Liberals ruining anything fun for families

Locally, Liberals have started protesting everything we do from fishing to going to zoos to bbqs on the beach. THey even have antifa send death threats to a local petting zoo for having some animals. There are beloved places of fun for the locals. Is there a way that we can stop liberals from ruining everything in America?

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that's just your area retard

Forgot to add they have the media working with them

If they do it to us they can do it to you. They used the media to target our local stuff and then got the internet mob after them.

Open carry

>waaaaaah waaaaaaah waaaaaaah the libtards are bullying me no fair wwaaaaaah waaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaah
have you considered not being a pussy?

I doubt any of you faggot family people are actually conservatives, you're probably the same as those leftycucks, you just shit all over people 24/7 and you get what you deserve

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It's called a Boomer user.

Perfect example is that Netflix movie about the Killer Whale. Now they stopped people from enjoying SeaWorld due to their tyranny. They cause business to suffer. THey want us to be socialists like Venezuela.

Same thing here: using the news and internet media to target local businesses so they can do mob shame to their demographic.

That makes NO SENSE

What's with all this obvious shilling?

>muh poor businesses dey dindu nuffin
cuckservatives get the rope, SeaWorld is a disgusting company anyway. If a couple of leftists are capable of stopping you from enjoying things that you love, then you love the wrong things.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a paid operative
does your mental retardation cause bring you bliss or frustration?

>its da shiiiilllllls

You have a twisted sense of joy, Canada user is right. SeaWorld is fucked. Don't you get sick at the idea of some artifical made area for you to oogle animals. You visit them in the zoo, but you don't realize you too are the animal in a zoo. Joy comes suddenly, it strikes in the moment, joy is not in any business or area it is in the air, it is under an ordinary rock, it is dancing on the petals of a flower. Something so simple as chasing a butterfly could fill one with joy, but the consuming zogbots can't fathom that.

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modern American family:

based unkiked burger

You guys are proving my point for me. Thanks.

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You can't stop them unless they get cancer and die. They're even going after beloved hamburgers and straws.

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you dont try and stop them,you shine a light on it and encourage them,you make sure every american sees what they are doing

this is a war of public opinion,we dont need to beat leftists in the street we need the normies to know these people are animals

we need people to think antifa are as disgusting as pedos and people who sniff petrol

Anyone who goes to a zoo or a petting zoo needs to be killed

They banned fishing here like 10 years ago. The war has been lost in california.

Not sure what point you mean. I've got nothing against family activities, I'm all for them. I just think zoos that hold intelligent animals are disturbing, I know the anguish I feel being trapped in clownworld, being trapped in a soulless environment, unable to be a HUMAN, made to be good goy cattle. I wouldn't wish this on any lifeform.

We are in a zoo as well, on the societal level but on the cosmic scale too, that's another topic though ;)

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these are matured women acting like babies jesus christ its sad. the mom is a MAJOR milf tho damn

You need to be legally and gently put down. Really, thats the only solution for people like you.

> Why do liberals hate family activities?
I can immediately tell why.
> be incel or cat lady
> see big families having fun
> see all those big family activities
> they all remind you of the thing you crave but will never have
> just so happen to hate all these activities and seek out to ruin them for everyone else
It isn't rocket science.

Somehow they see the family unit as evil or wrong. They don't outright say this (well sometimes) but their actions and reading between the lines shows it.
If I'm not mistaken feminists in the 90s called being a housewife the equivalent of being a slave. Ironically it's always the women who can't get a man that push this. My guess is because it's how women operate, if they can't get something they don't want other women (or people in general) to have it either. Feminism is the ultimate sour grapes, but then it gained traction and became popular and regular women who could otherwise get a man hop on the bandwagon, and thus create the self fulfilling prophecy. No real man wants a feminist, because they do not act like a woman, they want to act like a man. Men are attracted to feminine features and actions, feminism inverts that then everyone seems flabbergasted that only beta men self identifying as a feminist go after them. The lowest hanging fruit possible.

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Dude you are clown world.

Leftists want to make families seem unappealing in order to disincentivize people from forming them. They want this because the communal sharing of resources families engage in is a competitor to the system they want to establish as part of their religion. By destroying the family, they seek to create a huge demand multiplier, and hence a huge increase in demand side competition. This is the real reason why socialists and global capital are always best buds, its not because corporations think being "woke" is good PR, its because leftist strategy is essentially a form of accelerationism that gives global capital what they want, under the assumption that it will speed up an innevitable collapse.

In a functional family, two parents and a child sharing a house, for example, and leaving that house to the child in a will, consumes a single house to provide for the two people in the present, and an much longer chain of people in the future through inheritence, while under atomization, two single parents each need their own houses, and the child is unlikely to inheret (this will go to children in intact relationships, or to fund the parents' individualist lifestyles if they remain single), requiring them to permanently rent or buy an additional third house, and if continued, requiring the child's children to permanently rent or buy even more houses, etc, etc.

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The left hopes, that buy "deconstructing" this highly optimized form of communalism, the explosion in consumption and demand side competition acts as a form of accelerationism, creating artificial demand for a new form of communalism to replace the family, The left are not about sustainability, they are about sending consumption into overdrive because that is literally what their religion tells them to do.
>Capitalism is bad and must be destroyed
>Capitalism will collapse when everything has been consumed
>Therefore consume everything to collapse capitalism
Leftism literally is consumer culture.
Consumer culture literally is leftism.

The mistake people on the right always make is thinking that they play fast and loose with their definition of "socialism", when it is actually "capitalism" that they redefine as they see fit. Any societal structure imaginable can be construed as being "capitalist" as any society satisfies the base assumptions of capitalsim, those being natural selection driven by supply and demand, and rights established by force.
For example, "National Socialism" is just capitalism, since there is an ingroup which has rights to the state and an outgroup which may want access, but doesn't have these rights, hence this is capitalism. Since anything can be interpreted as "capitalism", the response from the left, irrespective of context, is to always consume all the time, and when it collapses to innevitably be replaced by something else they will interpret as "capitalism", the response from the left, irrespective of context, is to consume again. They aren't wrong in their conclusions however. Once they have consumed everything, humanity will have nothing left to sustain itself, and their sacred quest to rid the world of everything that can be interpreted as "capitalism" will be complete.

Low-key stalk them until you know who the core members of your local cell are and where they live.
After than, use your intuition.

These are the same liberals that put up 'no dogs allowed' signs at Sardine Lake, California, even though there isn't 1 logical reason dogs shouldn't be running around and having fun out there.

Because I don't like zoos? Do everyone a favor and end your cycle early.

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Screencapped, you're on the money bong. That's the ideological/economical side of things. But there are many layers. Why do they want to grow so much, is it merely to keep earning more profits? I think not, there is a dark evil force pulling the strings here. The elite are puppets just as they have their own puppets.

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Is this the fabled Russian shill? Never actually seen one in the wild