Why aren’t people up in arms? Hillary had Epstein murdered! He would have blown open the whole Deep State pedophile slave child sex trafficking ring, so she had him wacked. Even Trump Tweeted about it! So why won’t Trump arrest Hillary? He said he would lock her up during his campaign and here is the golden opportunity to do so. He just needs to order Barr to do it! And Barr will do anything for Trump. Is Trump secretly part of the Deep State? He needs to prove its not so by putting the cuffs on Hillary. Now.

Attached: hillary_epstein.jpg (1024x683, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They're all on the same side numb nuts.

Attached: AAtrump.jpg (618x593, 61K)


Attached: buhbm.png (224x187, 44K)

No! Trump is a patriot. He is no libtard. He is for guns! He is against immigrants. How can you put him on the same side with satanic Hillary who murders children to drink their blood?

Hillary had Epstein bumped off for sure! And last time I checked, that was illegal in this country.

oh and look who it is and no little tim tim glued to your crotch progress

Attached: iubk.png (1698x580, 1.83M)

let me ask you this you make 17.50 an hour as a guard with inmates 30/1 unless riot squad comes. Every inmate wants to kill pedo start riot to get at him for the sweet stick bun roman cheese in betting pool. As guard ? kill him take the hit money give no fucks?

This. Kek agrees.

Yes! And this was organized by Hillary. She lives in NY! The Clinton Foundation paid the guards to kill him. ARREST her!

Kek is a smart man. How many have been killed by Hillary? Probably in the tens of thousands including the children processed through Comet Ping Pong and all the soldiers in Benghazi. Not to mention the "Clinton Body Count." How many hundred or thousands. is that up to?

>Hillary had Epstein bumped off for sure!
prove it

That's a typical libtard ploy. You prove she didn't.

onus is on you tho. why are you using a name on a board with id's

The president Tweeted it was true. Thats proof.

prove that too

You need to stop watching CNN and read Infowars.

why are you using a name on a board with id's

It's my God given name. My mother died giving birth to me so watch it!

that's what she wants you to think

Are you calling my mother a liar?

Attached: sksg.jpg (1173x447, 170K)

this thread is gay

Is that why you're here?

>no u

I believe Jow Forums has areas for gays, if thats what you are looking for. No judgement.

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If you were perceptive you'd've noticed OP switched devices

Attached: faceityourafan.png (441x528, 510K)

Went to my phone if thats what you mean. What is that not allowed?

it is forbidden. now you must leave.

Attached: trump656fg.png (699x526, 876K)

Why hasn't Trump arrested Hillary???

seriously the dumbest fucking thread in the history of stone templates

Fine. I will switch back to my ROG Strix SCAR III
if it floats your boat. Not bragging.

Looks kinda shopped to me

President Trump is well versed in this medical technology. Thats an MRI machine.

media goon hit squad takes 350 million fron shillary Rodham Trump pays 1/2 175 mill. Its all a ridged system after Shillary rigged the votes so it would be her vs him as she thought she could oust him easily. some pic idk

Attached: 1556327216376.jpg (1526x2048, 1.26M)

I shopped it around but got no takers. So here it is for free. Taken in the mid 90's

Remember to Sage retard threads.

Yes! That money came from the nuclear atomic uranium she stole and gave to anti-Putin Russians while sec of state. Uranium One.

I ant clicken that shit nigger

Attached: 6578jf.jpg (480x439, 33K)

I prefer "developmentally disabled" to "retard." Makes you sound like an 8 year old.

Nothing is sadder than a self-loathing Jew.

Attached: lukk.jpg (532x393, 33K)

Fucking schizo retards.

Attached: ..uihb.jpg (668x670, 115K)

Please be a little more creative or leave this thread.

Attached: 89yhjdupezuck.png (600x582, 269K)

Please. Explain to me how he was murdered. You schizo shill retard.

Thank you. They were all sincere and heart felt.

