Imagine being an unironic racist

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>you're people are not superior, your ancestors just set up superior legal and economic frameworks. >CHECKMATE RACIST!

Imagine not being an unironic racist, frog.

But that's simply not true. Actually, because of Affirmative Action, blacks should be flourishing, but they aren't. Look at Asians: lowest crime rate, hard working, intelligent, are they not POC? All one has to do is accept the fact that there is not ONE great black civilization that has gone beyond literal mud huts, without white colonization. This simple fact doesn't mean we hate blacks, we just don't want to LIVE around them.

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I doubt anyone here has the balls to be racist anywhere but the internet

literally every one on earth is 'racist' you fucking paki

>arguing about facts

I see you subhumans haven't read Nietzsche.
I am superior because I say so.
There is no Objectivity and only Subjectivity.

Or in other words:

"Stop spouting statistics, I carry weapons."

Pic related is a snippet from a New York Times article about race and intelligence. Even NYT is admitting that genetic differences between the races have real effects on intelligence and behavior.

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How dare you call me a paki

>disenfranchised by legal and economic systems
pick one, you dark skinned Frenchman

I will accept any insult but paki

Wasn't Malaysia colonized by the Mughals? Doesn't that make you a Paki?

you should treat people of all races with dignity, but to deny the differences is pure retardation

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The left STILL, in 2019 years after the death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, cannot meme


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>every other race hates whites and wanting them dead
>not hating them back
simple as

1 post by this id

Why don't you move to Japan or China and demand special treatment on the basis of your skin color, (((frog)))? Report back with your results

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Why am I not surprised?

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I can literally only imagine, God how pathetic!!

Based. Immigrants are always welcome here. Our streets are paved with gold and we love making new friends. Immigrants, please come here to live, work and stay

Chinks and gooks worship whites, so it won’t be that hard. In fact he doesn’t even need to ask!

whats the problem bro, are you racist against pakis?

>he’s using the “well look how well asians are doing” fallacy
Tell me, is there a difference in how Black people came to America and how Asian people cane to America, and is there a difference in how they were treated when they got here?

Would those maybe account for differences in outcomes?



>white people are so evil, and they have always been evil, that when they had literally 100% of the vote, they voted to voluntarily share power with nonwhites. Thats how intrinsically evil they are.

It's so sad and frustrating that after two hundred years of civilization, you nonwhites still don't fundamentally understand empathy or the virtues of honesty and loyalty. There are so many historical examples of whites leaving and giving up power and they always end up with brown people killing black people for not being the right shade of black or brown. You keep doing this to yourselves while attacking the only group of people in the entire history of humanity that has ever given a single shit about you and tried to help you. I hope the iceage/solar cycle people are right. I hope our entire planet is forced to go through another ice-age and maybe then you people will finally learn the value of working together with others.

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Not a huge difference. Many Chinese came here as slaves or as punishment for crimes.

Very, very based reply.

But hate niggers...

>not a huge difference
See this is how I know you’re not worth talking to, you genuinely don’t know your history.

I don't have to imagine you nigger faggot

If you have to use a word salad, like "disproportionately disenfranchised by legal and economic systems" for your argument, maybe it's not a good argument. When you can write a whole paragraph without actually saying anything.

Meanwhile the opposite side is a painfully simple argument.

Is that sentence too complicated for you to understand?
The legal system and economic systems work against people of color and for white people.

Imagine not taking the time to make a well-drawn meme

Jow Forumsfags have no understand of nuance and history. This is why their whole identity is wrapped up in white identity politics. They will defend their whiteness with ever mental gymnastic possible because without it their lives are completely meaningless.

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I don't understand how legal/economic factors can make Blacks borderline retarded. The Flynn effect only effects spatial IQ.

That's pretty neat.

>wall of text
fuck off

They're not slaves today so it ain't relevant.

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Imagine not being able to see patterns through society.

By that logic you can't be proud of being german since there is bavarian culture. You can always divide culture into more regional ones that doesn't change there are certain aspects that are shared by most. Such is with Europeans and whites.

>white people are so evil that when they had literally 100% of all the political power, they decided to give it away so that others could later challenge them because they thought it would be super funny to pretend to be nice and share but hold on now we have the numbers thanks to whites giving us resources and opportunities so now we need to seize power from these evil monsters because they are going to take all our rights away because of the blackness of our skin!

your entire argument is nonsense and relies on the person hearing it to not think about it for more than a second. Actually, your argument is extremely offensive because we both know that in reality, the plan of nonwhites is to do exactly what you are claiming whites 'are doing'. You want full political power so you can usurp rights from whites and you are willing to use violent means to do so because it is in fact your group of people who are intrinsically racist. And this isn't an opinion, this isn't some racial rant, any casual glance of history demonstrates this. When whites leave, nonwhites take over and then... do they create a utopia? Do they share power? no, they fracture, and they splinter, and they start killing one another, always targeting people with lighter or darker skin than the group of people in power in a nonstop cycle of political upheaval.

>herditablity of genes
okay faggot
blacks have never built succesful countries
ahhh shit, here we go again

Then say that.

