If you don't have medium brown to pure blonde you're not white. Keep coping soulless darkies.

Attached: http___www.blogcdn.com_www.stylelist.com_media_2013_04_blue-vs-brown-eyes-blogsmithmain-041713.jpg (1028x675, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Also if you don't have blue/green eyes you're not white either.

D&C thread

Ok soulless ginger-fag

t. coping shit-haired shark-eyed mutt.

I'm not ginger. But they have more soul than shit-haired fags.

Red hair blue eyes checking in

eye and hair color has literally nothing to do with being white. it’s about skull structure.

It’s more about not being a faggot, which you all are. My black neighbor is more “white” than 90% of you faggots

Brown hair grey eyes checking in.

Kek based. Phenotype retards are the niggers of the white nationalist movement. What matters is your skull structure, your iq, and your actual goddamn dna. I don't give a fuck if you have pitch black hair and pitch black eyes, if your dna comes back white, you're white.

I have brown hair, my brother has blonde hair. So he’s white and I’m not? The fuck kind of stupid logic is that

> mimimimi I'm a daywalker

How are redheads not white OP?

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Jow Forums logic. Did you expect science?

Why do you mutts have such issues with identity? Is it because of 56%? Does mutting cause mental illnesses and obsession of race?

shut the fuck up, Irish gnome rat
we are all Europeans
stop diving us

Attached: dolph.jpg (236x296, 13K)

I’m not here to support OPs argument because OP is a faggot as usual

Why cant Jow Forums just accept that the elites in control of this country and the world got where they are because they are smarter and more capable. It's survival of the fittest, the best wins, PERIOD! All your doing now is just disrupting things and making it harder on everybody else, like the palestinians are. Just accept your place in this world and dont fight against us or face the consequences. You've been warned Jow Forums...

if you are within the green area, you're white

Attached: races.png (300x139, 24K)

All you girly light eyed sõyboys, my eyes are like 2 black holes that muster fear into the eyes of the sõyim. Imagine if someone could read your emotions through your eyes lmfao


Blonde hair blue eyes checking in

>potato nigger
>thinks he can tell who is white and who isn't

My brother is blonde and I have brown hair, both of us have blue eyes. Am I magically less white than my brother?

Kek I have the same exact situation

Reminder that kike shills don't know what genotypes and phenotypes are

Sissy Boy

Only women should have blond hair blue eyes it looks so gay on men

rate my girlfriend

Attached: 16899.png (223x593, 355K)

That's nothing. I have brown hair and hazel eyes, both of my sons are blond with blue eyes. By Jow Forums logic my boys are White but their father isn't.

yes they do

Attached: JGenetics.png (772x685, 94K)

Is this the new internal euroracebaiting thread? Nordic masterrace reporting in, everyone else is a mutt.

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Fine by me.

lol @ u

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I dunno man, didn't Adolf have black hair? I mean I'm blond myself but I think this is some really weird reasoning. So is a mutated Abbo or Nigger with blonde hair white? Also stop using white, just say European.

4/10 in this photo, but if she has birthing hips she's easily a 6.5

Nah,there is much more simple formula - brown eye=no white

So sandniggers, pakis and poos are now white? Nice going Achmed.

I got bad news for you, bro.
> Bledel grew up in a Spanish-speaking household, and did not learn English until she began school; she considers herself a Latina.


oh no i'm really pale but have brown eyes, better kill myself.

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Hitler wasn't white.

This. Phenotype> Eye/Hair colour. Using Jow Forums logic, this nigger if he had blonde hair is white.

Attached: darkblauw.jpg (800x600, 53K)

no one in ireland is white

I guess based Salvini is not white....

Attached: 29Salvini.jpg (620x419, 21K)


True dat

Attached: stay woke.jpg (320x399, 27K)

Whiter than you tyrone

tyrone is an irish name

you dumb potato nigger, i just don't go in the sun because it's gay and gives you skin cancer.


And mutts stole it.

I am a native american federally recognized tribal member

brown/blonde hair
blue eyes
pink nipples

this shit is less accurate than phrenology


Don't listen to sunscreen Jews. The sun is healthy for you.

>some variation of the same garbage thread for the umpteenth time

Dark blond and don't consider myself 'pure white'.
I'm a Germpol, and fucking own that shit.
Keep your over generalization bullshit.

Own up or don't own at all, pussy.

It's not about skin color, it's about eyes color. If your eyes have color of shit, you aren't white.

You seem really upset about this Susan.
Care to elaborate or you gonna keep drinking yourself into a coma?

Shades of Mengele.
All you racist mofos need to KYS.

He looks like you're average Arab semite

No being raised by low iq retards who do not value education does.

r u dizzy blud


Maisie Williams in 5 years

that's an extremely rare mutation

You can stop with that shit. 1/4 or 1/8 jewish does not make one non-white. Idiot.

its photoshop

Yeah sure Achmed...

Of course, but I was using it to point out a fact.

>t. 1/4 ultraschlomo

Attached: happiest merchant.jpg (219x230, 20K)

Have you actually ever seen a North African Arab? Salvini looks EXACTLY like a Tunisian or an average Algerian. Just do a google search.

www (dot)

U fucking tell me that this man and Salvini do not belong in the same race right now, Ngubu.

If you think that Mutt is white, 50% of Turkey, the whole Balkan and parts of North Afrika are white too.

Jesus Christ, Jow Forums has absolutely no principles or standards.

Eye color is controlled by a very small number of genes (2, maybe 3) and compared to our total genes that is nothing. If you are willing to say someone is not white because of 0.0001% of genes then your definition of white is insane.

>Blocks your path

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they are white you nigger. germans are literally the biggest mutts in europe lmao

You're white as long as you have Nordic features. Brown eyes is sometimes skeptical but it's fine as long as you're a solid white not some mutt med or something. If you're med you better hope you have blue eyes or lightish hair.

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>better hope
why do you nordicist niggers think you have any say in anything? you faggots are literally going extinct, control literally no country on earth that isn’t being overtaken by muslims and try throwing fellow whites under the bus constantly. get fucked and raped by a nigger.


I had blonde hair till I was 12 and then it turned brown, and I have hazel eyes. What does this make me?

Attached: 1550705905980.jpg (250x201, 12K)

a nigger

>you faggots are literally going extinct
Because of you.

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im just pissed that I got punched in the nose a few years ago and now I could be mistaken for a jew

You are normal. Look up Wilson Effect

>it’s whiteys fault
you snowniggers act just like africans. must be a hunter gatherer thing, subhuman

well yeah I mean, the right is a kike.

whachu gonna do about it

Did I just imagine WW2 where you conquered Europe for the Jews and instated the current program of white genocide?

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>Medium brown
>I want to be elitist but I have to lower the standards so i can be included among the elites

You’re an idiot