An appeal from a non jew

You can sage this thread if you want.

Jow Forums should accept that Jews are overlords. Not because they are scheming vile creatures that want to abolish whites and make everyone else their servants but simply because they run this game. Their ranks are comprised of the smartest and also the most cruelest and ugliest (serial killer included) specimens. Some of them are tricky and lazy and swindle goyim for easy profits. But you have to admit that most of the time they are intellectually more capable and more dedicated in fulfilling their goals.

The most important point. They have so many scientists, artists, musicians that have advanced our civilization. They fight on their own level against each other.

I hate them but I envy them at the same time.

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Whatever kike

>They have so many scientists, artists, musicians that have advanced our civilization.

>They have so many scientists, artists, musicians that have advanced our civilization
Define "advanced"

>Should "accept them"
>Implying this would ever make them fuck off.
user, you're dealing with an ancient culture that's only ever known a life of living within another.
There is a good chance all that's happening was never even a planned protocol of ye Elders of Zion tier shit but merely an emergent collapse caused by the sort of behaviors they exhibit.

I guess Jews are everyone's masters

Quantum physics field is literally infested by them.
Edward Witten is a Jew. The Standard model of particles is created by a Jew.

I want everyone on the plant to know that African Americans are 13% of america but commit 50% of its violent crimes.
I want every single person to remember blacks when they see the numbers "13" and "50"
I want it graffitied on every wall.
I want it posted on every website.
I want it meme'd to death and back.
I want it addressed in every newspaper.
I want it robo-called to every single landline possible.
I want it printed out and plastered all of college campuses.

13% of the population is black, and they commit 50% of violent crime.

>this stat is a low-ball
Then the fags will investigate it, and realize reality is even more horrible than as advertised. Low-balling the stats doesn't matter, it's horrific as is. The meme is set in place, any change would be counter-productive.

13% => 50%
[13, 50]

I want these numbers to be MEME NUMBERS, just like "420" and "69" are.

Your Constitutional rights movement has been kept up to date by Alan Dershowitz - a Jew that has been representing our beloved Jew Epstein...

Literally 90% of all the scientist from the greek era till the 1800s are european and even in this couple of centuries only 22% of novel prize winner are kikes

>Edward Witten
Quantum physics is a meme for brainlet. They aren't real scientists.

I work night shifts every Saturday and Sunday and I had a lyft driver who told me he was Jewish and he told me that their bible tells them they have everything they need inside of them to start a business and make money now that sounds like the money grubbing merchant meme but this guy seemed genuinely concerned about what was going on the world my point here is I don’t think it’s American working guy jews it’s the Israelis that have to burn and get gassed fuck them but I have no qualms with working stiff jews as long as they don’t have positions of power in media and banking

It's because they act as a tribe while Europeans don't. Only one Latvian I met thought about group effor and the others don't care. They are just here for money. Pretty pathetic. If Europeans acted like jews/japanese then we could get somewhere.

Than you're wrong. Jewish evil is genetic.

Albert Einstein's (also a Jew) theories were also a meme. Your Tinder app is reliant on his calculations

The fact his bible talks about how to make money is a sign right there how evil heir whole psyche is
They are the absolute opposite of the aryan spirit of nobility and honor and strength
Im sick of living in this gay jew world

the only difference between them and anyone else is that they are willing to tolerate each other's differences in order to achieve common goals, they are not inherently smarter.

This. I don't know why whites on here scream but how can you be mad when you don't do it yourself. This is competition and they were winning because whites were lazy.

>pol/ should accept that Jews are overlords.

the best argument for jewish supremacy.

>just accept it

heres my counteroffer


You are right. Jews are being taught that they have been persecuted not because they were inferior. But because they were superior. Latvians always sob that they have been a victim of wars between superior countries and were in the wrong place in the wrong time. We always need to think about ourselves personally because we are reliant on circumstances.. Jews are taught that they can create circumstances. That is probably the difference

>Albert Einstein's (also a Jew) theories were also a meme.
He stole them from gentiles.

Who created the science as we know it from myth to logos greeks while kikes were thinking in magical terms we were building the first proto modern societies psyentific method, literature, phylosophy, olympic sports , democracy , literacy rate over 15% while in egypt was under 1%...

What values we embraced after 1000 years of stagnation thanks to cristianity to conquer the world? Graeco romans, who were the scientist and phylosophers that built the modern word? Europeans all of them
Montaigne, descartes, newton , voltaire, diderot....
Who were the ones who invented the most refined music europeans sll of them bethoven , mozart .....
The same in genetics with mendel, watson and dound na
Who invented the printis press or the first motor that started the indusyrial revolution? European again

You kikes are pathetic

No, its because they know how to deceive. They only know how to destroy and parasite. They can't create anything on their own.

>submit to evil goyim
Kill yourself

I see it took some time for you to google. It doesn't matter. He had some other dude do the mathwork of his idea. Doesn't change the fact that he propelled the theory further.

