The last bastion of the East Aryans is gone

The last bastion of the East Aryans is gone.

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One attention whore and a crowd of normal
women that look disgusted by her behavior.

>some retarded thots start chimping out like nigger
>nooooooooo glorious nippon has fallen
If you consider every other degenerate shit they have twerking is not even that bad .

>Oh fuck, a native Japanese girl is becoming a Daddy-issues shameless whore like in the We-

>It's just some Gaijin, a Latina tourist from a country famous for it's whores (among other things).


Attached: Blank Face.png (89x133, 5K)

>The last bastion of the East Aryans is gone.

She's not even Japanese and this is even on the radar of Japanese degeneracy

Just a degenerate spic in a sea of insects. Nothing to see here.

>literally everyone is ignoring her

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Fuck you gaijin
Leave japan or ill purge you all
No gaijin in japan

Nobody believes our flag when we tell you that Brazilians are just as dangerous as niggers and muslims. Well, this serves as proof.


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>making a distinction between brazilians and niggers

Literally would bang.

I hope they kicked her out with a samurai kick

>no ass
>looks like a junkie
>ultra sticc thin
>blue hair
can you at least be attracted to an actual attractive latina ffs.

Attached: brazilian bunda.webm (1280x720, 1.28M)

>import brown people
>they destroy your culture
>crime skyrockets
>wtf why are you against brown hordes flowing over your borders

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brazilian women also have the best feet

I saw how loud and monkey looking Brazilian tourists are in Lisbon and how quiet and polite Portuguese natives are. It was my redpill.

Japanese people don't even let tattooed people use public bathhouses. She's looked at like the degenerate she is. Gross.

No gap. Fucking fat cow.

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because you would bang anything with a wet hole


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Why do shitskins ruin everything?

runk dunk sykkelikyyy

>why dont apes act like people

Have sex

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You do realize that for the Japanese you are the shitskin, right?


I used it correctly the first time: typing too fast made me fuck up the second time.

Fuck you.

Attached: Furby Gonna Have To Cut A Bitch.jpg (397x396, 28K)

give it a generation, that "innocent japanese girl" idea will be a thing of the past

Not really true.
This whole "asian superiority" thing is largely a meme pushed by a few butthurt asian incels and a few beta incel whites who glorify them as something they arent and dont claim to be.

>inked skeleton
honestly it's everything but not sexy

fag detected