Why do the Amish rank so high on happiness indexes?

Why do the Amish rank so high on happiness indexes?

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They're not degenerate.
They don't have iPhones.
They have social events, not social media.
They have sex not porn.
They meet people.
They get outdoors (sunlight)
I mean, read a book about depression. The 6 big things they say you need to do to avoid depression, the Amish do.

No Capitalism.

all the unhappy people get sick of that shit and leave

they have businesses look it up

Because they’ve perfected the system for human contentment.
They don’t have 60% of their young population alone and unhappy and only hoping for a quick fuck at most.
They don’t have rampant unemployment or underemployment coupled with overbearing consumerism.
Every Amish man is likely to get a fulfilling job, a supportive community, a wife and large family and a certain belief that he’ll go to heaven.

They definitely participate in capitalism, the way they breed dogs is kind of disgusting, on the other hand, they sell really good doughnuts at all the farmers markets and flea markets around here.

They also live in a bubble that is provided for them by the very world they hate, which is sort of ironic. Without the modern western world protecting them they would all be dead. I'm not bashing their lifestyle, it seems much more healthy than any other I can think of, but it's entirely dependent on the jew filth world they shun.

They are kinda capitalist just with a decent safety net.
The Hutterites are Christian Communists.

they are on drugs all the time

they are not allowed to study the regular bible on their own

amish pussy is tiiiiight

Convert or die

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Actually I know amish who run very competitive businesses. Good try blaming capitalism. youtu.be/g1Sq1Nr58hM

because they work in the sun in a temperate region with mild summers and have cozy winters with ample traditional women

They work a lot but don't work in vain. And they have plenty of time spent with their loved ones.

If the system collapses they would be the most likely to thrive.

The collapse doesn’t come as a Hollywood movie with explosions and roaming bands of raiders. It’s just the gradual decline over decades, where things are destroyed or degraded and unable to be fixed. The cities recede and the people becoming MORE reliant on the dying system not less.

In that situation the self sustaining tight knit community will always fair better.

understand that materialism is a tool of the devil
understand that much of what happens in life is outside of your control

have strong community
have strong values
have strong family commitment

Their faith and servitude to God and family.

The abusive dog breeding meme is pushed by anti-sectarian groups and Jews

They gonna be running this country in a hundred years while us angloids work their fields. There’s 344,000 of them in the US as of 2019. Although most are under 18

>temperate region with mild summers
Have a suspicion you’re not from Pennsylvania

>it's entirely dependent on the jew filth world they shun.

how exactly?

grow their own food from their own seed
cultivate land using animal labor
still have the skills to make EVERYTHING they need

if modern civilization went away overnight the Amish would be the group least affected.

so tell me specifically just how they are
>entirely dependent on the jew filth world they shun.

He’s just saying shit without understanding it
Probably one of those SHTF types who thinks he’s going to go Rambo when civilization collapses overnight

I've personally made Huterites, or at least I was paid to. At a colony near Lethbridge Alberta, I used to buy moonshine there in the early 90's and one time one of the people there said for me to take off my sunglasses, asked if my father had blue eyes too, and then offered me $150 to fuck somebody who was under a sheet with a hole in it.
Yes I checked, it was always a pussy. I don't think they could fake cunt like that back then.
There was usually at least one guy in the room with me, I tried not to look, I don't know if they watched.
The room was silent except for when one of both of us grunted.
It was weird as hell.
Anyways, maybe they just literally pretend to be happy because that's part of their deal as a society of inbred cucks.

This is an urban myth.

They don’t eat processed food, they don’t use modern medicine or vaccines, they aren’t being subjected to propaganda 24/7 through tv and phones, they socialize with each other in natural ways, they are hard working god loving people.

That’s a debunked myth that was started by a Jewish magazine.

Nice though I’m sure god will forgive you for lying online.

because they don't live in a dystopian McClown world like the rest of us do

>The collapse doesn’t come as a Hollywood movie with explosions and roaming bands of raiders. It’s just the gradual decline over decades, where things are destroyed or degraded and unable to be fixed
Lol, retard, and what do you think all your diverse welfare recipients will do once the gibs stop coming, get a job or learn to farm?

You can hope they'll let you peacefully decompose over the years if your society consist of degenerate sissy white faggots and boomers, when niggers are around, you're in for a fucking violent purge with cannibalism and mass rape of dismembered convulsing bodies.

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No they’ll do what they do in Bolivia or Belize today. Both places with large thriving Old Order Mennonite communities.

This belief that during the collapse the greatest threat are raiders out of Fallout 3 is a fucking power fantasy for nerds.

Or they will genocide the whites like they did in South Africa and Haiti... or are those just video game titles?

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Nice context denial retard.

Haiti was a slave state 90% of the population was Black African and the top 5% were white. The whites held all the land, owned nearly all the slaves and were in a position of dominance for decades. It was impossible for the slaves to not revolt and kill them all.

Do the Amish run all slave plantations?

> they don’t use modern medicine or vaccines
This part is wrong. At least the medicine part. They use modern cons for life and death type stuff and sometimes for working. They are usually pragmatic like that

“The whites held all the land, owned nearly all the slaves and were in a position of dominance for decades.” We still have niggers bitching about this exact thing here all the time. Maybe you’d know that if you weren’t a memeflag retarded faggot.

Seriously what is the mentality of you faggots using memeflags? Do you enjoy your posts not being credible? Is your real flag so embarrassing that you don’t want to share it? What is it that makes you use that disguise?

Butthurt because you’re too stupid to understand history and I won’t legitimize your gay power fantasies

Nobody needs a memeflaggot to legitimize anything, you can’t even be transparent enough to show your flag. You don’t have a fucking cystal Ball you have no idea what the future holds.

Different Amish communities have different policies so it wouldn't surprise me to find that some communities don't care about mistreating dogs and others do. I remember at least one story about a young Amish girl who helped breed dogs and was mad about the puppy mill meme because their dogs were treated well.

>waaah muh meme flag
>I know I got owned but you have flag waaaah

>the way they breed dogs is kind of disgustin
Who cares?

They actually have intact families and tight-knit communities to rely on. That has mostly been eroded in modern society.


Amish women are faaaat.

>Past European empires THAT DID NOT HOLD ANY COLONIES had slaves.

They avoid processed foods, Technology, and pollution. It’s too bad they don’t like lgbt people

Because they are religious

because they are white and live around only other whites

ignorance is bliss.

They are protected by the state and use all the benefits - without contributing.


Get off your fantasy world, cucks.

>how exactly?

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You think niggers care, they see white people, and they make no distinction between the groups, the niggers in Haiti didn’t make a distinction between the whites that helped them, and the ones that enslaved them, they killed them all, and nigger will make no distinction between an Amish, and a Jew.


Quite the opposite. They'd do better than 95% of other groups.

I wonder when we'll start seeing Amish politicians? More than likely it'll be an English person who panders to Amish interests since the Amish tend to shun government.

big if true. serious whitepill.

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They are self employed and do t eat kosher

Great community everyone is connected and knows each other

Their community is a high trust ethnostate filled with like-minded individuals who follow a common set of ideologies. What's not to like?

No diversity or other Jewish bullshit in their society

Aye, went to see the Amish last week, pretty desu except everything smells like shit.

The amish practice true capitalism. Not the degenerate, international corporatism the jews practice.

Because religion is opium for the people

Society with clear rules is always good.

I think "usury" might be the word you guys are looking for.

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I have an amish beard and am happy.

Hey retard the Amish aren’t literally ruling over millions of nigger slaves while on a tropical island thousands of miles from other white people.

Neither were the Haitian mulattoes but that didn't save them from being slaughtered