I hate working. I've had 10 different jobs and all were awful. The worst by far is office job I have now. It ruins my physical and mental health. Constant tasks that have to be done on time. Pressure from the clients. Constant calls and email. I can't do this anymore Jow Forumsbros l fucking can't.
I hate working. I've had 10 different jobs and all were awful. The worst by far is office job I have now...
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lazy fuckin faggot this is why we get mexicans
Sum1 plzpost wagie pasta
>I've had 10 different jobs and all were awful.
I won't pretend work is fun but what do you expect? Some jobs are enjoyable but most aren't. Welcome to real life.
>working for a living and paying taxes
i seriously hope you don't do this
an hero
do it faggot
>be wh*toid subhuman
>work your ass off for scraps
>get welfare and relax all day,everyday
Not everyone's cut for stress bro. Go work with nature or something slow but reliable.
I used to be a wage slave.
Then I started my own business and never looked back
Honestly, when I quit my job I was happy again. Working everyday made me depressed and anti social. I couldn't find any energy during the day to work out. I always used to come home and go right to bed. And this was without caffeine, so I wasn't addicted. 40 hour weeks are unhealthy.
and now they're mixing so we got Blackxicans
Try living in a midwest town here.
It's either THE TRADES (shit pay), office/call center work (shittier pay), or kitchen work (beaners/kids).
I have no clue what everyone talks about when they mention a booming economy. Literally everything is about servicing older boomers. Call centers to answer their retarded questions, servicing their massive fucking homes, or cooking them meals.
You can always suck dick for dollars at the truck stop or rest areas on the highways.
I am on welfare after 20 years of shitty jobs. I love it and I do not care anymore.
& I bet you voted for the 72 year old orange boomer billionaire...ya know the one...the one with the billionaire boomer cabinet.
You can take up the exciting, but dangerous job of robbing banks!
We are all enslaved by jews and multinationals.
Me also,
I get 1150€ a month in NEETbux,
I used to earn 1300€ a month doing a shitty job,
I buy and sell used cars on the side,
Now i make more than i used to do working
I don't give a shit anymore society can suck my ass
Living from payment to payment. No contracts. Stupid low iq jobs, too much competition, false promises. You have to function like a robot, for what? for 1300 Euro to buy useless shit and to pay the corporations.
Job agencies are terrible companies and all the jobs in my region come from job agencies.
Then you lose your job after 6 months to 2 years, you need welfare, to get welfare you can only own 5000 Euro so you can not save, you can not break out.
I gave up and I never was so happy.
Just move in back to your parents, they've been living all live at the cost of future generations taking loan after loan to be paid in the future by their children and grandchildren. They owe you debt of forever care, and they better live to their 100s to take care of you.
im on welfare since 2015
why work ?
i have the same amount of money like i had with a full time job. plus i dont pay taxes anymore to the system
I really do not understand why more nationalists see this.
It's THE way to crash the system.
Fuck them all. I will work tomorrow if there is a reason again to rebuild my nation.
Most of my taxes go to things I do not support.
/Chainlink/ is the only way out user
post on Jow Forums
It is called work and they pay you do do a job get the fuck out of childhood where everything you do is for fun.
because germans have this work work work mentality. refugees just stay at home and collect welfare, why should i work for this ? nah thanks
Good slave goy!
How? I’m assuming that for Hartz u need to be:
-unemployed and have to prove that no one has hired you for a certain amount of time, despite proven job applications
-injured to the point of disability in your profession
-some kind of refugee status, such as asylum(give me more details on this, if true?)
I can not find a decent house here. I've been on a waiting list for 6 years now and they give the nice houses to Somalian/Syrian families.
These kind of things made me decide to stop working.
If they do not have to speak my language and if they do not need to work, why should I do it?
How can you work with normies when you are red pilled as fuck? It's impossible to listen to their soccer/beer/stupid shit stories all day long.
Let it all collapse.
you just have to be 25 years old to collect Hartz4, thats all.
when the Jobcenter send me a letter for an meeting i just call in sick. i wasnt there since 2 years or so, i just call in sick .
Do you flip the cars?
Seek a job that you're fit to do, there's a lot of figuring out to do but most importantly should be the following:
1) do you like to work inside, outside or mix it up?
2) do you like to work alone, with people or mix it up?
3) do you like to work with your body, your mind or mix it up?
4) do you like to work with a high and constant workload, or you'd rather deal with periods of high and low pressure?
