JewsAgainstICE is trending on twitter. What do Jews have against meth?

JewsAgainstICE is trending on twitter. What do Jews have against meth?

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Could you imagine Jews being on meth? They'd be shilling 10x harder. I think we should promote the idea. Maybe they'll kill themselves.

They'd be even easier to identify too. With open soars on their face and what not.

whoa i just imagined them turning into zombies

Nah, they would just make lists of great shilling ideas.

Maybe meth is the secret to breaking their mind control.

i want to do a scientific study on Jews, to compare their shilling idea capacity while sober compared to when they're on meth.

Jews don't meth good because they aren't into small engines. You will never find a Volkswagen or Harley carburetor in a Jew's sink.

Aren't most abrahamic religions against perception altering drugs?

Idk, that's what (((they))) claim. God told me to have at all the plants and animals.

Definitely not a VW since the company was formed by the NSDAP to produce affordable cars, enter The Beattle.

>the Jew cries out in pain as he wrenches the Nazi carburetor

been done. It led to the discovery of the nose curve

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(Devils advocate here since I'm an atheist)
I guess they would argue that the abuse of tose substances distances you from God, and by distancing you from reality it can lead you too sin. (we should ask a true jew what he thinks on the matter)

That kind of rounded time at he top is called the "Cousin Avi Plateau." It's when friends and family show support, because "you have so much talent." Then the crash, because no carburetors or other good projects.

>the nose curve
I should have guessed.

It's not a pharmaceutical. Could you imagine #JewsAgainstOxy? The Sackler family wouldn't have it.

There is truth to what you said.
> Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8

Shit, I think you're onto something.

to easy to make. decentralized. can't control market.

Someone should show up there with
#NoICE #OpenBordersForIsrael #OpenBordersForZion

The kikes are scared about getting kicked out of 110 nations.

Here's a blast from the past. Shit. I nearly forgot:
Those who know Dr. Zee's real name are able to follow him online on LinkedIn. They know that he is 47, was born in Israel, received his PhD in applied mathematics, and has applied for five patents. He designed algorithms for a large U.S. software company, worked on the "Human Genome Project," and spent time with an Israeli pharmaceutical company. Former colleagues praise him as being "highly talented, interesting, efficient and inspiring."

Nearly all of the legal narcotics developed by the Israeli doctor eventually end up on the desk of Volker Auwärter, head of the forensic toxicology laboratory at the University Medical Center Freiburg in Freiburg, Germany. Auwärter has taken apart and analyzed many an NPS, and warns about the potential dangers they pose. "The drugs are often effective at a very low dosage. Plus we have no knowledge of the accompanying long-term effects," he says.
>looks for Dr. Zee stuff
>the nigga a ghost

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Very few people know Dr. Zee's real name. There's a reason for that. The "godfather of legal highs," as The Guardian newspaper once dubbed him, knows he's made a few enemies over the years. And so the less that's known about him, the better.

Dr. Zee heads a company that has been supplying Europe with "legal highs" — non-banned narcotics — since 2009. Not surprisingly, it took quite a few telephone conversations before we were finally able to meet, in Amsterdam, earlier this year. In his office, somewhere in an industrial complex in the Dutch city, he produces substances that have the same effect as illegal narcotics but are made from legally available chemicals. Some of the chemicals mentioned on a white board in his office are psychoactive and can either shut down or stimulate entire areas of the brain. They make people high, in other words. Users might see colored, breathing circles for half a day, or feel full of love for a few hours.

Dr. Zee has spent the past eight years inventing chemical formulas that he then sends to a laboratory in India. The lab produces samples of the drug in powdered form and sends these back to Dr. Zee, who then tests the drugs on himself — in ever increasing dosages — until he either feels the effect of the drug, or lack thereof. "It only happens once or twice a year that I discover something truly amazing," he says of his efforts.

People have the right to get high.

When that happens, Dr. Zee — just like a normal pharmaceutical company would — sends the drug samples to specialized laboratories for testing on animals. If the substance is shown to be safe for rats, it can then be tested by experienced drug users, so-called "psychonauts." And if it passes the human test, Dr. Zee puts in an order with the lab in India to manufacture anywhere from a few hundred kilograms to a ton of the drug, which he stores in a warehouse facility or inside a safe.

"I am not a drug developer or designer," Dr. Zee explains. "Intoxicating substances already exist. They only have to be discovered. I have commercialized these substances to provide people with an affordable, clean and effective alternative to illegal drugs. I believe that people in any society have the right to get high."

He says the system stigmatizes consumers, while the prohibition of drugs benefits those who break the law. "Our inventions could end up putting the illegal cartels out of business," Dr. Zee adds.

The substances are marketed and sold online under names like "bath salts" or "research chemicals." In scientific circles, they're known as "new psychoactive substances," or NPS. When a new product appears, doctors, police and researchers scramble to identify it and determine its origins. Often, within a few years, the drug will be legally banned. In the meantime, though, Dr. Zee keeps coming out with new substances, always staying a few steps ahead.

