democratic leader in the Senate
Finally, the top House members.

please be a dildo

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We already know it's dragon dildos.

Attached: awoo2.png (900x900, 725K)

You ever notice how the only time Q is brought up is when someone accuses us of being obsessed with the larp?

So this if Drumpf's America? I got my (((Master's))) and no where is hiring me.

The money has already left HK or at least a good portion of it. To Singapore, Tokyo, Taipei, and all over the rest of East Asia. Anyone with the means to leave HK is probably in the process of doing just that.

And don't underestimate the Xi's hardliners, who are currently in control of the party. They have embarked on a plan that could cripple China's economy, just so they don't lose their trade advantage with the US/West. Xi would assuredly give up said golden goose, which isn't so golden these days, if it meant keeping HK. If for no other reason than the potential spread of its revolution if HK succeeded.

Lad, you need to vacuum that carpet

hello, this is my first time here, and I was wondering if someone could provide some reading material regarding the jews

dragon dildos

Attached: Question Mark AWOO.png (450x450, 186K)

No hatecrime posting, I will report courtesy of the DON
He will send you to the gulag

Scaramucci wasn't some secret plan and adoring him was wrong. It is one in a list of things that a lot of you fucked up badly on. Please look and learn from your mistakes. Don't canonize shitty people.

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>Drumpf is fat!!
The cycle continues. That porkchop looks really good.

Irish niggers too

Attached: damn papists.jpg (640x480, 54K)

Nobody should be surprised when a day comes and Trump dies while in office.
Maybe then will the gun caving end.

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>Driving away white voters this hard
They make this WAY too easy

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>the masses are waking up
>only the most useful of idiots are taking the trumpbodycount bait
this is big lads

>Don't canonize shitty people.
very important!

Trump's America is worse than Brazil at this point and all Trump does is complain about white people while grabbing guns and censoring the internet. Wtf is his problem and what is the root of his anti white hatred? Hey Parscale these problems are caused by the lack of whites but no you need another 50 million colored people to shit everything up worse



>If for no other reason than the potential spread of its revolution if HK succeeded.

Your most important sentence

He finally grew a brain

>called him a russian puppet: didn't work
>pull up 20 year old photos with a jew calling him a pedo: didn't work
>surely if we fat shame it'll work this time

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Trump is a zionist shill.
Anti 2nd amendment kike puppet.
He must be replaced.

Scarramooch is actually crazy, he does massive amounts of coke and has two failed marriages.

Sucking a black dick and standing like a girl... De Blasio is truly the most intersectional Dem!

Attached: deblasio.png (890x862, 1.26M)

anyone wanna buy amiibo's? I got like all of them in the package

Parscale gave new marching orders to attack scaramucci as a white nationalist?

yeah if we meet

trump is a kike puppet

Attached: Kike Puppet.jpg (1024x555, 83K)

Let me just pull out my trusty package opener.

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well still though

I would imagine if there were any white centrists that were on the fence about how the (D)'s feel about white people, they might be getting the message now.

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>p-please don't vote...

Attached: friggin MAGA.png (810x688, 454K)

>thanks senpai
Dobriy vyecher, MAGAfriend. What are you up to this evening?

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He was the most obvious torpedo

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vacuum wouldn't do it,
that thing needs washed

Lmao Trump tells Twitter to censor extremeists and low and behold they censor trump.a very unstable retard

what you plannin on, mr leaf? your leaf's all crooked. I dont think I can trust you

Checked. The highlight of shill intellectual ability.

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Trump is a failure. /ptg/ is run by paid shills who keep it alive 24/7. They seriously believe it's okay to take guns from law abiding citizens and are actually pro-gun control.

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don't steal too

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Literally the same shit repeated for nearly 3 years now, some person says a thing it's news...
Trump should talk about reinvesting in nuclear power, kek.
It works if you aren't like Russia!

Attached: teehee.jpg (408x388, 35K)

>only call whites "race based terrorists"
>declare that "100% of race based terrorism is white!!!"

No niggers attacked any white people? K. What about illegal spics?

its full of glitter.

Any last guesses?

Probably. It's all drained up acrylic paint stains.

Attached: 20190811_200932.jpg (4160x3120, 2.63M)

Why does he claim to hate Trump now?

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>I would imagine if there were any white centrists that were on the fence about how the (D)'s feel about white people, they might be getting the message now.
Don't forget about the Boomer effect. There are a lot of diehard Democrat Boomers that will literally never change parties unless the Democrat Party collapses so hard it falls off the ballot entirely.

