Tucker will run for President after Trump

>Most popular news T.V show
>BTFOs lolbertarians
>BTFOs modern conservatism
>More /ourguy/ than anyone in anything mainstream
>Has stated on stage debating Charlie cuck, "the economy should only exist so young people can get married, buy a home & raise a family."
Literally natsoc statement.
>Doesn't believe Israel's interests are Americas interests.
(((They))) & the left fear the Tuck.
Prove to me he wouldn't be the greatest US president in living memory!?
Pro-tip, you can't!

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I fucking love Tucker. His monologue on the Romney video is the most based piece of info I've ever seen. Idk if they would let him run, but as a PM he'd be incredible.

He is a moderate conservative?

People want him to but he keeps saying he really doesn’t want to. He’d get JFK’d if he did. He’s Bette ran an advisor.

No he's not. m.youtube.com/watch?v=mSuQ-AyiicA

Watch here he attacks the republicans very harshly, denouncing how they had become slave to the market



In five more years there might be too many hispanics to have anothet rep win.

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Being a moderate conservative doesn't mean that you support everything the republican party supports? I think you're confused maybe? You're probably referring to neo cons who heavily support the republican party.

please meme this into existence boys. Been saying this for years but now it really feels like it could work.

A post-Trump pro-family traadionalist repub who helps us tear down big government, big tech, Big hollywood and corrupt wall street

wtf does all these foreigns care about american shit?

I did confused two terms. My point is theres not many moderate conservative anymore. These positions are almost seen as too extreme.

He would never in a million years get the republican nomination unless he completely turned on everything and starting sucking Saudi and Israeli dick like a good goy.

Attached: trump-vey3.png (628x793, 302K)

I agree especially in America.

We care 'bout big bro. Every trend that happens in the states we get 5-10 years later. Right now Macron is kinda our Obama
> pic related is the party's speaker

Our next leader will be populist.

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Tucker is a massive faggot. Sorry, he is terrible.

"bow tie fag".

Attached: imagineanhonestpresident_lambright2020B.jpg (1191x463, 105K)

I don't think he would make a good President, simply for the fact of his complete inexperience in policy making, or executive leadership.

With that said, I think he would make a top notch policy adviser, assuming there was ever a President based enough to acknowledge the points that he makes.

America is cultural leader of the Western world, and our culture even trickles into the non-Western world - that's why groups like Al-Qaeda and the Taliban hate us so much, as a matter of fact.

As much as our Eurobros like to trash us with savage bantz, we are very much the trendsetters of the world; if this was a game of Civilization, we'd have won the cultural victory a long time ago.

>Wtf does all these foreigns care about american shit?
^^US education
>Doesn't know that US is both the muscle of ZOG & main exporter of POZ to rest of the west.
>Doesn't understand why "foreigns" HAVE to pay attention to the US
Literal retard...

Black as coal. Imagine the smell.

Good video btw.