Be me...Watching Scott Adams, notice something at 28:30

Notice how it skips and appears to have a buffering problem, right at that time. Now, shutdown the browser or go to another device and try again, same thing...

Now consider what he is talking about right at that moment, and why SOMEONE might not want that to get out...

Start watching about 26 minutes in to get context...This is suspicious as fuck anons.

Attached: scott-adams.jpg (885x516, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Told ya so! lol

want to hear soemthing even weirder?

The little bum-bum-bum he's humming when he starts is almost exactly what I was listening to here ; Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in D major K. 119. Allegro

btw the word is invasion

Attached: pepe-worried.jpg (125x125, 3K)

So why is it doing this??? Is it doing it for you guys too, right at that time?

same thing happened with the steve piecnik or whatever the fuck's video, weird skip around the 1:00-1:10 mark

Yeah skipped for me too. Could just be in the video itself

Someone should bring this to Scotts attention so he can check the video he uploaded.

Attached: 04.png (1070x601, 507K)

its a periscope so probably a network packet drop during the stream... OP's strong desire to hear what was being said amplified the loss above the actual significance.

A voice of reason...Thank you user

This happens often on youtube, I believe the algorithm is reading people's words in real time and censoring in advance.

This is one of the things i've been wondering about as well...We should do some tests...

Some videos crash at the exact same frame after several attempts to play it.

>open YouTube
>immediately get a Star of David

Attached: C091D765-FD0D-4C22-ACF3-720191E164AE.jpg (750x1334, 170K)

My video player didn’t seem to act up, I think it could be his computer just hitched

oh sure, then rabbi ShekelStein. Even after a reboot and/or trying a different computer....And the other anons in this thread that said they had the same issue. Get the fuck out of here, we are actually trying to make a difference in this world instead of helping the kikes subvert everything for shekels...fucking dumbasses

Data packet loss is more plausible. Not everything is a conspiracy.

What about this one?

at 1:10

American education, everyone

Um, the Star of David has six points. That one has eight.

These are interesting cases. Could be some predictive speech AI censorship filter but most probably it's a network issue

Perhaps...We need more examples.

Its all over guys! Evacuate the planet, head for venus!

Attached: nukefromorbit.jpg (700x376, 54K)

Not to go full retard but I have noticed this happen at very important times in the conversation as well.
I've wondered if there is a way to artificially affect streams to this extent as a viewer, to cause these sudden network issues.

Jow Forums fags are aware of this and checking it out...

More examples would help. Dropped frames in OBS generally has the video freeze or lag while the sound continues normally. Dropped Internet usually has the video and sound freeze, then pick back up together. This one is strange.

same fucking thing happened to me about 2 weeks ago, when i just wanted to listen to GoST - Behemoth...
i expected a certain video clip for that song to be taken down, but i couldnt get it to play past 20 seconds in any other video
since then, it happens from time to time, always while watching (((unsuitable))) videos

Notice that with these two examples, what they are talking about...Or trying to talk about actually

Saw it happen on a fucking piano lesson recently

kill yourselves schizos

you're a fucking retarded boomer user

the source of the video is periscope live stream, and if you watch the source on Periscope the delay is still there

As for YT the reason it does that on all devices is because the YT clients play the same file from their data center, regardless of computer or app

That's not to say doing this would be hard at all, YT scans every video on upload for wrong think with machine learning. Basically anything resembling gore or nazi shit gets flagged. It can also form a transcript of audio and could flag video based on what's being talked about, like Jew, Nazi, conspiracy theories, etc

But in this case, there's no BS going on, just packet loss probably due to Scott's shitty wi-fi with periscope because the source material is exactly the same

Attached: google insider 1.png (1481x103, 12K)

there wouldn't need to be predictive AI, every video uploaded to youtube gets analyzed before going live

Machine learning will break the video into still images and look for gore, nudity, swatstikas, etc and flag it accordingly. Also does copyright check for music and creates an audio transcript to look for swear words

Attached: google insider 2.png (960x190, 13K)

Suck it Jew. It happened to me too.