FBI counts spics as white when they commit crimes, as hispanic when victims.

take off your proxy chinkleaf

Attached: very inconvenient.png (1448x89, 15K)

The Nightly Roundup
No Truth For You! EDITION

>Attorney General William Barr announces that the justice Department's inspector general is opening an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.
>More information on the circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death come to light, showing serious malpractice by the prison he was held in.
>Epstein’s cellmate was removed, even through he was on suicide watch, the jail had recently transferred his cellmate and allowed Epstein to be housed alone, a decision that violated the jail’s procedure.
>Security cameras were allegedly not working at the time of his “Suicide”.
>Epstein should have been checked on by guards in his cell every 30 minutes, but that didn’t happen the night before his “suicide”.
>Guards also apparently working “heavy overtime”.
>Public and media reaction to the death is very mixed, but it seems as if very few, even among the legacy media are buying the “suicide” angle.

>Trump and The Mooch have a little twitter fight over Scaramucci calling Trump's visit to El Paso, Texas, to meet with survivors of a mass shooting a "catastrophe."
>Trump says the Mooch “knows very little about me other than the fact that this Administration has probably done more than any other Administration in its first 2 1/2 years of existence."
>Mooch warns; “Eventually he turns on everyone and soon it will be you and then the entire country.”
>North Korean officials are threatening to exclude South Korea from future negotiations with the United States over ongoing joint military drills between the two nations.
>North Korean officials are also now using President Trump as a justification for firing short range ballistic missiles; “even the US president made a remark which in effect recognizes the self-defensive rights of a sovereign state, saying that it is a small missile test which a lot of countries do.”


Attached: Capture.jpg (586x413, 125K)

Are you trying to say dobroy sveden?

Obviously he wants to trap you in his rape dungeon with his dogs.

>It's all drained up acrylic paint stains.

Attached: 1537588506865.jpg (677x1024, 58K)

>President Trump is reportedly seeking to have Israeli authorities bar progressive Democrat lawmakers Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from entering Israel ahead of a planned trip later this month.
>Israel dealing with protests at Temple Mount, where seven people were arrested and 61 people were injured in clashes as police used tear gas and rubber bullets on Muslim worshipers.
>Violence in Hong Kong continues to grow, Police firing tear gas and pepper bullets freely and at close range. Police disguised as protesters also launched a surprise operation to arrest protesters outside SOGO department store in Causeway Bay.
>Jeffery Epstein autopsy has been completed, The New York City medical examiner performed the autopsy of Jeffrey Epstein on Sunday, but said its determination is “pending further information at this time.”


Sources and archive available as usual at TheNightlyRoundup.com

>not posting a screencap
please fix this post

It's a wad of paper! Just what you've always wanted!

Donald blumpf will be in peached and jailed for treason next week

Attached: D_3mb_lU0AA9nfW.png (403x261, 172K)

Buenos noche hombre

>that were on the fence about how the (D)'s feel about white people
most (D) boomers overtly hate white people.
So they wouldn't be "on the fence" about it

wow thanks, what a cornucopia of useful information!

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Those are both dark skinned whites for FBI statistics; the iridescence throws off the chart

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It's never intentional when they do it, they're just violent maniacs who can't control their violent urges, therefore all hate crimes can only be done by white people (the only sentient beings).

Another box?

Prolapse yr anus

Trump is the first anti white president. Worse than Obama at this point at least obongo didn't enforce Jew supremacy and execute people for thought crime

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fuckin knew, I FUCKING KNEW IT. You can't trust a goddamn leaf
it's always oh, just come over here. and then bam

It's not a one to one business

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Enjoy his second term, faggot.

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Hey Parscale why does Trump constantly degrade and dehumanize white people?

He supported all of the 60's civil rights crap, mass immigration, and he let the Soviets run wild all over Eastern Europe and Asia and refused to support the revolutionaries in Cuba so the Soviets could gain a foothold.

He was also on drugs constantly, and therefore a degenerate by default.

If Trump is a failure why hasn’t his approval rating plummeted? Really makes you think. Hmmmm.


I'm #MommySquad now

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>his rape dungeon

why you obsessed with my anus being prolapsed? is it cause I say faggot a lot? Goddamn leafs, I fuckin swear

There She Blows!

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I don't like using this image so early in the thread
but damn it
this deserves it

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>voting for a woman


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Why is Trump so intent on castrating white children? That's a crime against humanity and far worse than anything obongo did. Thanks to Trump's anti white rhetoric white children are burned alive because of Trump's anti white rhetoric

Ha ha! A gag gift for a friend! Good one!

>voting for a woman
when's your sex change taking place you faggot?

lolz...lowrent guineas baka

>Leaf on leaf shitposting

I thought you guys were supposed to apologize to each other and call each other buddy constantly

>the dumb bitch is rewtwreting random who's posting links to rawstory
Jesus christ. And of course it's going to be forgotten if she's called out on it.

big yikes

>He wouldn't vote for a woman if the woman was the most right wing candidate

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god bless you new nntnn

Millennials deserve healthcare.