Why can’t right winged politicians be pro nature?

The forest is good, we all come from forests and we should cherish them. Deforestation is evil and unnecessary. Fuck you Brazil for killing beautiful trees.

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Read up on ecofascism. There are many who are afraid to come out as ecofadcists because of the hateful environment

>Europeans and americans steal resources from other countries for years
>those countries start using their own resources to profit

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*ecofascists (phone posting)

Oh look somebody from a well off country telling poor people not to cut down trees to save the planet. Europe was once covered in forest but i guess that's different?

What’s your flag supposed to be?

Deforestation in Brazil doesn’t make them richer, but poorer.

The issue is that they're threatening ton of biodiversity by clear cutting. The soil isn't very good for farming because it was the trees that brought the rain, the undergrowth dying and decomposing is what allowed the trees to grow big. By cutting it all away, you're robbing the soil of everything.

Ohh ooh aah ahh monkey break home oooh hoooh oohoo hhOHOHOHOHOHH

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Exactly, and then the surrounding areas get fucked too.

Ya I've heard it all before. If you don't have a realistic soultion then shut up complaining. It creates job for poor people. Would you rather they starved?

>because it was the trees that brought the rain
I'm sorry are you retarded? Trees don't cause clouds to form.

Deforestation has been increasing since 2012 in the Amazon and will continue so in the legal areas, also we are happy about you pulling your NGO (((support))) from our country subverting our sovereignty, it's a razor in a cake as our minister of environment said.

Also you are probably thinking of the 88% figure that has been thrown around which is completely wrong, Inpe is not meant as a monthly survey for month-to-month comparisons since it checks different areas at different times and has many flaws like overlapping areas being counted twice and such, it's purely an alert system for our institute of environment and not a survey. Our government said they will do a proper real time monitoring instead.

>Deforestation in Brazil doesn’t make them richer, but poorer.
This makes no sense and shows a deep misunderstanding of basic history, you were probably fed green party propaganda.

Southern regions in Brazil which contain most of the farms had an increase in green area in the last decade since they are already mostly settled, the Amazon is still pretty poor and undeveloped which contributes to illegal deforestation due to lack of resources and infrastructure to fight against it, it only leads to poverty and ecological damage at the same time.

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Capitalism is inherently anti-environment.
Anything is opposed that can't be sold. Embrace the Third Position.

I'm Brenton Tarrant and I love nature

Yeah okay let's all just eat bugs grown in protein farms I guess

Holy based

>have a realistic soultion

Brazil uses deforestated rainforest land mainly for two things: A. ethanol crop production and B. pastures for feed for cows (sóy).

A. is stupid because we are going towards e-cars anyway, they should just invest in nuclear power for the future and B. is even worse because we are moving away from cheap meat and into lab grown beef and veggie “meat”.

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Yeah, they do. Look it up.


>NGO (((support))

We just sent money for reforestation projects. No NGOs involved.

Your country is going to collapse and u will be left for dead.

Hey they're still cutting down tree's in europe here too. They have banned plastic straws and are planning on banning numerous other plastic product's in the next few yearsbto replace them with 'paper products'. Environmentalists are so stupid and contradict themselves all the time.

Why are brown people incapable of learning? Wasn't one Haiti enough for you mud apes understand?

Merkel is Hitler's relative.
Niggers literally raping German girls.
OP worried about trees in Brazil.

Is this white privilege? Whites that dissent are on the menu right now.


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Put that money to better use like nuclear plants in your own country which you banned for no reason or better systems against corrupt car makers faking their emission rates.

Do you even know anything about what you're talking about at all or are you just randomly spewing retardation because that's all you can do like memeflagging faggots do? Deforestation already decreased dramatically and Brazil is easily the most ecological country in the world, our ecological footprint is far smaller than any country that posted in this thread so far, it's pure hypocrisy and ignorance.

Explain why they're trying to ban certain plastic (which are recyclable) in European countries only to replace them with paper material which will ironically get dump in landfills? It was environmentalits who wanted plastic years ago to stop people cutting down trees for paper materiel and now they are doing a full U-turn? They are scammers.

Who fucking cares? It'll grow back

Fucking liberals being mad about some trees, hope the whole thing burns down

In the US the more beautiful areas are generally in right cities/counties. Meanwhile liberal cities create the pollution they so frequently bitch about.

So the answer is: they dont need to be because they take care of their property.

