>gets transferred to "safer" facility after attempt on life
>still manages to hang himself
He was going to implicit Trump wasn't he? So he had him killed.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You're wrong about that on a level that shouldn't be possible, but ok.

There's enough evidence to question whether he's even dead in the first place. Body inconsistencies between corpse/epsteins photos, lack of camera footage, vague autopsy conclusions, reports of unmarked vehicles

he knew where trump kept the dried hymens

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I believe the word you were searching for is "implicate"

Woke up today. Put on my Fuck Drumpf t-shirt and the same cargo shorts I wore yesterday. Checked my phone and saw #ClintonBodycount on Twitter. “Fuck!!” I screamed. I knew I had to get to my job quickly. Threw some tendies in my pocket and kissed my mom goodbye. “Have a good day at work, honey!” She said, as I looked frantically in my Velcro wallet for my bus pass. While I was sitting on the bus looking at my phone, I started noticing how happy people were. They were polite and smiling at each other. Don’t they know what Drumpf has done????? Get to my job at Shareblue. David Brock is waiting for me at the front door. “Get on the computer now! Start typing Orange Man Bad!” He barked while sniffing a line of blow off of some dudes ass. A girl with purple hair in the back raised her hand and said “But Mr. Brock sir, they are smarter than us. They see right through all of our fake comments. It’s not working”
“Orange Man Bad! Type it!! Type Orange Man Bad until your fingers bleed! What do you think I pay you $8.50 an hour for??” Brock asked while using a hanky to wipe the pizza grease from his brow.
What a bunch of lightweights. I crack my knuckles and start typing. Orange Man Bad. Orange Man Bad. Orange Man Bad. Easy money. Logged off after 4 hours and clocked out. I love the feeling of a hard day’s work. I earned $34 today. What the fuck have you done?? Pussies.

Cant even use proper english to push your shill nonsense?

Retards falling for (((Pieczenik's))) Pizzagate psyop
-Epstein had sex with teenage girls that were there voluntarily for money. (still illegal)
-One of the girls named a few others powerful people but at this point there's no actual legaly binding testimony
-Epstien had powerful friends

-Because he's a pedo, all his friends and anyone that went to the Island or flew on his plane is also a pedo. That's like saying that all Jews support the Jewish Ethnostate
-Because there's a funny building on the Iisland, it must contain rape dungeons.
-Because he's Jewish, and his girlfriends father was connected to Israel politicians, He works with Mossad

>Anons forget about the politically and financial corrupt Oligarchs, powerful lobbies that control the government, dual loyalty, ect and now just hate "elites" because sex crime
>Look America, the swamp is being drained

Never believe a thing just because you want to. ~Tyrion Lannister

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>had him killed
He's in witness protection brainlet

Everyone keeps seeming to forget that this was about the democrats and the left being corrupt child fuckers.

The right / conservatives dont actively accept LGBTQ+ degeneracy. The same type of degeneracy going on, on the island, is the same kind of "MAP" (Minor attracted person), "im the pedo, but you're the monster" insanity that leftists try to campaign for.

The left is actively trying to pull a "B-B-BUT YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS, T-TOO!" to divert attention away from the fact that most of this involves liberals and the left.

The liberals and the left, the same people that think dragster cross dressing trannies should be able to read books to young kids. This is LITERALLY a leftist problem and you're fucking functionally retarded if you think otherwise.

Most of the people around jeffery epstein were involved in progressive stack "muh diversity" bullshit. Especially on twitter and on other types of social media. This is almost exclusively a leftist issue.

Reddit spacing. Shit tier logic. Tv quote
> God I hate shills, niggers and faggots

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Oooooh my goodness! Funniest shit I seen all week.

>Ad-hom because reasonable arguments would require thought. Shills greatest tool

How soon you forget about Catholic priests

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This has nothing to do with fucking religion shut the fuck up fedposter.

or Mossad, Kushner,Hillary and half of Hollywood. He had lod lot of dark secrets.

Hey look! It's a global conspiracy, hurr durr

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>When you out yourself as a fedposter this hard

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I got radiation poisoning from how much you're glowing, nigger. This epstein shit is a leftist issue, deal with it.

Nice try Kushner Shills.
I'm really a shareblue discord tranny from ribbit spreading Russian disinfo

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Epstein and Les wexner were gay mafia involved in sex trafficking and Epstein and wexner are gay lovers (bc they actually are I've heard from credible sources

Follow the money to it's origin..

And was saying to follow the money
And you realize Epstein got ALL his money from his gay lover wexner either through extortion for being gay or for doing wexners dirty work

You don't even want to know what goes on at Les wexner's propery just outside Columbus Ohio.. you really do not want to know it will make you sick

How to get a job at wexner s company.. be gay. It seriously will get you a job if you are gay.

Les wexner s businesses are a mossad Jewish Bankers money laundering front for Israel and the Rothschild's.. Israel has laundered billions through the limited brand...

>bc they actually are I've heard from credible sources
Thanks for clearing that up.
Hey anons, I heard from an anonymous poster on Jow Forums, who heard it from "credible sources"

You fuck kids to become president

That's what I was thinking, they could've just moved him to a D.U.M.B. and put some make up on a cadaver for the press.

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>He was going to implicit Trump wasn't he? So he had him killed.

You are one stupid NIGGER!

