My parents checked my internet history because they though I was looking at porn...

My parents checked my internet history because they though I was looking at porn, and they instead found out that I’m a nazi. I heard my mom crying afterwards. Why did you guys do this to me?

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>reading Jow Forums turns you into a nazi
>expecting Jow Forums readers to believe your mom fell for this meme
if she fell for this meme, then she's a dumb bitch

the way to fix this is to browse a lot of gay porn sites and then get your mom to check your internet history
if she gets drunk and starts touching herself, take a pic and post results

>internet history
you have to go back, sweet summer child

listen user, you were hacked by a 400 pound hacker named Jow Forums.

deny everything.

Say your friend was searching Jow Forums.

August 17 show them

Mommy why you do dis

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>Caught by mum using Jow Forums
>Thinks you are a Nazi
>go back on Jow Forums to tell us about it.

Seems legit.

Tell them the NSM has some good points on various key issues.

Good. Roll with it show them who is the dominant one in the house. By the looks of it the household needs to be set in order.

Nut up and tell her to fuck off. You're a man damn it. Act like one.

it was obviously the russians

You must be 18 or older to post here

shut up you're in your late twenties your parents rarely even call you

im 20 and live with my parents

At least she didn't call Shareblue to take you to the reeducation camp.


t. wagekike for bagelstein

Nah, I lived with my parents until that age to save money on the crazy rates for living on a college campus

Wtf, why would your parents check for porn then?

Lmao you use the family computer or something?

>not going incognito
>not finding out your family are nazis too
you'll never make it

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

hope dad hasn't seen all the tranny diaper porn

fag larper

tell them the truth
you are researching the enemy

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what are you, twelve?

>they instead found out that I’m a nazi.
nazis have money

if jews will lie about the holocause, they'll lie about anything

OP is a jew

here’s my advice:
>go to /gif/
>download all the tranny porn you can find
>fap to it
... bc you’re a faggot!

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fake and gay

zoomers eternally GROUNDED THE FUCK OUT
no internet privileges recovery in sight


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there will only be one post this ID

>1 post by this ID
Will Jow Forums ever learn?

If she wasn't red pilled - then oven her

Give it time. A lot of time.

IF your mother trusted you as a rational, intelligent thinking person. It would mean there is inevitably at least some truth in the tings you are involved with/interested in.

Either that, or she has to re-think her opinion about you and must conclude you are a mentally deranged, complete idiot retard (what my parents would probably do).

Your luck might be now with the Epstein case on the all media channels- i believe a lot of people are finally beginning to scatch their head they previoulsy didn't dare to think about.

Either way- her world as she knew it will be torn apart.