Augustus Sol Invictus is running

finally a candidate I can get behind

Attached: 220px-Invictus_AS.jpg (220x329, 17K)

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Is he running with an actual name or is he literally called INVICTVS in the ballot?

whys he talking like he's from the 1940s?

The racewar has begun.
May the most naturally selected and fit survive.

dont worry I will

The dude who sacrificed a goat in the woods for some shitty Satanic ritual? Yeah... no thanks


This dude is a larper

isn't his daughter a mutt?
im pretty sure i scrolled through his instagram and saw loads of pictures of a young mutt girl

If you use words like "larper" you are either
1. Mentally retarded
2. antifa other left trash
3. neckbeard sad loser that has never had a gf.

or maybe I think people that rely on pointless grandstanding and changing their names to latin deities do not constitute any meaningful impact for white nationalism that leads to boots on the ground action

also, show your real flag faggot not the meme flag

Are you referring to this?
That girl does look weird

Attached: ra.png (929x575, 535K)

yeah lol. not sure what's going on there.

>whys he talking like he's from the 1940s?
to me it sounds like a mix of Foghorn Leghorn and JFK

>Foghorn Leghorn and JFK
boomer detected

heres a page from his "lsd journal" where he talked about walking around downtown orlando in the middle of the night and fantasizing about raping and murdering his neighbor lady that was out jogging. this guy has released this publicly himself and nobody cared.

Attached: lsd-journal.jpg (887x772, 60K)

If you use a memeflag you are either
1. a faggot
2. an enormous faggot
3. a colossal faggot

As pic related would say, NOT a good look

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 71K)

I think he is based, I like his fireside chats

So is he gonna be the next patrick little?
Any wagers on the vote percentage lads?

Attached: LittlePatrick-678x381.png (678x381, 326K)

I met him once, he was actually pretty cool to talk to. Has had a few minor run ins with the law, but both were from his ex-girlfriend who was a stripper.

That's a cringey LARP

Attached: yikes.png (500x338, 44K)

>Has had a few minor run ins with the law,
he got caught running a pill mill, now he's running for prez. really activates the almonds.

>Any wagers on the vote percentage lads?
6 million to one

Attached: jew_before_after_diagram.jpg (1000x675, 154K)

Really? That's news to me. All the incidents I know of were stalking. I met him when some girl he was living with accused him of assault, but no one was arrested.

His wife is asian or something and all of his kids are brown but all he talks about is white nationalism this and that. So it doesn't make sense. He uses a special voice when he talks because according to him its the voice of a great orator and scientific study shows people listen better. Also he teamed up with based stickman when that was a thing and he was the president of stickman's group the fraternal order of alt knights. he's a lawyer who lives somewhere around orlando. sacrificed a goat at some point. he ran as a libertarian candidate for florida congress and the libertarians kicked him out of their party because he was too edgy for them. his whole thing is that he wants to accelerate/hasten the coming race war/civil war and he wants to be one of the top leaders when that happens. that is literally what he is all about.

His ex-wife is a light skinned Hispanic woman, and his kids look similar.

this guy looks like a Mexican

this user knows how bright it glows

Attached: GLOUGH.jpg (288x288, 29K)

Attached: pepe_spots_a_kike.jpg (800x531, 85K)

>I met him when some girl he was living with accused him of assault, but no one was arrested.
if there is a domestic violence call in FL the cops have to take at least one of the parties to jail. if nobody was arrested, that tells you all you need to know.

He’s got my vote

Attached: 6E19CE4B-C2E5-46AD-8C7C-FF5AB3F5F6B2.jpg (750x1334, 555K)

paragraph below the one you circled is related:
>Marcus Faella, and an eventual total of thirteen of his American Front associates were arrested. On November 10, 2014, Faella was convicted for his part in attempting to incite a "race war" but was sentenced to only 6 months in jail. One commentator described the case against the American Front as "floundering", while the judge described the group as "the gang that couldn't shoot straight".[8][9]
That guy had the MC that consisted solely of undercover agents.

Based speech. He doesn't look white though. And the fake accent is very offputting

lol its fucking cringe

Based speech. He doesn't look white though. And the fake accent is cringe. Very imperfect but better than Trump

Next time we sacrifice a living Jew to the Thelemic Gods in order to assure our victory.

Honestly sounds pretty based Desu

Attached: Screenshot_20190428-040940~2.png (1046x1171, 1.22M)

He is a Pagan and for that I support him.
He believes in small government and alternative energy so I support him.
He uses fascist imagery unfortunately. I cannot support that.
But I can support all other ideals

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Ah. No... I don’t want human blood on my nice cloak.
At least not Jewish blood
>larp meme flag

>He is a Pagan and for that I support him.
>He uses fascist imagery unfortunately. I cannot support that.
Are you a libertarian pagan?

Take the name of a god! I don't even
also: OP is a huge faggot.

Attached: 1544137191238.jpg (1024x768, 148K)
>The FBI cell in the Middle District of Florida which targeted White nationalists was set up as follows: Director Mueller was, according to an internal FBI memo, supervising the entire operation personally on a national level; the local SAIC, Carl Whitehead, then, Steve Ibison, was nominally in charge. The day-to-day operations were conducted by FBI SSA Andrew Lenzer, who had four case agents: SA Kevin Farrington, SA Daniel Toft, TFO Kelly Boaz, and, TFO Robert Killian. [Note: I have since been given the names of three other analysts/agents involved in this operation.] Of those four, I only know of Boaz and Killian, both trained law enforcement officers, personally doing undercover work.
Director Mueller? interdasting....

I'd vote for him.

>He uses fascist imagery unfortunately. I cannot support that.
Nigger. Fascist imagery is aesthetic and manly as fuck