>Trump *went to Epstein's home* on 12/24/17
>Trump *went to Epstein's home* on 12/24/17
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wow trump is a faggot even trudeau wears more tasteful costumes
Yea, Donald and Roy were lovers before Roy contracted HIV. Origin of Trump's well known germ phobia.
hi shareblue
Did you know Teflon melts at 620F?
Where is Trump in that picture?
Trump is the faggot wearing makeup next to the faggot Roy Cohn.
Trump also completely banned Epstein from his resort after Epstein got caught fucking an underage there
Why would Trump if he was also a Pedo do this?
>>Trump *went to Epstein's home* on 12/24/17
fake news, sloppy job mossad
source is in the OP
I have seen them literally post shit like "WELL DRUMPF IMPORTED 4 MILLION IMMIGRANTS IN 2018!" in response to this image, don't expect a source- they merely expect you to LISTEN and BELIEVE.
I wouldn't be surprised if donald trump has sex with a different young boy every day
Imagine being so insane you think Roy Cohn is one of the 20th century’s most evil men
>everyone starts pointing out how immigration numbers are at record highs
>deportations are at record lows, no new wall
>suddenly, joe has a tweet to keep the MIGA tards on the reservation
when did you realize they are working together to keep you herded?
>Source of the guy is literally "someone told me, dude trust me"
>He told a journalist
>He told a journalist
>An associate told a journalist
wow it's literally nothing
And retards here takes it as a valid source...
>>Trump *went to Epstein's home* on 12/24/17
Maybe he needed his dentures fixed?
Imagine being so deranged that you dont pay attention to the fact POTUS Trump used to be Roy Cohns cum collector dressed and has make up on like a little bitch.
Does that bother you at all, Schlomo?
*sip* *sip*
trust the plan!
imagine hating white people so much you wear make up to look like brown people??
Trump and Roy were friends, we know that since 2016.
Roy was /ourkike/ and the faggot in OPs pics has a complete different face than Trump.
Roy Cohn was a sex blackmail ring operator who subverted the McCarthy inquiries into communist infiltration. There are very few men on the planet more responsible for the problems we have today than Roy. He is the epitome of treason and subversion.
Teflon reaches temps to vapor at normal frying temps
Thats called make up. Trump would have sued vanity fair a long time ago, if it wasnt him.
They published the picture with the title Roy Cohn and Donald Trump you cannot be more direct.
why are you libtards even trying it is so easy to spot you
hey seth. trump had jamal kashoggi hacked up. please look into this and report on it.
>subverted the McCarthy inquiries into communist infiltration.
>Is literally known as the jewish Nazi that killed
thousand of jewish commies
>Thats called make up.
What make up makes your eyes be closer to each other and gives you a bigger nose?
>as reported by a trump lawyer
fuck off kike
Yeah, everyone knows. Kushner is going to fry his leaks to SA too.
Shills are in full force today. How do we know? You suffer from Trump derangement syndrome.
Honest anons would dig in released papers and get dirt on every one involved.
Not rely on a tweeting kike and 30yo photos.
Nice try, but you need to improve your pilpul.
>What make up makes your eyes be closer to each other and gives you a bigger nose?
Ask a make up artist. Exactly this can easily be achieved with make up and the right lighting and angle. Again, he would have sued....This is a serious allegation by a well known publisher. So there is that.
>blue check mark
>somehow knows this
Self implication
why didn't trump sue?
"Trump barred Epstein from Mar-a-Lago “because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club,” according to court documents filed by Edwards."
Trump also helped Epstein's victims in 2009:
"the only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people that I was going that I wanted to talk to them he is the only person who picked up the phone and said let's just talk I'll give you as much time as you want I'll tell you what you need to know and was very helpful in the information that he gave and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever but had good information that checked out and that helped us and that we didn't have to take a deposition of him."
Except for the fact that doesn't look anything like Donald Trump
Literally merkel
>My evidence is a pic of a random fag
You sell your dignity for money, shill. You're basically just a whore.
Did that make sense in your head before you posted it?
Fake news spread by mossad to protect ZionDon
If this alleged bullshit actually happened (it didn't) why didn't Trump report sexual assault to police?
You're dismissed.
>"Trump barred Epstein from Mar-a-Lago “because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club,” according to court documents filed by Edwards."
This claim I have seen quite often, but never there was any proof posted. Prove it please.
That kid in the makeup has absolutely no comparative features and you can even see some morning shadow, trump has zero facial hair you sperg
facial features are identical
>And 2 little Stalwarts was taking turn to pee
t.KGB putin bot live in shithole Russia
You retards aren't even hiding it, you are using the same talking points.