If I were you I'd apply to a mailman or delivery position. Pretty much the opposite of the position you're in right now. See if you like it, take it from there.
Just play you have autism or anything related. Act like a savage to them (without being rude).
Act like you have a burnout or act like you are suicidal, if you do this all doors go open. They might even give you education.
Use their system against them. They have a lot of money for the "weak". But when you are normal they will force you into anything they want.
Incredible. I believe you. How much can you make like this?
i worked in OBI markt some years ago. i worked to 21.00 o clock, when i go to the town to catch the bus i saw refugees EVERYWHERE, in the shishabar, restaurant,mcdonalds,they all laugh and have a good time ..... and i was asking myself WTF, why should i work for this ? i had no freetime anymore and was an alcoholic because of work , now i can do whatever i want and feel good.
Move to America. wear a Burqa and say your trans. Make money on MSNBC doing interviews about how oppressed you now are.
Hartz4 = 424€ +free healthcare + 1 single room appearment max. 400€ rent.
if you have kids you get 400€ for every child.
there are some refugee family with 4 kids and they collect like 3000€ or so every month, lol
Ahhh yes
. Hillary.. that bitch
NEET here, my Aramaic/Hebrew/English dictionary came in the mail today. Can't wait to look at it. Seriously, if you work just give up on it, unless you have a family then try starting/buying your own business. But if you don't have a family, please, free yourself from (((work))), stay home, study all day. Discovery channel has a new TV show called "Undercover Billionaire" it's pretty good, watch that.
>mailman or delivery position
i recently applied to the usps and they rejected me for a fucking FAILURE TO SIGNAL violation. reeeeeeeee
Got rent to pay and dont qualify for neetbux, might just buy some land and peace out, havent decided
>when i go to the town to catch the bus i saw refugees EVERYWHERE, in the shishabar, restaurant,mcdonalds,they all laugh and have a good time ...
I see this everyday, the cafes are full of arabs and africans enjoying coffee from lunchtime into late afternoon whilst I'm at work. I wonder how they afford to do it every day?
I know the OBI Markt, I live 2 km from the German border.
You see the same thing here, in the morning you only see white people in their relatively simple cars.
When you are done with your job you see the big expensive cars with young immigrants in them enjoying the good life.
Fuck it, I know exactly how you feel.
There is nothing to live for anymore, nothing to die for anymore. Everything is soul les and sterile. There is no spirituality anymore and people behave like robots and npc's.
Soon we will join as brothers to fight it all. This can not continue for very much longer.
Just claim mental illness, but you won't be able to buy a gun anymore.
>be me
>be security guard
>get to explore interesting places usually after hours like museums and industrial sites
>spend 90% of my time shitposting or playing games/watching Netflix on my phone
>only responsibility is patrolling once an hour
>as many hours as I want
>few bucks above minimum wage
Security guard is the ultimate lazy man job, assuming you never plan on being above lower class. Granted I do have to call the cops on biggers once in awhile but it's pretty rare.
>but you won't be able to buy a gun anymore.
If you think "Undercover Billionaire" is good TV and/or in any way conducive to self-improvement/learning, then you're in no position to give advice to anyone and should stop fooling yourself, grow up, face your mediocrity and get a job. Although I admit learning hebrew and converting to judaism is a big brain endeavor.
give it a few decades time and that pesky second amendment will be revoked. of course glows will continue to sell guns to keep crime rates high and prisons occupied
I'm not converting to Judaism. I'm just learning Hebrew/Aramaic to know my adversary(satan)
You can read the Talmud online anyway, but the Talmud is originally written in Aramaic, and the Old Testament in Hebrew.
There's always Darknet markets. If it works for drugs it works for guns too.
>If you think "Undercover Billionaire" is good TV and/or in any way conducive to self-improvement/learning, then you're in no position to give advice to anyone and should stop fooling yourself
Have you even watched it?
I feel you. I work in service for a particular laptop and AIO make which requires me to work like hell.
Even more now I am running a two person team alone as employer is too cheap to hire 3+ for me team (did have around 6+ at headquarters before which is where I am but they are feeling Brexit so they changed strategy a year back).