But whenever people try to make these arguments they have to resort to terms and get creative with wordplay and shifting meanings around. It's like the goyim version of pilpul. Spending multiple paragraphs to attempt to get a point across, or even just say nothing at all. Meanwhile the other side doesn't have to strain to get their point across in a single sentence.

Said the baguette, while sandnigger and plain nigger immigration related crime and terrorism slowly destroys his country.

At least you're not raycest right? :^)

>get creative with wordplay and shifting meanings around
Do you not understand what the word “disenfranchised” means? The dictionary is free.

You expect me to read that?
Here's a better meme: Well, actchully[pic-related]

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This forgets that Humans invented dog breeds.

>African folk songs/stories never happened
>Harlem Renaissance never happened
>The black power movement never happened

Imagine believing this bullshit. There did in fact use to be many different groups of slave descendants who did in fact knew where they came from. Black identity in the united states use to be extremely powerful and existed right alongside white culture. People seem to forget, jim crow didnt happen until after the civil war. They forget that the kkk use to have black members and that their supposed racially motivated activities were actually pretty blatantly political. People forget that black americans were among the fastest rising economic minority groups in the united states until they fucking sabotaged themselves in the 1960s and 70s. In order to believe that picture, you have to pretend that history started in 1960 and that everything before that was an empty void.

The civil rights and black power movements basically wiped those racial memories out. Not even accounting for the families that were literally killed or destroyed when black men and women were arrested or flat out killed while engaging in criminal activity, many members of the black community as a whole voluntarily rejected those traditional memories in order to adopt a 'new' neo-african one, they literally adopted the 'black' identity to separate themselves from american culture as a whole and denote themselves as a new 'african-american'. They have no cultural roots because they tore them out with their OWN HANDS. But even today, you can still find a few groups of culturally african people in the united states who maintained their racial heritages and passed them on. Creol culture being the most obvious. But that doesn't fit the narrative, so it gets ignored.

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>using "big" "intellectual" sounding words makes me correct
This is literally how sub-IQ inferiors perceive it.

Imagine being from a shitty country that was taken over by negroids

wow what a low quality fucking post from someone who clearly hasn't lurked for 5 seconds because otherwise they'd know that economic status still has no effect on whether or not black people commit crime disproportionately
Remember to type sage in options for a cookie

Reset the economic system. Do it. The poor will remain poor and the rich will rise to the top again. OP is wrong.

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imagine unironically being a niggerdick worshiping faggot

>Gets btfo
>”Ur just too stupid to understand, a-user”

>imagine living in France

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>a bluh bluh- disproportionately disenfranchised-
The niggers shoot each other at levels us whites deem unthinkable. Other races were oppressed and even enslaved but managed to bounce back.

The United States were literally created by and for white men.

every taxonomic classification was "invented" by humans because they are all social constructs created to make our world easier to understand

Unbased and retardpilled.

imagine replying to 1postby OP from 90 minutes ago

It's almost as if identity politics as a whole is completely retarded or something.

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You realize that not every society can be judged on the standards of European society?
Yea of course you don't retard.

t. non-white

>he thinks he can separate human tribes, their identities, and politics

Then they should go back to africa where they aren't judged by European standards.

All politics is identity politics, idiot boomer. If you are an atomized individual, you’re just going to get steamrolled by all the ebil muh identity politics interest groups- which is what’s happening in the West right now.

>white people built civilization but won't put us in power REEEEEEE

Why is it that the left feels the need to put literal walls of text in their memes?

hey that's pretty based
let me try
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>Groups of a species seperated for thousands of years in different environments evolved different physiological features, but experienced 0 evolution towards intellect and temperament.
ok retard.

It's more than OP pic dingus, OP pic is representative of a recurring problem. It's the whole



ye olde sodomite confirmed

Northern Europe was Christianized later than Africa.

>one post by this id
You’re all niggers. Stop.

Most in the US are.

A lot of Irish were brought as Slaves

Nigger found. Dude stop being a fag and accept the facts. BTW, blacks and Asians were both judged by the content of their character the whole time, it turns out blacks have shittier character than others, hence, the treatment they got.

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No, its retarded and niggerpilled.

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Saved this.

>Frog being a niggerlover cuz muh egalite

Imagine my shock

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>they are being held down by THE MAN!
Funny how this has NEVER been proven, and there is a metric shit ton of evidence saying otherwise.
Fucking hang yourself.

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This is the true answer. Humanity is beautiful and the different adaptations are beautiful as well. But we are not the same, but nobody is better than anyone else, because it is relative. What may let you survive at one time or place may not be as useful in another

>There is no objectivity, only subjectivity
That's a contradictory statement you dumb nigger

"There is no objectivity" is an objective statement. "There is only subjectivity" is also an objective statement. Are you seriously stupid enough to not realize that

Hey man, most of the time the reason white people left is because it was no longer profitable to stay. Like now, sociopaths make all the big decisions.

What did history mean by this?

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Attached: murder_rate_whites_blacks_stats.png (1003x2656, 720K)

lol? does having rich parents give you some sort of special genetic trait the predisposes you to success?

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