You can't end suck a large blackmail operation where people from both parties of the goverment are involved with "just sue lol" especially when Trump was just a popular bussinessman at the time.
Look at Epstein, they got the leader and had thousands of pages of evidence and look at how this is going, even with internet which makes possible to spread information more easily.
The source in the OP is Seth Jew Abrahamson literally saying he heard these “from” colleagues and that is his source.
You can’t find shit about it, bring up Trump or Epstein and you get a bunch of the same pozzed results
>according to court documents filed by Edwards
it's right there
When he was not even running for president?
It says there that there are court documents about it.
And only the right-wing are supposed to be conspiracy theorists, holy fuck this is desperate on a whole new level
Roy Cohn was his lawyer, remember that, dumbo? They are both in this picture, easy money if its not Trump. So why no sue. You make no sense. Caught the brainlet.
oh wow. Better make sure the murder of Epstien is investigated then!
this poster is a retarded jew faggot please kill yourself for being such a fucking waste.
Can’t find the actual court files, which is what I’d like to do but can’t find fuck all about it. A specific case would’ve been nice unless they threw it out
Trump has been a mossad asset for 50 years you dunce. There are 40 year old interviews of him talking about running for president and he was an official candidate back in '00 I think it was. The Mossad has had him in play ever since he started working in Roy Cohn's sex blackmail ring.
“Someone told someone” Yeah, ain’t trusting this kike journalist who can’t produce ANY evidence for Trump going to his house, or if that even is trump in the picture.
brainlet. ROY COHN WAS THE BIGGEST SHARK LAYWYER and he worked for Trump or was it the other way around. Easy money if its not Trump.
Anyone see the Shareblue doners list.
David Brock of Pizzagate fame, is a huge doner.
Imagine the money he's made from trafficking kids and Adrenochrome.
Something to keep in mind when they post. THey are defending these sick people.
come on. post the fake shareblue link.
Hello moarphy :)
>inb4 kushnershill
It's not Trump and you know it moarphy :)
gonna rack up 100 posts in this thread like you did ALL FUCKING DAY YESTERDAY??
>believe my false dichotomy!
Shut the fuck up Muhammad
Who knows :)
Eyes are completely different, Sven. Even autists can see that.
>Donald and Roy were lovers
Roy was Donnie's trainer, like Bibi is Jared's
Tell me how the fuck he reduced his height, got his eyes closed to each other, his nose got bigger and his eyes more blue.
Since it's an amazing coincidence that yuo're an expert in make up show me an example of this.
Kikes controll the media, if Trump has been one of them for 40 years why is that the media was trying to destroy his image with accusing him of being a rapist, racists and the antichirst? Op's links is a good example of "media is protecting him!" making no sense.
O U S T E D xD xD xD xD
>stay defeated
This guy has been so wrong for years now. What a joke kek.
>t. stalwart
Kike faggots fuck off
Lulz that's clearly not him
So much kushnershills
How will moarphy defeat them once and for all?
Maybe LARP as purple user?
Or spread more fake shit because he won't admit he is wrong?
Stay tuned
No one trusts the media. In order for the media to promote a candidate, they have to LARP that they are "opposing" the "target." As they say, no such thing as bad publicity. Trump got the most free air time in all of history, which is incontrovertible final proof that the system was supporting him.
Brainlets understand the world in archetypal mythologies like an oppressed hero fighting the mysterious shadowy monster. It's just WWE for adults.
Waaack yo
>subverted the McCarthy inquiries into communist infiltration
Nice try kike
Let's change IPs here moarphy, i'm getting tired of the other one
eyes are basically the same
POTUS buttfucked by a dirty jew with HIV. Cant make this up.
>Trump got the most free air time in all of history, which is incontrovertible final proof that the system was supporting him.
No shit, Trump has been living on tv and has shown for decades that he knows how the media works for decades.
What was the point of mossad to push the Russia Hoax and blaming him of something for what he could be executed?
>t. stalwarts
Cheekbones, jaw, nose, and chin are way off and look nothing like other photos of him near that age
You just did
>brainlet. ROY COHN WAS THE BIGGEST SHARK LAYWYER and he worked for Trump or was it the other way around. Easy money if its not Trump.
Again. Brainlet.
They were bros once.
>t. stalwart
He went to his home in 2017?
Probably to tell him "You're next." lol
And that Epstein the child rapists was Trumps friend is also made up, yes?
Delusional, naive child.
Damn, no I'm jelly. Trump is looking absolutely twink there.
Roy Cohn was a kike nazi that had the job of killing kike commies, Are you really going with the "he was the bad goy"?
>t. stalwart