The approach has paid off. In 2012, for example, Dr. Zee's Amsterdam lab boasted a turnover of roughly 600,000 euros per month. Much of that money, however, was used to pay taxes and overhead costs. Dr. Zee himself earns just a few thousand euros a month, enough to pay for his children's education, cover the grocery bills and put a little bit aside as savings. Still, as is often the case, success inspires envy: jealous competitors, partners and co-workers. Even jealous friends.



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They don't make money on it because it's white people making it themselves

it makes you not sleepy

Pretty sure they're against ICE because Jews are against concentration camps. And ICE has concentration camps separating children from parents at the border. Nice mental gymnastics though

>Could you imagine Jews being on meth?
thats a one way train to schizophrenia land for a feeble minded jew

They are heavily invested in opium and don't like the competition

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very fake news, liberal propaganda folks.
> fuck off kike

>makes list of reasons Jews are evil
>rebuilds carburetor
>spend all night peering out mail slot, watchful for heebs trying to steal based carburetor

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This poster has no idea what a concentration camp is.

Smoke meth and kill cats Bottom Text

They are trying to push themselves as they voice of reason to come out in the open as leaders. All in response to chaos they themselves created. Do not fall for hegelian manipulation.

This guy gets it.
"Intoxicating substances already exist. They only have to be discovered. I have commercialized these substances to provide people with an affordable, clean and effective alternative to illegal drugs. I believe that people in any society have the right to get high."

He says the system stigmatizes consumers, while the prohibition of drugs benefits those who break the law. "Our inventions could end up putting the illegal cartels out of business," Dr. Zee adds.

its inside the fuel tank

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a-PHP and NEP are awesome shit. Just as good as meff IMO.

>What do Jews have against meth?
It's like the opposite of weed or opioids, and exactly the opposite of benzos.
It makes people far less domesticated/docile. Makes people much harder to control. Same reason cops hate it.

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>What do Jews have against meth?
It's not kosher.

>concentration camps
You best be trolling faggot.

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throw this one to the lions

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coffee, a bit of weed for digestion and a couple drinks. Christ, man. You have gone native

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A-PHP gave me full blown psychosis but I've taken a shitload of Hexen. I've got 3g of NEP otw now.

Caths make me such a fucking junkie degenerate though. I'm gonna try to resist even thinking about fapping tho I kind of hate that part. I think I'm just gonna vape it and clean up my room lol

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>Smoke meth and kill cats Bottom Text
WTF does it mean? I think I know, but how can a world be so small?

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I like going a bit nuts once in a while. Psychedelics, entactogens, and stimulants allow this.
Good ol' caffeine + l-theanine are my go-to though.
Outside of cold beer, I'm not into downers of any type. Stim psychosis is where I go to meet my best friends.

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Hexen was fiendish as fuck but I never got a psychosis from it even after staying up on it got a few days.

>Pic related to other post

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it is good but you cant do this shit forever

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It's so fantastic.
You stupid goys will be replaced.
I'm so filled with excitement it almost brings tears to my eyes.
Soon America will be under Israel.
Holy shit this timeline is based.

Christ, man. You have become... unsound.

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Why wouldnt we just kill you all?

I wish i still had the shard Hexen I got from China a few years ago. That was fucking bomb. Best stuff I ever got. The powder is alright but isn't nearly as good.

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They aren't your friends.

You won't :)
You will have to take down the entire governing body which is something you will never do. I'm so blessed to be able to post this. It's almost like it's over. I can just insult you vermin all I like. It's incredible.
If only you were jewish you would understand. It's a shame.

Lets make #ICEAgainstJews trending lads!

Did you ever try PVP when it was about? You wanna talk about batshit. I only managed to get a single 10g order before it was basically globally banned. I hear it's still available in Eastern Europe, but it's out of reach here, even on the dark.
Also, I remember you from a week or so back. Threads like these draw madmen like shoes draw coons.

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How do I find meth? I used to have a friend that would buy it off the internet, but he’s off of it now. I’m not a junkie, but a little pep from time to time would be great, i managed to consistently use for like 3 months without it ruining my life so I think I have the strength to use it only occasionally

You won't you don't have enough people.

>You will have to take down the entire governing body
I don't see that being a problem.

If you post here and don't do meth you are mentally ill

Wow you tipped that fedora so hard flames shot out of it.
You're a faggot lol.

Meth is a national socialist drug

The way things are going, we'll see soon enough.

I've done a shitload of that stuff desu. Probably at least 3 ounces of N-Ethyl-Hexedrone and 6 grams of A-PHP. I'm kind of glad I wasn't messing with the RC scene back when MDPV was going around. I'd probably still be cracked out.

I keep my drug use though very rare limited to the weekends aside from Kratom which I use daily but I'm in the process of tapering off it. Alcohol also kept to weekends but it's all but lost its magic. It's just not fun anymore for me to drink.

