Let's be honest, you don't really even need a gun for self defense, let alone an assault rifle. The fact is that there are so many self defense options that are not lethal. You can use a taser, pepper spray, a whistle, or even a big stick/bat. Or you can learn how to fight. I mean, I have been taking karate for about a year now and I have never once felt the need to have a firearm to protect myself, and I live in the city.
The idea that you need a gun to defend yourself, especially an assault rifle, is an absolute joke. In fact, you are more likely to shoot a family member or yourself than you are to actually use that gun to defend against a bad guy.
All assault rifles do is cause death and division in our country and make people afraid to go to school, work, church, or even the damn grocery store because some guys 200 years ago decided that we had the "right" to own guns. Enough is enough.
the purpose of the 2nd amendment is so that civilians can maintain a militia if need be and keep their government in check, in which case assault rifles are absolutely fair game and should be legal. taking away rights because x amount of people die each year is ridiculous.
voting causes division in our country so does the 2 party system etc and so on. are you afraid of crossing the street or getting into a car? people die because of those all the time. do you think about heart attacks every time you eat something bad for you or cancer every time you're exposed to something that can give it to you? doubt it that kills more people than guns do.
also look at places like chicago with tough gun laws and high amounts of shootings, it's almost like making things illegal doesnt make them unavailable. i can go outside and find cocaine and military guns if i wanted, so can everyone, so fuck off with that.
Bentley Morris
Good argument. This is why we should not even bother with negotiating when it comes to an assault weapons ban, we should just confiscate all assault weapons instead because you conservashits refuse to be reasonable.
John Cooper
We don't have the right to bear arms to shoot deer, nigger. We have the right to bear arms to shoot state agents.
Isaac Sanders
Sure, as long as it's you knocking on the doors.
Asher Cruz
I don't need an argument. You're a faggot and this is a bait thread. So, like I said... choke on my dick and die. Sage.
Christopher Martinez
>be 100 lb woman
> big burly man comes into my house to rape me
> no gun
> i fucking die
Matthew Price
And prove to the same conservashits that they were right in their theories that an opressive government would soon try and seize their guns? Also I would assume these seizures would be carried out by men...carrying those same type of guns. Would I be correct in that assumption?
Jackson Peterson
The left: Drumpf is running concentration camps.
Also the left: Gibs me dat firearm
Ryder Rivera
it's unreasonable to take weapons away from the masses while endlessly paying taxes so that a small amount of people in control of military and police can develop new and improved weapons. you currently live in a world where media and voting aids in corruption and dividing citizens against each other. a world where regardless of which party has been in charge, left or right, increase over decades of infringements on the 1st 2nd and 4th amendments have been steadily rising, and media caters to this by sensationalizing emotional stories. not to mention militarization of the police against citizens, mass surveillance, privacy invasions etc and so on.
but yeah let's limit what the masses can use because that's definitely not going to make things worse in the long run when we already government that's acting against our best interests daily, may as well make it so no one can defend themselves either.
you're the one being unreasonable.
Matthew Wilson
It is in case you send 30 MPs to my doorstep. That is also what the IEDs are for.
It is a Right GUARANTEED to me, and it is guaranteed as a matter of course because people like you exist that want to strip me of it knowing full well it is a Right.
>enough is enough not with you it isn't you limp dicked queer. Its never enough with you. I capitulate 1 iota of my rights to you and you smell blood, as you should. That is why there will never be a discussion on the matter.
Wyatt Clark
I need it to shoot myself
Benjamin Hill
You're right, we primarily need firearms because they expedite the process of murdering politicians.
Like I already said, that's why you use something like a taser or get some self defense hand to hand combat training. There are 7 year olds at my dojo who are pretty good.
Noah Nguyen
>some guys 200 years ago decided that we had the "right" to own guns They didn't decide it. They recognized that it exists, and prohibited their new government from infringing on it.
>we should just confiscate all assault weapons You unironically should. Door to door roundups with fully geared entry teams, summary executions for noncompliance. Jefferson has been waiting a long time, it would be a shame to blueball him any longer.
