Should I believe in Christ again?

I used to believe but when I turned 14-15 It all stopped making sense to me. I want to believe like my family does but I just can’t. Any tips anons ? Also is Jesus more than a Jew on a stick?
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What exactly causes you to not turn to Christ>

well, stop smoking weed/drinking/jerkin off and calling him a "jew on a stick" for starters, christianity is not for clowns

Idk man I just don’t feel like he is there. And even if he is, god chose the kikes not us. If he is perfect then why did he change his mind



I don’t drink or smoke. I do jerkoff but I’ve been trying to stop for a year.

The "Jew on the Stick" argument is just a meme. Jews hate Christ.
They write in the Talmud (Gittin 57a for specific chapter) that Christ is in hell burning in a pile of shit.
Christ also drove the Jews out of the Temple.

Link to Epstein thread?

Back to the mental hospital you go user

Hmm that is true. Thanks user I hope I get my faith back

Christ is hated because he taught tradition and modesty.
I suggest joining your local Catholic parish that practices the Latin Mass. From my experience, most Novus Ordo masses can be somewhat pozzed and they do not have the backing of tradition like the Latin Mass.
Also, what religion have you switched to after leaving the Church and what other concerns do you have about the Church?

Yes dumbass . We right right before the tribulation. Look at the timeline

just between me and you ... there is no spirituality with masturbation and porn. God will not reside in a filthy house. clean your temple in preparation for the Lord to enter at the time of His choosing... meditate frequently with incense... don't use foul language and eat pure foods... u get the idea...

I’m an atheist user. I still go to church with my family every weekend and I pray to god every day. I always ask him to give me back my faith.

Yea I really try but I’m addicted. That’s the only addiction I have and I have no idea how to get rid of it.

So I assume your head is saying "God isn't real. He is just a myth" while your heart is saying "God is as real as the ground I am standing on." Is this correct?

Yup. It really tears me apart

What makes you say that God isn't real?

Well I’ve read the Bible several times and it’s just so inconsistent sometimes it seems made up. I want to believe user trust me, I’d do anything to get my faith back.

i recommend checking out the gnostic teachings website and see the resources they have on combatting lust. they are the best equipped in the world

Thank you, I will

Some things in the Bible (especially Old Testament stories like the Garden of Eden and the Creation) shouldn't be taken literal, but do contain lessons that address more metaphysical topics such as morals, philosophy, etc.
For example, in Adam and Eve, Eve had every opportunity to deny the Snake (Satan) and not eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. Yet she gave into her temptation and eventually ate it. As a result, humanity doomed itself to always be tempted by Satan.
However, through Christ, we can resist all temptations, as Christ conquers all. For example, your struggle with masturbation and pornography is a common one. I suggest you look into the program Strive21 by Matt Fradd, which is currently free for a limited amount of time. I'll even give one of the tips that Fradd states. Look for common things that trigger thoughts of masturbation, such as spending to much time playing video games, social media, etc. Once identified, either cut them out of your life or limit them to the point where thoughts stop appearing in your head. I assume you are Catholic due to the fact that you are going to church every Sunday and you are Mexican. If you are baptized and confirmed Catholic, I suggest going to confession as soon as possible.
Also don't listen to . Gnosticism is a sin condemned by the Church nearly 2000 years ago

I’ll try to go to church after school tomorrow. Maybe I’ll turn to the teachings of ML because I feel this church is too broken. Yea I know the Bible is not meant to be taken literally but some parts of it like Numbers 15:32-36 seem quite literal. Maybe the Old Testament was just compromised by the kikes. Who knows

Martin Luther is responsible for dividing the Church. If you look at most Protestant groups today, they are way more degenerate than the Catholic Church.
Also, back during the time of Moses, society was much more harsh and brutal, with any threat of tradition to society needing to be dealt with quickly and efficiently, sometimes producing brutal results.
However, more brutal laws and practices such as this or those in Leviticus don't apply anymore due to Christ fulfilling the Old Covenant.
The Jews of the Old Testament =/= Modern Jews. Most Modern Jews believe in the Talmud, which is an extremely anti-christian document. The Jews who wrote the Old Testament were actual holy people of God, not the deceivers that control the banks today.

Thanks user I’ll go to church tomorrow

Good luck user and may God be with you and with your Spirit. I suggest daily prayer, including the Rosary.

Pray. Pray from your heart. God bless, user.

I will keep up the daily prayer and a rosary every weekend. Thank you very much for everything user and may god protect you.

Pray, Pray, Pray some more for the forgiveness of your sin, love God beyond anything and love you fellow humans with good deeds.

I will user and may god forgive me because I have sinned too much.

No point, if there's a "heaven" nonwhites aren't allowed, because it wouldn't be heaven anymore.

Jesus wasn't even a real person, user.

>pic related

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