I cant wait till next week when everyones forgotten about this shit. Thats what you wanted. To annoy the fuck out of everyone so they stop giving a fuck. Congrats. Mission accomplished you retarded schizo shill.

I still haven’t figured out why Hillary lost. Was it the Russian uranium deal? Was it Wikileaks? Was it Podesta? Was it her sexual predator husband? Was it her staff’s husband’s immoral pictures? Was it her subpoena violation? Was it the corrupt foundation? Was it the congressional lies? Was it the Benghazi scandal? Was it the pay for play? Was it the Travel Gate scandal? Was it the Haiti scandal? Was it the Whitewater scandal? Was it the Cattle Gate scandal? Was it the $15 million for Chelsea’s apartment bought with foundation money? Was it Comey’s investigation? Was it her husband’s interference with Loretta Lynch and the investigation? Was it stealing debate questions? Was it forensically deleting 33,000 emails? Was it the secret server in her house? Was it the Seth Rich murder? Was it calling half of the USA population deplorable? Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders? Was it the Vince Foster murder? Was it the Jennifer Flowers assault? Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement? Was it the lie about taking on sniper fire in Bosnia? Was it her husband’s impeachment for lying under oath? Was it the 6 billion $ she “lost” when in charge of the state department? Was it the 10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich? Or was it because she was the worst presidential candidate our country has ever had to choose from?

Gee, I just can’t quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me.

Another person illegally ended his life.

Wheres the proof? Show me. You retarded schizo.

Fuck off to /x/ with this shit.

Thats just the short list, but thank you. You did forget "reptilian humanoid." I hate it when people forget that. I'm very pro-meal worm, you see.

Not too mention that her and Bill left the country for "vacation" The very same day. Their literary rubbing it in our fucking face


everyone please leave this guy alone, he likes his coco puffs, he likes his TV, and he likes his cosy bed. He took 2 blue pills just to make sure.


Trump calling out Clinton

Another beautiful and creative reply from one who is obviously the product of a nematode and flat worm.

Coco Puffs suck. Count Chocula only.

Wheres the proof schizo? Im fucking waiting.

So why does Trump put up with it? Arrest her already!

Give me proof you are a sentient being first.

You give me proof that youre a fucking sane being. From what ive seen youre a retarded schizo and possibly a shill.

Youre either a leftover robot from earlier today or a schizo who believed them.

There was so many fucking robots on this sire making these retarded threads the site crashed.

Attached: 33E08734-B794-4EBA-8FC1-81A9675F59FE.jpg (2048x445, 162K)

Seems you are a shill for severe birth defects.

I'm AI, baby! How could you tell?

Barr killed Epstein

pedo island was real
we where warned.

Attached: jnhb.png (966x670, 307K)

I just want everyone to see this post again. This is what theyre doing.

BINGO!!!! We have a winner. My god are people on this thread stupid. Thank you.

Attached: barr07.jpg (1066x750, 123K)

Pretending to give a fuck but really they're just annoying everyone with conspiracy theories that only a fucking retard would believe.

Hillary had nothing to do with anything except maybe a half-asses blow job to Bill.

Attached: billy_strangler01.jpg (1177x808, 120K)

pedo Island

Attached: 987b.png (410x371, 335K)

Sound like you need to put the Adderall down for a bit, junior.

Attached: pedo_island.jpg (700x488, 127K)

I hope you die.


Wow. An original thought from boy stupid here. Go fellate your stepmom's boyfriend.

Attached: Schloppy Job (((Clintons))).jpg (1051x616, 473K)

Im going to guess the guy who you are arguing with isnt very good at poker. Someone who doesnt believe someone has good cards, until they "prove" them at the showdown. Good card players, look at the range of possibilities, and are content with a fold with the "proof"


Attached: Gamer move.jpg (640x898, 47K)

Go hang yourself like your buddy Epstein.

Never played poker in my life. Grew up in a fundamentalist Christian household.



You must be running out of words by now.

Yeah because im a human.

I hope your circuitry fries.

Again with "retards." Are any of you over 14?

I wasnt referring to you