Landon Reed
This. Liberals condone rape and murder.
Isaac Hughes
gib cake
Hudson Clark
>Let's be honest....
OK, let's be honest -- you don't have MY interests in mind as you seek to disarm me.
Let's be more honest -- molon labe.
Thomas Howard
How dare you defile a classic meme with your commie bullshit.
Let's ignore the guy with an ak who gunned down 5 armed intruders in Florida or Texas like a month ago.
John Miller
100% true. This user was based and samurai pilled.
You can pulverize a country from orbit. Nuke it so that the ground never yields anything again. But if you want to hold it? Control it? You gotta put grunts on the ground just like in the days of the legionary slogging through the mud.
Christopher Price
>hurr durr guns is for hunting A well regulated militia...
Jack Cook
The primary purpose of civilian firearms is to act as an impromptu anti government force. All others are a nice bonus.
Jayden Jenkins
You clearly don't listen to enough streetlight manifesto, OP. The deer will shoot back if given the means.
Lucas Sullivan
God dammit you are retarded >some guys You mean the founders? You write like a faggot bitch who didnt finish hs. Kys
Chase Morales
Rifles with 30+ round magazines are for defending our land against authoritarian tyrants and their useful idiots.
Just because some guys 200 years ago decided to allow civilians to own firearms does not mean we have to do the same today, in 2019.
And on top of that the guns they had back then were unreliable muskets that weren't even that dangerous. They were nothing like our modern assault rifles.
Maybe take a history lesson if you can't understand this.
>All assault rifles do is cause death and division in our country....
Do you have any idea how many lives are SAVED each year by the deterrent effect of firearms?
Why aren't you hollering for a national speed limit of 10mph??
Gavin Long
Dude. That'll totally work. Trust me. Dont worry if Jamal breaking and entering has a 9mm. Just do some kung fu fighting. Those cats are fast as lightning. In fact it was a little bit frightening. But they fought with expert timing. They were funky China men, from funky china town.
Landon Johnson
Nice slide thread pedophile faggot
Nathaniel Butler
>All assault rifles do is cause death By design. That's why they exist. 30 round magazines allow a great deal of death between reloads. The issue is, as always, who gets killed and who does the killing.
Wyatt Peterson
It's called having a hobby. And for defense.
Bentley Campbell
Heinlein. Nice quote.
Robert Long
So you can suppress a hord of niggers you stupid kike
Oliver Stewart
>Be me >At constitutional convention >Scrap first amendment because it only applies to printing press and not Twitter.
Landon Roberts
We need weapons to defend our kind from the evil Jews in government. The same people responsible for communist revolution in Russia, China and Cambodia which resulted in 20 million + dead white Christians and 100 million dead + bug people.
The Jews are the same people that start all the world wars and also known for blood libel of white children and virgin women.
Jews hate whites so dam much and they control the world and they plan on mobilizing their subhuman golem to eradicate all whites and then install global communism, to forever be global oligarchs with thousands of slaves each per Jew.
They want our guns so we can’t fight back against their tyranny. Fuck the Jews, fuck the niggers, fuck the anti-gun pieces of shit who guise their intentions as humanitarian when all they care about is disarming whites so they don’t have any power to defend themselves.
you're right they were nothing modern assault rifles, because over time weaponry gets better, it's a big market with a lot of improvements and people just like their government need to keep up.
the reality is the reason why shootings are more prominent in our society has to do with civil unrest and societal issues and not the fact that we have legal guns.
just facts. disarming and weakening the masses in spite of a real need for us to be able to maintain some form of power against a massively corrupt government is insane.
also we could get rid of guns and people would still make bombs, use knives, use trucks, throw acid at each other etc and so on and kill people like that because you can't stop violence regardless.
Brandon Bennett
>people afraid to go to school, work, church, or even the damn grocery No, that's just you and your mental illness. We have safe places available for you.
>Group of urban youths trying to buy mathbooks breaks into your home You must be one of them wypipo that never interacts with poc?
