Epstein was 100% paid by the Mossad to run an underaged prostitution ring to blackmail powerful leaders into supporting Israel. Most of the figures implicated by name are not that wealthy in their own right, so they wouldn't be blackmailed for money. However, almost all of them are involved in politics. In America, notice how Republicans have for the most part been the most pro-Israel politicians for decades, and the only real resistance to Israel has come from the Democrats. Notice how American politicians NAMED in connection to Epstein are mostly Democrats (Clinton, Richardson, Mitchell). This way, Israel can control both sides. Push Jews to run as Democrats, and blackmail the non-Jewish Dems who don't play ball. There are also some non-political figures, such as computer scientist Marvin Minsky who co-founded MIT's AI laboratory and was a key figure in AI research before his death. Interestingly, Minsky was Jewish and his mother was a Zionist activist.
>B-but maybe he was paid by someone else! If he was paid by corporate lobbyists, that wouldn't make sense since they can already openly lobby and funnel money to politicians or pump money into their states/districts without using a pedo ring. He couldn't have been paid by Russia or China, because American policies toward those two countries have not been consistent over DECADES and we would have seen more Republicans connected to Epstein.
There is no other possible explanation that makes as much sense as this. They can't fucking get away with this again.
>There is no other possible explanation that makes as much sense as this Obviously. >They can't fucking get away with this again Oh well, one out of two is still pretty good.
>Most of the figures implicated by name are not that wealthy in their own right, so they wouldn't be blackmailed for money. However, almost all of them are involved in politics. Seems to be logical that the blackmailing was not about money. Epstein had Wexner for the money. Why bother to extract money if it is already abundant
Oliver Anderson
Do we have any evidence that it was actually Mossad or is this all just speculation?
Kayden Adams
I've been saying for years that the reason why things like the Iraq WMD lie happened was because all those politicians who carry out policy decisions were pedos blackmailed before they took office.
People always just went "huh... pfft retard that doesn't make sense" like their brains were malfunctioning at the concept. In the past month I've been TOTALLY vindicated.
I don't watch TV - is there some kind of subliminal messaging on the ZOGbox that makes people glitch out when the concept of politicians being blackmailed is mentioned? I swear it's like normies have a seizure or a blackout when you mention blackmail!
Its the most likely explication I believe ghislaine maxwell‘s father was an Israeli spy as well so the connection is obvious. Your one of the good leafs no rake for you
Easton Ross
Also I always showed proof of things like hidden camera stings carried out by MI5 on pedo politicians and there was one (1) NYPost article on Palm Beach police finding hidden cameras in Epstein's residence from 2009.
Even when I posted them here people glitched like NPCs.
Big if true, this could explain why Trump has been so sweet with isreal, since he might been doxxed by his beloved friend fellow epstein. If so Trump killed Epstein, and now the force shall be unleashed.
Rip isreal
Adam Nelson
>Do we have any evidence that it was actually Mossad or is this all just speculation? Well we know Robert Maxwell and Ehud Barak. It was probably used for blackmail against gentiles and present for the others.
Why bother with influential people. By providing underage sex slave a return of favor is expected and can simply be demanded with compromising material.
You know a lot of people hate mike Enoch here but he did a pretty good breakdown on why this theory is very likely. Even if you hate the guy or don’t trust him one can find valuable information in the strangest of places
check the overlap between people linked to Epstein and people who were vocally in favor of clemency for Jonathan Pollard. Dershowitz is first on that list.
>But what was that life, really? That’s a key question which nobody has been able to publicly answer. How Epstein maintained his fantastically extravagant lifestyle has long been a topic of speculation and mystery. He claimed to have made his vast fortune as a financial guru to the super-rich, but nearly all of his clients were unnamed. Moreover, in a business where overwork is standard, Epstein seemed to have unlimited free time to pursue his avocation of obtaining “massages” from young women.
>A major hint was dropped this week by Vicky Ward, the intrepid investigative journalist who has tried to expose the ugly reality behind the Epstein facade longer than anyone. In a report for the Daily Beast, Ward shed light on the Justice Department’s 2007 non-prosecution agreement with Epstein, that sweetest of sweet deals, since it got Epstein a laughably lenient sentence—for crimes which any normal person would have gone away for decades after admitting to.
>Alexander Acosta, the current U.S. Labor Secretary, is in the hot seat, since a dozen years ago he was the U.S. Attorney for South Florida who cut that deal with Epstein. Ward explained the background of that deal, which is now a noose for Acosta. Specifically, she elaborated that the Epstein issue came up when Acosta was appointed to the cabinet by President Donald Trump. Ward writes:
>He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,”
I have a bit of sauce on the pic related quote but cannot prove it.
US intel captured Saddam during Desert Storm. Israel begged them to release him because arresting him would "destabilize the region too badly."
SO they let him go. Apparently Israel needed him to be the patsy for 9/11 they had planned.