We don't need nuclear plants right now since most of our energy comes from hydroelectric plants for decades, Brazil has the most productive dam in the world while euros throw a party when their net-negative windmills manage to make 10% of the country's energy during a particularly windy day.

>Explain why they're trying to ban certain plastic (which are recyclable) in European countries only to replace them with paper material which will ironically get dump in landfills

Easy. We have managed forests in Europe. Those are forests where logs are harvested each year. If we don’t harvest the wood, it rods away and releases CO2. If we harvest it, we can make paper bags which then can be burned or recycled.

You should invest in an e-car infrastructure. Nuclear power takes years to construct. Better to start now.

End all ethanol production in the next 10yrs and reduce your cattle herds by 90%, or else.

>reeee take my money and do what I want

I see that you're living up to the nickname England gave you, Ireland
There's a difference between carefully making sure that you don't cut down too many while growing new ones and what Brazil is doing

Plastic straws are 0.02% of the overall plastic waste that pollutes oceans, it's purely virtue signalling by ignoramuses thinking they're making a difference.

Don't try to educate someone far more knowledgeable than you on this matter, Brazil has by far the most overreaching ecological policies in the world, farmers need to keep 80% of their land intact for example and it has more than double the average percentage of protected land compared to other countries.

At least read up on this before posting again:

It's because the left has basically all the intellectuals, billionaires.....etc.

So in order to get compete, the conservatives basically whore themselves out to business interests. The fundamental problem is the complete lack of any coherent ideology on the conservative side. A real right wing intellectual movement does in fact exist, it's called fascism/national socialism. It has deep roots in philosophy, with Nietzsche, Schopenhaur, Kant.....etc. and provides a coherent worldview that is convincing to intelligent people. This is the real meat of the right wing movement, not the amorphous blob that exists in the conservative headspace.

But it is being suppressed, ironically by their own side. If they would only embrace it, they would no longer be slaves to business

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Absolutely false. I've personally seen them cutting down local forestry with parks and walk ways. The locals never asked for it and are complaining about it. They didn't replant the trees either. They're even cutting them down in urban areas to make way for 5G so you're full of shit. You think machines producing 'high emissions' to cut trees is saving the planet? The paper materiel is being dumped and shipped out to landfills in poor Asian countries.

I think it's because it takes a significant amount of energy to recycle plastic where paper based products will decompose much quicker.

Bullcrap excuse, divide work that there is now more, and noone is poor, unemployed etc.

False read my previous comment to explain why.

Environmentalism itself has been subverted by corporations long ago, most of the tropical preservation NGOs are in fact financed by american farmer lobbies to hurt competing markets with their "farms here, forests there" motto.

I'm pro putting .308 sized holes in nature

Does that count?

>Plastic straws are 0.02% of the overall plastic waste that pollutes oceans, it's purely virtue signalling by ignoramuses thinking they're making a difference.

Who cares? Paper bags here are a subsidy for the paper industry. And yes, our forest areas are actually increasing in Europe.

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Retarded conservatives allowed the Left to take over pro-nature/environmentalism & anti-war. Conservation of nature is a fundamentally right wing issue. The nation and the land are intertwined.

We can and we do, its just your politicians are not environmentalists, you are green, and greens are just unripe reds

>Why can’t right-winged politicians be pro-nature?

I'm pro-nature and have a way to save the world from oil with my gravity and electricity technology.

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>And yes, our forest areas are actually increasing in Europe.
After you cut it down centuries ago.

This is another empty virtue signal, europe's land is settled with cities and farms where forests used to be so a small increase in unused land means nothing, I already posted in this thread that southern Brazil also had an increase in green land but we don't make a huge deal out of it because we don't have a propaganda division trying to subvert other countries, your entire view on ecology is myopic because you were groomed into simply repeating mantras and passing factoids.

But plastic straws get inside little turtles noses.

Also why did Brazil manage to keep most of the Amazon? Fucking retarded Spaniards.

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No it does not. The same energy is needed to recycle paper materiel too. If environmentalits were serious they could be recycling using solar panels. But they know it's extremely expensive and it's non profit. Why can't people so that environmentalism is a corrupt political agenda? Im all for a clean environment but the environmentalits are avoiding all the facts. Like SJW's they pretend to care about people but their policies are always proven to be disastrous.