If we had at least 3 at least it would not reduce service when one person goes on holiday (logic is 2 can safely handle 3 persons loads, 1 person with 2 loads is more pressure and lack of manoeuvrability in odd circumstances and not as effect to first example, I am lucky to have friends in other departments to assist me in this regards but they are unable to provide the full ultimate assistance that is needed overall that 2 people can handle for 3 to a potential 4 person workload).
i dont trust those gun markets for a minute. the online drug trade is tolerated and probably profited off of to some degree. guns are a more serious game
What is the use/knowledge you get out of the show? I want to know if I should watch it
I try to be hopeful of a future with my girlfriend and want to work to eventually have a family and such but society is so shit that I often think "what is the point? I work only to have a government that hates me steal my money and give it to the people who also hate me."
How to survive and gain/save up money and eventually build up your own million dollar business.
Just work for door dash or Uber. Be your own boss goy.
>Just work for door dash or Uber.
>Be your own boss goy.
pick one
but these corporate gig jobs are for real a lot better than traditional wageslaving. better pay + you work on your own time. if you live near a whole foods i recommend Prime Now shopping or delivery
How old are you? Under 30?
Go to Germany and go to university for free their government will pay for it. Most technical courses there are in English.
There's got to be something better in STEM you can study for.
Office jobs are the worst. What you should be doing is hunting your dinner with a spear in the woods, or tilling the fields for your crop. The fact you're not is the reason you're depressed. What we're doing is against biology.
There is no way I can save up to be a millionaire when I make $19k a year on paper, 25k off it
Poles are the Mexicans of Europe lad
It's filled with run of the mill boomer logic and pity advice / commiseration. You want to succeed in the 21st century? Study economics. Next, rule your life according to economic principles. Then tune in to the voices of those shaping the 21st century. Then you dig for the fundamental lessons about man, life and society learned through history, religion, art, etc. Whatever you do, never treat the ramblings of clueless and morally bankrupt boomers as gospel. They are just self-important meat waiting waiting to be shoved into the grinding machine by forces completely unknown to them.
>i hate working
subhuman. work is everything.
eternal struggle is eternal growth!
Yeah work sucks, that's why people have to pay you to do it.
If it was enjoyable people would do it for free.
How do people not get this?
lmao thats an amazon wagie, i recognize that uniform and layout. Never work there anons, they do not care and its a hell hole to work in.
It's television.
Nobody is going to hire you for toilet cleaning. You can not sell goods on the street without a license etc.
It's as fake as that garagebox auction show.
I've had one job where I did some remote writing and translating for a magazine. Was pretty comfy especially considering I didn't pay any tax from that. I did that for a year I think and then just stopped. I don't know, I'm a lazy fuck.
I do 12 hour days in construction and still lift weights; lazy faggot
i hate working too. all too often the staff hate their jobs and coworkers and its a non-enjoyable environment. add to that staff you hate and management that is too hands on, and it can be totally shit. i feel like people were made for so much better than these ho-hum, boring ass, rigid lives we live.
>Acting as a machine 24/7 is human.
Eternal nothing.
Shut your mouth wage cuck. My neet bucks aren't gonna pay for themselves.
The wagies brought this on themselves with their constant competition and ego. Medieval serfs were only busy during the harvest. That is how we are supposed to function.
"Men generally work too much to be themselves.Work is a curse which man has turned into pleasure.To work for work’s sake,to enjoy a fruitless endeavor,to imagine that you can fulfill yourself through assiduous labor,all that is disgusting and incomprehensible. Permanent and uninterrupted work dulls, trivializes, and depersonalizes. Man sees work as beneficial to his being, but his fervor reveals his penchant for evil. In work, man forgets himself; yet his forgetfulness is not simple and naive, but rather akin to stupidity. Through work, man has moved from subject to object; in other words, he has become a deficient animal who has betrayed his origins. Instead of living for himself — not selfishly but growing spiritually — man has become the wretched, impotent slave of external reality. Where have they all gone; ecstasy, vision, exaltation? Where is the supreme madness or the genuine pleasure of evil? The negative pleasure one finds in work partakes of the poverty and banality of daily life, its pettiness. Why not abandon this futile work and begin anew without repeating the same wasteful mistake? Is subjective consciousness of eternity not enough? It is the feeling for eternity that the frenetic activity and trepidation of work has destroyed in us. Work is the negation of eternity. The more goods we acquire in the temporal realm, the more intense our external work, the less accessible and farther removed is eternity. Hence the limited perspective of active and energetic people, the banality of their thought and actions. I am not contrasting work to either passive contemplation or vague dreaminess, but to an unrealizable transfiguration; nevertheless, I prefer an intelligent and observant laziness to intolerable, terrorizing activity. To awaken the modern world, one must praise laziness. The lazy man has an infinitely keener perception of metaphysical reality than the active one."
