>it’s actually terrifying how incapable us men are at rightfully dominating society like we have for all of existing history. Not as much has changed as you might think. There are a small group of (((men))) at the top, and the rest of us are shitmunchers, and they still use women to control us.
Only now they use women to control us in a slightly different way. Before they used to give us a bride. Now they prey on the evolutionary instinct of the average white normie to protect white women at all costs to place women in the middle-management positions of society (any man who tries to stop this is viciously attacked by swarms of seething betas hoping for a sniff of pussy - while the alphas laugh their asses off). Then the top 5% of men control the women, and the women control the bottom 95% of men, taking away their money and giving it to the top 5%.
The best part about this is that the average beta normie is such a slave to his biological instinct to worship the ground women walk on, they do the work of the elits for them to any man who steps out of line. >case in point: cryptofeminist tradcucks here who will blame men no matter what women do >b-but it's our fault we didn't lead the properly gaiz
This bitch needs to ask the lord for help putting the fork down not confidence
Kevin Reyes
>b-b-b-but c-c-c-canada!!!111??11 Why do brainlets think this is an ergument? feminism isn't "rampant", only some millennials are like that and they don't leave their social circles and campuses. Women do not dominate me, they never have and never will. Stop projecting and stop basing your concept of reality on Jow Forums memes.
Aiden Sullivan
>Why do brainlets think this is an ergument? feminism isn't "rampant" >in the current year land Seriously? You guys are even worse than Australia, and I left there because I couldn't stomach hearing about how strong and independent women were all day, and muh pay gap, muh gender-diversity scholarships... and at the same time have to listen to how women are oppressed and victims.
You are exactly what I described. You are so ruled by women that you don't even realize it, and are completely happy with the status quo.
Christopher Bell
>Then the top 5% of men control the women, and the women control the bottom 95% of men while claiming ALL men are privileged because since the 95% of men they control are basically invisible because of their hypergamous nature they somehow conflate the top 5% as "all men"