Trump cut his ties to Epstein way back in 2003 when epstein was trying to have sex with underage girls at Mar-a-lago. Trump hasn't spoken to Epstein for almost 20 years.....

Meanwhile, Bill Clinton is flying to Lolita Island on Epstein private jet on 26 occassions.

Clinton killed EPSTEIN, you uninformed ignorant dimwitted kunter!


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Trump cut ties after going to the island and fucking kids
Clintons cut before Trump

I mean it's feasible

>Epstein Take off pants
>To the left!
>Put legs of pants on either side of neck
>To the right!
>Cross them around back of neck
>To the front!
>Tie pant leg ends around prison bars
>To the back!
>Prop heels up on rim of toilet bowl
>Now slide!
>Dip, baby, dip!
Cotton candy, sweetie go, let me see the Tootsee Roll! Tootsee Roll! Tootsee Roll!


Seethe all you want
Trump got in ny the rules
Fuck a kid, get to be president

>Trump cut ties after going to the island and fucking kids
>Clintons cut before Trump

Kill yourself, you cokkk sukkking faggot liar!

Epstein "suicide" occurred on Tisha B'av


Guy's a fucking moron.

stfu memeflag, show flag you retard. stop larping like you're alt-right trying to make us look stupid.
Did you just fucking stroke out? Your sentence structure and grammar are atrocious. Fedposting detected.

This has ALWAYS been about the left, since day one. this is about the democratic left liberal cuck nigger loving LITERAL kike overlords being exposed. the feds will do whatever it takes to stop them from getting exposed. This was NEVER ABOUT ANYONE in the right wing.

Literally almost all of the people who flew those planes were secularist, jews, democrats, and big company owners who're always looking to meet "diversity quotas" and have horrible social media management that tweets out "muh gay pride" bullshit whenever it gets the chance.

You're shilling REAL hard today, plebbit chan.

Dumb. When you have a super high-profile, targeted, possibly suicidal inmate, you're fucked no matter what. Your options are:

1. Let him out in gen-pop, hope to god he isn't hospitalized or killed by other inmates for being a Chester the Molester.
2. Keep him on suicide watch and his lawyers will claim that it's unconstitutionally cruel pre-trial punishment that he's being kept naked in a cell with no bedding and people staring at him 24/7.
3. Keep him in segregated housing to protect him from other inmates, hope he doesn't off himself.

Problem is that you don't know if a prisoner needs suicide watch unless they kill themselves without it and you get the DOJ crawling up your ass. Chelsea Manning was on suicide watch for months, and it's a controversial sticking point even now. ACLU was petitioning the British government to claim her as a subject in order to protest the torture that being on suicide watch supposedly was. Maybe it saved her life. Maybe it didn't. Who knows? Epstein's lawyers would have made a huge fucking deal out of it. Total non-story.

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The more you deny shills the stronger my resolve
Clintons dont matter and had decades to kill him
Judge moves to unseal testimony incriminating Trump
And suddenly dead
Hey when you going back to shilling poopoo pepe Assange and all the outing?
So odd the man tied so intimately to Hillarry remains alive andforgotten

take a wild guess, if not he is absolutely incompetent protecting the one key witness that would have handed him 2020. maybe he wanted to impress other authoritarian world leaders..
imagine the potus tweeting about his political rival he promised to lock up years ago killing his witnesses and all he does is tweet about it? only in america

the real shills is you guys, we can all see it

Can’t deny that Trump had him killed

can Jow Forums solve the case?


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and Barr's recent public statements opens the door for the Epstein estate to sue for wrongful death. ch-ching.

>Trump helped get Epstein arrested, and cooperated with the investigation, just so that Epstein would turn on Trump and get him arrested, since Trump never wanted to be president in the first place.
>as a former Trump supporter, this is the last straw, we can't let him get his hands on the Epstein-Island-safety-vault codes where Epstein kept all the videos of powerful people raping kids.

No one would care if Trump was implicit. Trump wouldn't even care.

There was a laundry list of names he could drop, and I think taking his own life was better than confirming the names the prostitutes are dropping in court.

Even if he didn't take his own life, I'm sure he was going to eventually.

The clinton foundation controlls most prison gangs, so id look there first

And Trump controls the federal prisions

not even remotely true, GLOW BRIGHTER

Your id reveals your glow deep state shill

>lies lies lies glownigger bleugh
>Clintons don't matter
>Judge moves to unseal testimony incriminating Trump
CITATION NEEDED, this glownigger has either seen the script or is pulling shit out of his ass. sad!

So much effort for such a stupid fucking post.

Tell Brock the "Kushner Shills" bullshit sucks.


ahahahahaha the glownigger tries to turn everyone against each other, this is the most weak misinformation campaign I've ever seen

you are a shit shill everyone knows the backstory you dumb fuck, inform yourself.


Can someone explain to me hat that as far as the law and discovered evidence is concerned, how it is that Epstein was going down as a "sex trafficker"?
It sounded like all they had was him fucking a 16 year old girl, which is legal in most states.

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Why would the Clintons kill him if they are controlling the CIA and FBI, and use his services frequently?

he was going to blab, he took a plea deal

Feel free to support your claims

You are close to a better poise
Trump killed Eipstein to blame throw on the Clintons while removing any counter chance
After all see how convinced trumpets are their god isnt president