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Our multi party system has been set up so that one party cannot have all the good talking points. Imagine a centrist party that favored strong borders, the unfettered right of the people to bear arms, stand your ground, intoxicant legalization, prochoice, shut down foreign military bases, balanced trade, cut all foreign aid, withdraw all troops to border patrol, mandatory sterilization to receive govt assistance, etc.

True. Cunts in Europe better stop migration and start planting forests, where the farm fields are now. Population decrease might be for the best.

they ban plastic that can be recycled becooz muh envierment. Mcdonalds here changed from plastic to paperstraws, they could recycle plastic but cant recycle paper or whatever it's made of. Same with shopping bags: Good quality plastic bags get dumped for paper bags that are less enviro friendly. Stupid politicians.

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Left is future of brazil , left is everyone around . Stupid monkeys sopa de macaco

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Based Brazil bro.
Good to see posters like you here, so many fucking shills and brainwashed lemmings around nowadays.

>into lab grown beef and veggie “meat”.
Fake meat is only for the rich or well off people. I'm not going to pay 25 Euro/kg for some basedfilled burger.

>your entire view on ecology is myopic because you were groomed into simply repeating mantras and passing factoids
Yes, Europe is basicly Reddit

Alot of these statistics are created by environmentalits who are funded by corporations who are in on the 'climate change' scam. China has been taking in European waste for years yet environmentalits where promoting 'recyclable waste'. Even today i have a 'recycling bin' that simply gets dumped out to asia. But the average person who doesn't look at the facts will tell you its 'recycling'.
One reason i believe environmentalism is a scam is because oil companies don't fund right wing groups to counteract left wing environmental groups. They fund right wing groups when it comes to many things in politics but not when it comes to environmental. Makes you wonder.

what if i told you its not brazil doing it , its the corporations that later reap some product off that soil most likely palm oil or onions

Ecology has been a right wing issue until the left stole it and the right wing was coopted by pro business liberals. The conservation of natural beauties, living closer to land instead of losing yourself to meaningless abstractions, protecting culture and civilization diversity, promoting local production and opposing globalism (which means favoring land over rootless capital and mass migration), these all should be sported by true right wingers but it seems they would rather ignore these because they believe it's merely a left wing trick

You can't even be right wing if if you aren't pro nature. To be conservative is to be thoughtful of the land and to conserve it for future generations in your country.
Any one else is just a globalist neoliberal tool that deminishes his own country for money.

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Pro nature = Anti White

We need a second industrial revolution.

Of course the locals never asked for it, but it doesn't belong to them. Half the forest in germany is privatly owned and the rest is split between state countries and communes.
And if it wans't replanted they either want natural regeneration on the area which happens in a year or two or they simply wait a bit. By law they are required to replant ebcause if they don't the state will anayway on their costs.

>Why can’t right winged politicians be pro nature?
why can't pro-nature be pro-economics? all eco faggotry is a cop out designed to stifle production and advancment for fake virtue signalling. go live innawoods or stfu hippy.

Don't you have to blow the dick of some top hat wearing smuck?

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We can have both. We should just put our industries in argentina and other 3rd world countries we've conquered. And then plant a bunch of hippy trees on our sidewalks.

Because land and tradition cannot go well with the absolute abstract thing that is money which stands on nothing but iself
You can't conciliate the two no matter how hard you try

Leave Brazil alone. If there are consequences we will close our borders and let them sort it out, they don't need some German telling them what they can and can't do.

i fucking laughed at a quote of the president saying that "if you think brazil does a terrible job preserving nature you're not a good brazilian" kek what even is a "good brazilian"

he is a complete idiot when it comes to anything scientific, he doesn't have a fucking clue

yeah the only thing that manages to keep it on check for a while is when international companies decide to boycott brazilian goods for tree huger reasons
people are solely driven by profit, and if there are no buyers for their deforestation shit then they will adequate to the new rules (and also find several different ways to circumvent it)

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Or we could do the smart thing, and have like a chimney filter that filters most if not all the pollution generated from industries.

We could focus all our production on producing highly efficient filters. We have a large untapped resource of unemployed citizens, and part time employed citizens.

Remember when Epstein was murdered yesterday? Lol that was funny.

Don't go to walmart next week

there is literally nothing wrong with an american-style lumber industry. it's the law to plant ten trees every time you cut one down here.

>Would you rather they starved?
yes, and I don't even care about deforestation.

> (You)
>Of course the locals never asked for it, but it doesn't belong to them. Half the forest in germany is privatly owned and the rest is split between state countries and communes.