Serious question faggots? Why cant Jow Forums just accept that the jews in control of this country and the world got where they are because they are smarter and more capable. It's survival of the fittest, the best wins, PERIOD! All your doing now is just disrupting things and making it harder on everybody else, like the palestinians are. Just accept your place in this world and dont fight against us or face the consequences. You've been warned Jow Forums, better listen.

If you look up Nobel prize winners by religion as a proportion of religion population, Jews dominate.

Times have changed old man.
You name just 4 or 5 big players with few equations. Today the spectrum of science is much wider and they are leading it. It doesn't matter that it was introduced by Europeans. We can go further and tell ourselves that modern science was created by apes because somewhere some time ago someone invented a wheel. You are pathetic

>Serious question faggots? Why cant Jow Forums just accept that the jews in control of this country and the world got where they are because they are smarter and more capable.

by that same logic anything bad that happens to jews, say if a real holocaust of jews happens then its because of how wicked and deserving of painful deaths they are.

Because you arent you have win a battle in a war over 2000 years thats all .
You are nothing more than merchants with delusion of grandeour

winning a trophy doesnt really help the world

Literally stick a gun in your mouth.

It does. Until a nigger wins it for being a president or some sandnigger bitch gets one for taking lead in her face

Good comeback. Truly we have an intellectual here

And even in modern day 75% of novel prize are europeans( your most prolific century )
We only need unity to putt you in the place where you belong dasyu

Either way, it's a strategy and all Europeans have to do is get back to it. Drop the shitty past and look forward as a Race.

>boring cope

>facts are cope

As a jew I think you need to reconsider your position. Yeah sure my people have done a lot of great things but it's seriously so corrupt and I couldn't even tell you how or why because I don't know. Even your typical normie Jew is gonna have an air of self-righteousness and feelings of superiority. I want to say it is the incest because I've met Jews who's families have never stepped foot in a country west of Israel and seem more sane unless they're Orthodox. Orthodoxfags are the worst

> facts

Jews do constitute the largest % of the world's elite and of the many secret cabals the run life behind the scenes.

How does Jow Forums connect between the globalist demonocracy and the Zionist state, I wonder? Israel is such a monumental experiment, after all.

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The facts is jews have never been able to create a successful civilization.


>Jews are incapable
>Why are Jews running the world?

What a fucking retard you are.

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The only facts are that we dont need you nor want you because you degrade everything you touch it doent matter if you accelerate 30% scientific discoveries is not worth it

I worship God. Not anything on this earth.
Go fuck yourself OP.

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Jews are leeching off the world that Europeans built, and that world is falling apart.

They steal ideas and other kikes give them the award

Jews only skills are corruption, subversion and deceit

You should lay off alcohol Cletus.

>it doent matter if you accelerate 30% scientific discoveries is not worth it
They don't even do this. Our progress has slowed significantly after the jews took over.

Exactly how has a bunch of jews sitting around imagining things advanced society?

not an argument


not even white

>my fellow non jew

>its facts in my mind

>and it's falling apart
Because Europeans allow it, you dense fuck.

Their artists and musicians are shit. So are there architects.

The problem with the jews is that they are not beautiful and neither are the things they produce. They are the producers of ugly modern art, cacophonous dissonant music, inhospitable architecture, and vapid shalllow borderline pornographic theater/cinema. This is their deficiency, they cannot create beautiful things on the level of classical western civilization. People do not love them. People want to live in white countries, in our buildings, to be with our beautiful women, and just to be around us, becaus we are naturally attractive. With jews its the opposite. People DO NOT want jews anywhere near them, thats why they arr kicked out of so many nations. They are naturally repulsive. Its their curse. Who cares if they are able to hoard wealth or power? It never lasts. They will always end up alone and hated, doomed to wander.

>Why are Jews running the world?

they run worlds into the ground
EVERY place jews go becomes infinately more shitty

retard niggers somehow managed to make palestine worse

Einstein couldn't even prove his own "calculations", largely because he stole them from other people and threw them into a box with no idea how to fit them together, what are you talking about?

Jews are ruining the west you mean? In only 70 years in chsrge they have managed to trasform china in the first superpower of the world while the west implode under the weight of your incompetence and hate toward everything that europeans built .

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t. Schlomo Kekelstein

>i call people who i don't like non-white
How repetitive.

Its an objective fact that kikes have never had a successful society. Its an objective fact that modern civilization was built by Europeans.
>Because Europeans allow it, you dense fuck.
Ah, so the 2000+ years of European development, and then the 100 or so years of decadence (when jews took over) is just a coincidence.

>gets BTFO
>no argument

Shut up nigger since the jew tskeover in the 60s the relative power of the west- word has dishmish to a point that you will see in your lifetime our demish but YOURS TOO

biggest red pill for normie jews

>rabbis and elite kikes' first line of slave-defense are jew pawns.
>the only real jews are the elites

>Power = good
Exactly what part of China seems even remotely acceptable to your fucking brainlet IQ?Your seething leaflet rage is amusing enough, you're not even putting effort to your bait.

This is the timeline of the development of the Scientific Method:
This is the only Jew who contributed to it:
Sanches' contribution was "Well you can never REALLY know!"