I want to do Uber but I'm afraid of getting raped because my city is pretty niggy. Are there rules on CCing while driving for them? I'm not even sure I'll make that much.
But don't you have to work certain hours when it's busy to make any money? Also all the expenses on your car is like 2k on average every year or if you buy a new one that's how much it depreciates in value. So it's basically one or two months you work to cover the costs of just to be able to work there in other words work for free.
Uber is the same thing as working for a boss.
You do not earn much so you have to make 40 hour workweeks at least to be able to barely survive.
>Tf when comfy office job at parents small vompany
>tfw take 30 min bathroom breaks to wack off and do 4 hrs real work a day
>tfw I still hate office life bc sitting at a desk all day fucks ur posture for life
the app shows a persons rating. only go for 4.9 and above. also obviously ignore suspicious names. you don't have to chose a passenger.
stand up throughout the day. stretch. nothing wrong with that at all. be grateful you work with people you tolerate. it could be so, so much worse for you.
Try living in the "norf" that all these fags decided to start memeing. North england is a decrepit shithole that reminds me of pripyat or some other commie shit. If you are lucky you get a £15 an hour job. That makes you rich. If you are a fag peasant like me you get the £7.50 job. Do the maths for 37 hours a week. Then understand why paki gangs thrive here.
Why work when you can sell drugs and rape White girls and drive fast in your drug dealing car because the police only prosecute people who are profitable.
Uber pays almost nothing
I'll have to look into it.
Planning on doubling up on both some kind of delivery service and passenger transport, since my car is fairly nice. Going back to school to be an X-ray technician and I'll need to have some kind of work while that's happening.
That's why you start your own business.
Are there any services like it that actually do?
Weren’t there any English lads doing those activities b4 the mudslimes moved in?
I am in your same situation people.
I am really not myself anymore… I don't like it.
Everybody says that I should be grateful, that I will accept it.
Never gonna happen.
I think I will try becoming a streamer.
This winter I will spend 2000 pound to make a battlestation, and I will stream 3 hours a day during the week for Twitch-
I will basically get two jobs in order to ditch this one..
Thnx bro ur contributing so much to this world. Make sure to scream loudly and obnoxiously whenever something exciting happens.
Twitch doesn't pay well, they take 50% of anything you make before taxes.
obviously uber isnt lucrative but its better than minimum wage at retail hell. depending on where you live you can get a used car for nothing. self repair is also an option and not as hard as you probably think it is
prime now shopping is just picking groceries for 15 an hour, youre on the clock even if your shift is 98% downtime
How about you learn a trade and thrive in a small community?
From each man according to his wage
To each man according to his wage
Unless you want to go back to speaking Russian!
Man when you hit the 10,000 subscriber on Twitch you are set.
2.5 dollars x10,000(before taxation).
I can buy a house within a year in doing so.
>welcome to real life
You mean welcome to JewWorld
I watch a machine make flooring and watch it roll it up into big logs. It's pretty alright. I make minor adjustments to the machine to ensure it trims off the edges evenly and then cut it when the log gets big enough. Most of the time I stand around and space out, for hours at a time, or just walk around the machine listening to the radio. There's a side door within ten feet of the machine I can step out to smoke a cigarette anytime I wish, or play on my cellphone. The building is not too hot, however the cutters can be a little loud. It's not dirty. It's not stressful, at all. It's an extremely low-paced job. I don't have to clockout for lunch. It pays $19.50 to do jackshit, every other job in the area pays $10 so the cost of living is low. It's pretty chill. I'm surprised this is a paying job. The only downside is that it's a bit boring so the days can be long.
I never got the learn to trade meme, and the Whole trade thing...I am literally out of the loop.
But I know now what I want to do with my life, I want to cut my chains.
You still waste your productive years behind a stupid machine earning money to buy useless crap and to pay your bills to jews.
The world would be a better place if we lived in tribes in harmony with nature. I would work 12 hours a day on the land to feed my tribe.
nearly 3 years as an uber driver here bro.
yes, niggers are a hassle, always drama, always stink, always expect you to wait for them forever, unable to respoind civilly to a simple question confirming thier destination... avoid any requests from "De'Quirious", "Big Money Hustlah" and whatnot. dont accept pickups in nigtown, get to know where the local section 8 housing is so you can redline those assholes, and always, around blacks, never relax.
I'd take my guitar in and just play it near the machine.