Yes it does. This is a republic and it's state land. But the government organisation over forestry land, work like a private company. They do what they want without people's say. They take in millions in profit every year only to give it to environmental corporations. If it's private property generally people wouldn't be allowed on to it and it wouldn't be a public park or walk way.

>And if it wans't replanted they either want natural regeneration on the area which happens in a year or two or they simply wait a bit. By law they are required to replant ebcause if they don't the state will anayway on their costs.

Now you're just desperate and talking nonsense. From 'replanting trees' to 'natural regeneration'? Which is it? The damage is done. It would takes years for these trees to grow back even if they were to be replanted. If it's private property then it's their property and they can cut down the trees if they want too. The government doesn't have a say on private property which is fair. It's the government that is the problem not private owners.

Our forest is fine. Dumb germans falling for defamation as usual. Actually you're just interest in coming here to steal and deflorate our young kuruminhas.

It's quite clear that us Finns should be only ones owning the forests.
Clearly other european races are incapable of doing that, brown and yellow ones even less so.

Are we talking about germany or ireland here?
State owned forests in germany have the objective to come out around a black zero, not making profit.
And there are two possible ways of reforestation depending on the tree species and state of the area.
Depending on the quality of tree that you want or if its supposed to be more "natural" they either plant young trees in rows or let seeds of neighbouring hectars fly and fall in to grow into a thicker cover that is periodically thinned.

And of course the government has a say in how and what people can and cant do in their forests.

I was talking about Ireland. Things work the opposite way around here. I cant speak for Germany as i don't know the details.

Please tell me why they even bother to cut them down? If trees are so important surely they would want more and not maintain a specific area?

It has been a right wing issue in the past but it bounced around quite a bit. Monarchies across Europe set bounties and exterminated populations of animals. Democracies and industrial monarchies for the most part kept this same sentiment but toned it down a little. It was more around the 20th century that this became a right wing problem. The Germans are easily the most well known for their efforts in protecting nature and animals at the time. After the war most western capitalist right wing parties were subverted by jewish bankers and changed their tone. They started putting the welfare of large corporations first. Now it is once again a left dominated topic.

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>we are moving away from cheap meat and into lab grown beef and veggie “meat”
No we're not.

A single acre of the rainforest is worth more than the entire goblino huemonkey population.

I've noticed Germans are weirdly autistic about trees ("The Secret Life of Trees" was, if I recall correctly, written by a German). I'm from BC and our logging industry used to be huge, but even we don't get have people like that here. What is it about Germans and trees?

Also, big agree. Trees are important. That and Bolosnaro's treatment of uncontacted tribes are two big strikes against him, and he was doing so well killing off drug dealers and shunning Trudeau at diplomatic summits.

>Cyclical products are the same as plastics that never degrade
Irish I swear

Because producing our own wood is still better then buying it from somewhere else where clearcutting is way more extreme.
Also the cluster of forestry is a huge job giver, dispite noone knowing it. More people in germany have forestry and related industries jobs then in the car industrie.

because germans are niggers that worship trees

>it's a "shitskin can't comprehend why saving the environment is good" thread
All of the West's efforts to save the planet are futile; the third world simply does not care

Worshipping trees is healthier than worshipping coins

10 years from now they'll be crying for international help when their soil is ruined and a bunch of other problems will errupt.
Just leave them alone with their stupidity and remember their decisions now so we can just ignore them later.

So why did environmentalits in the pass push for these plastics as an alternative for paper materiel? Now they're doing the opposite.

Viirtually all plastic in the ocean comes from China, India and the rest of southeast asia.
Ban Asians before plastic, it's not the west that is polluting the seas.

>wait 10 years for them to destroy their environment and country after which we will have to send gibs so they can do it again
Choke them out politically or embargo them. Much less risk.

Come here if you want to see a green oasis in the middle of Central Europe snownigger.

worshipping god is healthier than both

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Jew puppets don’t care about anything, especially not the environment, that why fascism is necessary.

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But you don't, america is materialistic as fuck and protestantism is just a facade

How so? China can produe cheaper paper materiel like bamboo materiel which is cheaper and better for the environment. There is no end goal with environmentalism. It's not about the environment. It's about pretending to care for the environment while making profit. The world could easily be environmental friendly but the problem is there isn't any profit in it and millions would go into starvation. There is enough oil and resources in the world to last for the next 100 years minimum. In the meantime they could find even more oil.

You’re right about America and protestants in general, but I definitely worship God m8