If the Holocaust didn't happen explain the dead bodies (picrel)
Holocaust Deniers BTFO
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Hitler is still alive!
The Rwandian genocide is not the Holocaust
Lolocaust was real in my mind, silly goys
If Jews are white then the Holocaust was white genocide.
Reported for hate-speech
>be jew
>breaks Rule 7
>Files false report (breaking another rule)
>thinks jews are above the rules here
Ok. See how that works for you Rabbi.
So now the Jews want Rwanda huh? Thought they already took in 94 with zionist genocide operation
Jow Forums never talks about Rwandans. Are there packs of Hutus in some western country I don't know about, like the Congolese in Portland, Maine?
You broke the first rule of antisemtism I'm just here to fight your hateful rhetoric.
Turns out PoWs starve to death when you bomb Nazi supply lines. Who knew.
“One of the Germans, a man named Sepp, was a vile and savage beast, who took special delight in torturing children. When he pushed women around and they begged him to stop because they had children with them, he would frequently snatch a child from the woman's arms and either tear the child in half or grab it by the legs, smash its head against a wall and throw the body away. Such incidents were by no means isolated. Tragic scenes of this kind occurred all the time.”
This is a witness testimony from Jankiel Wiernik a GENUINE HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR!!!
You can't refute this you bigot
lol ok, many holocaust "survivors" make stuff up. U guys are fairly creative with ur ways of death like death coasters and such
It's unbelievable, but it happend!
how strong do you have to be to rip a child in half, I cant imagine thats just something to do for fun
Typhus. now go back
user, please!
The Nazis in these camps were some of Hitlers finest while the poor Jewish children were weak from starvation, your denial of this fact is the same as killing Jews yourself!
A pile of people who were neither gassed nor cremated, proves other people were gassed and cremated. Orwellian logic.
Sure thing, Shlomo!
That proofs nothing Jews have been persecuted in hundreds of countries throughout history so It's not strange that events like the Holocaust happen often.
Jews are black, that's correct.
Why, user, why?
And do your fucking math, how many 6gorrillion you want to be?
More antisemitism how unexpected.. Since none of you can debunk the Holocaust it is safe to say that it can't be debunked by anyone.