Yes they are. They're demons. Dark skulkers that guide men back to the light. They also make metal more metal. Nothing quite like shadow people lurking around the house at 3 in the dark morning while guitars play their wonderful chorus.

Invented in Japan.

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I'm sure. You'll see you and your friend crawl back into their mothers basement and you'll keep posting on your favorite image board.
What a somber fate. I don't pity you though. You belong here.

>Thread devolves into research chem madness
Wew. Looks like Dr. Zee really did a number on you goy.
I wonder if the lab workers in India and China ever try the shit. Can you imagine tripping balls on the most advanced drugs, in utter poverty?

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I've never done meth myself. Sorry man I have no idea. RCs have the appeal to me because they're easy to buy. A little Bitcoin and usually you can find a vendor on the clearnet that can offer you a decent selection. It was better back when Reddit still had r/RCsources but that got shoah'ed

There's a few good meth-like RCs out there but I don't know where to find them nowadays. 2-FMA is pretty clean fr what I hear but is less euphoric and more clear-headed productive energy.
4-FMA I hear is really fun for a night out but I haven't ever gotten the chance to try it.

I used to date a girl that said she saw shadow people, but she had really big tits, so I was like oh yeah. Turns out she was a really crazy bitch. Who could have known?

I tried posting the my fellow white people image but it didn't get any views due to the AI filtering "problematic" images

Lol some of us like a little escape from this hell. As long as you don't lose yourself in the research.

I look forward to war. Truth, justice and liberty are worth dying for.

Now that I re-read that I'd say there's a few darknet markets still around. Look up some forums on them and you may be able to find ve for reviews. I've never bought off the onions so I can't help you as much as I'd like.

Women can't handle that kind of shit.
Hell most men can't. It takes a strong and disciplined mind to deal with that level of insanity and come back from it NOT insane.
I know I have a much greater appreciation for the hell that schizo homeless dudes go through. They can't just wait it out and let it go away. Most people don't understand just how nasty psychosis can be, especially if there's no escape from it.

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>They also make metal more metal.
pff. I want to make metal less metal.

But really, there are no spirits. Good or bad. You are just cooking your brain

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No worries man, I don’t like getting shit delivered to my house because I have roommates that would freak out about it. I’ve been trying to find a street dealer but I don’t like the idea of buying some junkies dirty meth, I want the clean stuff off the web. Maybe I’ll get a PO Box or something

Whatever goy.

yeah it sounds pretty scary user. I always thought I was crazy, but then more and more people became redpilled and i realized it was the world that was crazy.

>distances you from God



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Which one of you guys did this?

>You are just cooking your brain
That can indeed happen if you don't know what you're doing.
Using the shit too much will of course destroy your mind, just like running an engine at rev constantly will destroy it.
With the occasional uses I indulge in, my greatest risk is from heat. Heat is what really causes the brain damage with stimulants, and because these drugs cause you to heat up, you MUST take measures to stay cool, hydrated, and get nutrients. I live on 10lb bags of ice while on week-long binges. Also, veggies, lunch meats, and MILK. COLD MILK, the lifesaver.
Supplements I take include magnesium citrate, l-theanine(lots of this), cinnamon and habanero peppers, and lots of l-arginine.

>shadow people

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Sounds horrifying. I'll stick to shrooms.

Crazy people are more alive than people who never get crazy, from what I found.
People without some degree of lunacy come off as npcs to me. That's not to say you need to be insane, but if you're so bland in life that no one ever calls you a nut/loon/etc, you're probably just a good goy. There's a reason that those who seem devoutly religious come off as insane to normal people. Hell, someone like the Dalai Lama seems completely nuts to normies who could never fathom why he would live an ascetic life and be 100% pro-gun.

It can be. And it can last for days without end.
Master of Puppets very accurately describes it.
>never-ending maze, drift on numbered days
One's life being out of season is absolutely accurate in how it feels on day 6 or so. And still you come crawling back. Faster and faster.

I've been considering a PO box actually because my family likes to rip open my mail without asking. Can't go wrong there I suggest getting more innocent things also shipped to your PO box to make it less suspicious as well.

also from what I've heard use your real name and don't put fake names because that sets off red flags

I'm a goddamn miracle of modern science.

Unless you're ordering amounts that a dealer might bring in for resale, the cops don't give a shit. They don't have the money to go after every little shit buying personal-use amounts on the internet. Cyber crimes like that cost a lot and take a lot of time to prosecute.
I've only ever had one pack go missing all these years. I suspect theft as I never got the love letter. That was psychs from Canada back in 2015.

Have you never heard of pervitin???

All you sad thrill chasers just need some Stevie. There is no there there.

So was the soda Fanta. The official drink of the Aryan race


I actually got a 5 gram pack of hexen seized by customs a couple years ago. I took their love letter and put it in the trash where it belong. That was from China though. My fav but very expensive Spanish vendor has never failed to come through for me.

Jews are against all stimulant drugs that increase productivity, energy, and creativeness. They promote the use of downers and depressants like marijuana and opiates which lower IQ and make you lazy and lethargic