Sighting of foxes on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount triggers prophecy theories about third Jewish temple.

Prophecy watchers are on high alert after a group of foxes were spotted frollicking on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount,
potentially auguring the long-prophesied reconstruction of the Jewish Temple.
The foxes were spotted ahead of the Tisha B’av religious festival, which begins on August 10 and commemorates the destruction
of the two temples in Jerusalem, first by the Babylonians and later by the Romans.

“One cannot refrain from crying at the site of the fulfilment of the prophecy of ‘foxes will walk on it’”said Shmuel Rabinowitz,
rabbi of the Western Wall and holy sites. He was referring to the Book Of Lamentations (5:18), a passage which tells the story of the Babylonians’
destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem and a prophecy that the site would one day be inhabited by foxes.
The group of about a dozen foxes were seen in the southwestern area of the Western Wall over the past few days.


Attached: Temple Mount.jpg (980x551, 369K)

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Every "prophecy" of theirs is some bullshit anybody can just set up whenever. Basically jews tongue my anus

>Catch Fox
>Release Fox in Temple Mount
Wow that's some hardcore prophecy dude

>Every "prophecy" of theirs is some bullshit anybody can just set up whenever. Basically jews tongue my anus
you are just uneducated, that's all

Don't be such an anti-semite.

whatcha doin rabbi

Kikes themselves do this shit and building stuff under Temple Mount so they can later claim they find something under.

oy vey

>be kike
>take foxes from the woods
>place them on cliffs near temple

I like it how "prophecies" are fulfilled numerous times throughout the centuries. Hopefully we'll see see the entire tribe wandering around in circles in the desert for 40 years within my lifetime

The temple was not on the temple mount. The temple mount is a roman fort. The temple was next to the roman fort. The jews are worshpping a roman fort. :^)

weak post
try harder next time Saudi Arabia

>The temple was not on the temple mount. The temple mount is a roman fort. The temple was next to the roman fort. The jews are worshpping a roman fort. :^)
I agree with this concept.

Attached: The TRUE Temple Location..jpg (800x450, 65K)

As expected from the Synagogue of Satan, larping as the real Jews.

Hopefully there will be no tribe left.

Fuck off kike. Nobody believes your poorly written fairy tales here.

I don't have time to look for it now but there is a very well made video explaining all this.
Denmark is correct.

>Fuck off kike.

Attached: :pol:anon on Israel..png (1280x720, 151K)

"Fortress Antonia and the True Temple Mount Location"

Lucifer the light bringer is more based then the god kik

Very Related:
Re-Locating Herod's Temple - Century One Bookstore.

Attached: foxes.webm (640x640, 2.87M)

Is that recent?

I Believe so.

imagine being this fucking retarded and thinking that shit feet animals walking on your shit ancient structure is somehow a prophecy, kikes are 50 IQ

call me when they knock down the Mosque and build the third temple.. Oh and they got to find that Ark thing too

Attached: I Noah Guy.jpg (500x500, 45K)

literally every prophecy is shit that happens all the fucking time, the only difference is people go OOGA BOOGA when its caught on camera lmao, fucking 50 IQ desert niggers

you are so massively uneducated. Sad.

>tfw no tubig drinking, kape brewing, mukha cleaning, daliri fracturing, kuko biting, tsinelas snapping, lamesa wiping, sapatos breaking, eleksyon voting, kotse fixing, itlog cracking, ilong blowing, ube chopping, puso racing, damit wearing, kumot weaving, puwit slapping, paa rubbing, buhok combing, ulo scratching, simbahan attending, parol hanging, kamay washing, tuko calling, jeepney driving, kanin picking, manok chasing, tinikling dancing, tiyanak finding, aswang hunting, kabayo riding, carabao herding, baboy wrestling, duwende stomping, lechon roasting, lumpia cooking, pancit making, sinigang eating, forest loving, Jow Forums posting, qtp2t filipina gf

Attached: 1487233934746.jpg (1104x1840, 1.02M)

lmao, you're a fucking retard, if this was WW1 and WW2 you would see a " prophecy " fulfilled every 15 seconds you stupid fucking niggerlot, the entire semitic kike religions are a smoke screen and waste of human thought

>you dont take holy books literally they are full of metaphors!

prophecy isnt being fulfilled, the jews are forcing it via a human hand. It's all a hoax for global control.

Can you believe what theyve put the people of the world through in the name of schizo superstition

>Sighting of foxes on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount triggers prophecy theories about third Jewish temple.
>Prophecy watchers are on high alert after a group of foxes were spotted frollicking on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount,
>potentially auguring the long-prophesied reconstruction of the Jewish Temple.
>The foxes were spotted ahead of the Tisha B’av religious festival, which begins on August 10 and commemorates the destruction
>of the two temples in Jerusalem, first by the Babylonians and later by the Romans.
How many Jewish prophecies got checked off and fulfilled in the last year?

just gimme the get

God is based.

Crazy hasbaraah jews catch fox, releases foxes close to the temple mount OMG this is gods will give us temple now. Profit$

You guys realize this is the curse of faith based religion? All pre-Abrahamic pagan religions were based on KNOWLEDGE, what the people didn't know or did know, and that included knowing what they didn't know.

After the kikes came, Abrahamic religions forced the world to convert to faith-based systems where superstition was rewarded. Superstition essentially means, "doing or believing things that are more than necessary to live". This is all the result of jews twisting truth into faith.

I remember they found the red cow in last few years. How many fucking animal prophecys do they have? Whats left? A cat shitting on the mount?

>How many fucking animal prophecys do they have? Whats left? A cat shitting on the mount?
>A cat shitting on the mount?
I have no idea. Lmao @ the cat. These prophecies sometimes are a bit too much.

>reconstruction of the Jewish Temple
That means global domination and enslavement of goy.

>scavengers wander around a dirty city
Some prophecy there.

The "temple mount" complex was Fort Antonia. The Second Temple was 200m south in the City of David.

>I remember they found the red cow in last few years.
Pretty sure that was just last year, but its an artificially produced red heifer. Since they're literally trying to force God's Hand its likely they put the foxes there themselves too

Prophecies are fake and used to manipulate the retarded masses. Even people here fall for this shit. Imagine your average pleb. Is it low IQ to take advantage of that? Yahweh, the Christian God, was invented by Jews.

Bibi also used then Talmudic number 6,000,000 once or twice recently. Voodoo freaks.

This is accurate.
Just as the last two times with the engineered calf and setting up the snake scene at the walls.

Forcing the hand of God doesn't work, you fucking kike faggots. You deserve a cosmic uncircumcised dickslap