Good post leaf.

No one is denying their hand in this, you dumb motherfucker but Europeans allowed them and allowed them to prosper. How fucking retarded are you? You scale of argument is so small you are focused on it happening rather than how. What a stupid motherfucker. Read my fucking post before sperging back and think about what I am telling you. Why after so much success did we allow them in and even when the first red flags were shown, why didn't we remove them for good?

>b-but my art
I DON'T FUCKING CARE. There is only utility for me not some faggy paintings. If you can't compete against 2% of the population, how the fuck are you better, you coping faggot?

why choose cruel overlords when you could choose superior benevolent overlords
jews cannot compete with us
not even the chink horde can compete with us

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The alternative reality that dasyus didnt gamble so high outsourcing the know how of a milenia to china and end ip btfo by it letting usa trasformed in a giant ginancial bubble while china and the rest of the world to a lesser extent grow stronger everyday

>still no argument

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OP is right.. if the loser white trash of the world think they can ever win against the Jews.. think again. They are 100x more intelligent than the average white person and more motivated. Accept that they rule you and just be glad they don't kill you.

here is an example of tip top retarded brainlet

China didn't grow stronger because USA was weakened on purpose. Investors were running from USA like rats from sinking ship and investing in growing economies. Eventually China will bloat and they will dump their investment elsewhere (Indonesia, Brazil, Africa) - anywhere where there is something to build and "spend" credits on. It's as simple as that you dumb fuck

Kek this goy is high on kosher supply.

>they are smarter
They are dumb fucking cucks that have literally stoop to nepotism to stop the hordes of 130+ asians and whites applying to their cash cow professions (law, med, etc). When it was only whites and jews, whites could never confirm jews were fucking up the admissions this way. With asians entering the scene new statistics show precisely that this is happening.

>Cruel and ruthless
Only true in compared to Christian culture where you should only kill your neighbor as a very last result. Why do you think they didn't prosper in Asia or in the Middle east? Because those cultures are as ruthless as any jewish culture.These fags are not ruthless, if you look closely they don't operate anywhere that harm can be done to them. Weak, spineless tribe.

>so many scientists, artists, musicians

98% of the great science, arts, musical, literature contributions to humanity have been Christian. 98% of porn, communism, nihilism and uglyness has come from jews. It's almost like Christians are God's chosen people and Jews are Satan's chosen tools huh?

You're less intelligent than me by a long shot. I read your post and they were all retarded. Not all europeans let the kikes in, just you anglokikes and the french. My grandparents fought against the kike while yours empowered them.

> reading in absolutes

Why are you so defensive? is it because it is true? There was no need to find counterargument to every word.

By 'cruel' I meant them being cruel inside of their own kind. Why would you go outside and try to counter this one is literally beyond me.

>They have so many scientists, artists, musicians that have advanced our civilization
white have more. and you haven't presented any argument for why what you want is better than, say, killing them. although obviously you're a shill.

>when the leaf makes an absolutely terrific post

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>Why are you so defensive? is it because it is true? There was no need to find counterargument to every word.
Not an argument you rhetoric spewing kike.

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>you spoke first in absolutes
>why are you responding in absolutes?

Please we have win for more than 2000 years while you have been nothing more than a slave tier race for all your existence

Retard it was a cover takeover that end up backfiring horribly the ultimate purpose was to trasform china in another western style democracy but they undetstimated the chinese and now we have nothing nor industry nor the knowloadge

They are retarded, any skill unrelated to kikery is alien to them.

I did yes. But not every word was meant to be that way. Reactionary cucks always lose. That is why I am right.

there are no great jewish musicians

just a few memes that stink

> underestimated the chinese
Like they thought their economy won't blow up? Lol .It will. Just sit back and relax.

>Another non-argument

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>i-im smarter than you
It appears my text is retarded because you don't understand what I am saying to you. It can't cope.
>not all europeans
So? Live and die by your people. If you don't talk up then shut the fuck up about the consequences.
>you anglo and french did it we dindu nuffin
But you lost though. So what now?

>Their ranks are comprised of the smartest and also the most cruelest and ugliest (serial killer included) specimens.
They're not the smartest, actually they're the least smart. Instead of creating a utopia, they will create a dystopia, how is that smart?

>Europeans allowed them and allowed them to prosper.
Europeans actually handed them a near monopoly on banking and finance when their church banned christians from lending money in 1179. Pope Alexander III must have been quite the brainlet, 700 years later the church was in debt to the rothschilds.

this guys fawkin good

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This is my point. Whether it's "elites" or peasants of Europeans it still is Europeans who allowed it.
>b-but da eleetes
And who allowed the elites to be in power?

even the latvians have become soft...

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>elite kike musicianship

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Only a delusional retard could think that china is gonna implode and the west gonna life a second reinassance .

Yust kill yourself

>It appears my text is retarded because you don't understand what I am saying to you. It can't cope.
You don't have a good grasp of your own langugage kid.
Your argument was that you let it happen. Saying "so?" after you were BTFO doesn't change anything.
>But you lost though. So what now?
pic related.

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