Nolan Edwards
What makes you think we're negotiating?
James Cooper
this is sort of like how martial arts have been used to win revolutions historically right? no need for weapons just use kung fu against armed soldiers and police. where the fuck is your head at and do you even know what the actual purpose of the 2nd amendment is?
John Taylor
To be honest in any war of the government versus rednecks with guns I’m hoping the government wins. Fuck rednecks.
Liam Lopez
I practiced karate for 8 years. You are being taught bullshit. Get a gun.
William Cook
>be farmer >have pack of 15 or more wild hogs destroying my crops >takes at least two hits to drop them as they charge me >the only mag I can buy is 10 rounds >i get mauled by wild hogs
Why do you need a vehicle that holds more fuel than you need for one trip? There’s always places to get more fuel if you’re running short.
Luke Adams
>Mfw someone forgets that the continental army was a thing
Hunter Harris
the declaration of independence gives citizens the right to rebel against tyranny if the government infringes on their rights.
Ryder Scott
And the place only exists because a civilian force beat the military. Kinda hypocritical to try disarming them. A great way to tempt fate. For now they don't even need to take the guns. So many cuckservatives and liberals will gladly bend the knee to tyrants for an easy life.
Nicholas Parker
>thinking government will protect you
look at china, Argentina , Venezuela , russia or any other country.
>you can get a weapon from mexico off the dark web
only idiots think like this. i'm from nyc, i just also know better.
Noah Morales
Where did this meme come from?
Christopher Powell
To be fair I forgot too. Nice catch.
Ryder Taylor
Do you need a preservative packed burger with cancer fries and 32 ounces of high fructose corn syrup for $6? No, but this is America and you can do as you please faggot. What America needs is for you to mind your own fucking business
Nolan Rogers
Wait. You mean we have shit ton of weapons, ammo, armor and we don't have to negotiate? Kind of like how the left doesn't comply with immigration or drug laws in their sanctuary cities, but only want to have the NIMBY way of living with their results????
Camden Bell
>stomping out people's rights is reasonable
Brody Turner
>some guys 200 years ago decided to allow civilians to own firearms I realize this is a bait thread, but it should be noted for the shocking number of people who don't seem to know: the Founders did not ALLOW civilians to have guns. Their constitution did not grant the right to bear arms. The right is inherent in all men, and it was not the Founders' to give or take away. It was seen as immutable and inalienable, granted by God (ie. a supreme power that no man's authority can supercede). It is not limited to muskets or even automatic small arms. Ordnance and materiel are categorically no different. The purpose of its inclusion in the constitution it so that the citizenry be armed and ready to fight a military force (recall that the Founders never wanted a standing army either), be it their own, or that of another nation's.
Ian Moore
>The fact is that there are so many self defense options that are not lethal Fuck non-lethality. I want the problem PERMANENTLY solved.
Well, it's a good thing "assault rifles" were banned back in 1986. I think you're looking to confiscate the scary looking black rifles. A handgun can kill just as many people.
Nathan Thomas
>"How can you hope to defeat the U.S government with your Ar15 when they have the most cutting edge technology, guns, tanks and planes?"
Implying the 'fellow white people' won't gib guns to niggers the instant guns are prohibited and confiscated under a Democrat president.
Adrian Brooks
Fucking idiots. You can defend yourself from a person with a gun using martial arts. It's not that difficult. They teach all sorts of disarming techniques in these self defense classes.
These guys have managed to beat off multiple superpowers with the best technology. Two in the last century alone. And theyre not even white. The people They beat were though.
Yeah it's like these people have never heard of the iron hand technique to deflect bullets. I saw it in that one jackie chan film so it must be real. Are guns dangerous or can anyone defend from them after a simple martial arts class?
Isaac Taylor
Lets be really honest. OP is an enormous faggot and totally full of shit.
Nolan Rogers
Aaron Wilson
I've seen "airsoft" select fire glock backplates sold on chink sites before. I wonder if they're functional.
Justin Roberts
The declaration does imbue any rights it’s just a list of grievances