IF you go look at the photos of "Saddam Hussein's" hanging then go look at all the Saddam Hussein pics...you will notice that the man they hung had really nasty ugly vile teeth...Saddam as a vain wealthy man. You really think he left his teeth nasty?
pro tip...they hung bad teeth Saddam. But there are a lot of pics with Saddam with a perfectly beautiful set of choppers.
(same question re Epstein...with all that money and his fascination with dental chairs I have yet to understand why he did not fix his teeth)...
Benjamin Perry
OH HAI MOSSAD...just BIBI trying to make sure his political rival is defamed...right? BIBI has been running Israel and MOSSAD for how long?
And yet they keep shifting it to Barak....odd that.
His alleged madman's father was allegedly an Israeli spy
Jaxon Brooks
Of course he was. And anyone thinking that Trump is a kike puppet can just point to the arrest of Epstein that proves otherwise
Ian King
>In 1982, according to those who know Epstein, he set up his own shop, J. Epstein and Co., which remains his core business today. The premise behind it was simple: Epstein would manage the individual and family fortunes of clients with $1 billion or more. Which is where the mystery deepens. Because according to the lore, Epstein, in 1982, immediately began collecting clients. There were no road shows, no whiz-bang marketing demos -- just this: Jeff Epstein was open for business for those with $1 billion–plus.
Yes yes yes mike the kike I get it memeflaggot I’m just saying he did a pretty good breakdown
Luis Sanders
Show your flag, jewzillian.
Wyatt Sullivan
Remember how they claimed Saddam had WMD? Pic related. The jews fucking lied to drag us into a war that would create more enemies for our country at the expense of American lives, resources, time, and money.
user you don't know? This board is entirely composed of Mossad, fbi, CIA, and nsa agents. We're basically intelligence agencies collect info on intelligence agencies.
Joseph James
>Let me guess...all Dems and Trump wasn’t involved. How could I possibly know. The Jews did it but Trump ain’t a pedo. Got it.
This doesn't necessarily absolve Trump. Second, I mentioned that the reason most American politicians connected to Epstein are Democrats is because they're the ones who are more likely to take a hard stance against Israel (since Republicans are overwhelmingly pro-Israel and don't need to be blackmailed).
Asher Stewart
the goyim is too stupid and weak to do anything about it
Thomas Wilson
Maxwell is the real brains of the operation. Agent Epstein was just a figurehead.
See, I, ay 2,not by choice, got caught in l8eighties
Levi Morris
>Saging with an image Were you born retarded, or did your dad fuck your brains out?
Jordan Mitchell
relevent Dawson turbo autism >Back in 1991 MEGA was formed. MEGA was alluded to back in the Lawrence Franklin scandal, where this Spy for Israel was passing off secret documents to Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman of AIPAC. But Mega wasn’t a mole, it was a group of Jewish Billionaires with an extensive a deep network of blackmail over government officials. Sexual blackmail was their forte. The Mega group was founded by 4 men Charles Bronfman, Leslie Wexner, Michael Steinhardt, and Steven Speilberg. The Bronfman family, Steinhardt were involved in cases of sexual harassment and sex slavery in March and May of 2019 then in July Wexner it appears has strange relationships with repeat serial child rapist Jeff Epstein. Speilberg has been accused by multiple child actors of being a predator. ancreport.com/report/mega-predators-steinhardt-bronfman/
This and the many other threads in the Epstein case is what the coverage wants to avoid like the plague. It's not just Epstein. There's tons of them and they've been here for a long time and everyone knew.
The blackmail had nothing to do with silencing criticism of Israel. That is extremely naive and simplistic thinking. Is that what you think Mossad and ABC networks are all about? Do you think the CIA exists and doe what it does just to counter criticism of the USA? You must be a child.
Money and power is the name of this game, and it covers hundreds of different agendas.
Xavier Diaz
user, (((you’re))) 100% right.
Asher Reed
Does it matter?
Robert Sullivan
For every 1 epstein taken down, there are a 1000 pimpsteins waiting to take his place
Epstein is a very small part of the Mossad network that controls global politics thru honeytraps, blackmail, extortion, sex etc..
Now that his operation has been exposed, other Jews (in NYC/NJ/US/Europe) currently operating in the sex trafficking industry will move up to take his place
be on the look out for rising stars
T. deep cover infiltrator of Yiddish-Israeli-Ukrainian crime network
Xavier Sullivan
They are sheep that think everyone else are sheep.
Definitely true OP, but has anyone thought that he was smuggled out by (((them))) and is now on a plane back to Tel Aviv? Body double used to throw off the trail?
Zachary White
Based Dawson. The Bronfman family is heavily involved in NXVIM.
Caleb Collins
Doubt it. What use would he serve for his handlers now that he can no longer produce blackmail material against the elites?
Christopher Sanchez
MEGA...really makes you wonder...MEGANON
Evan Bell
Christopher Nelson
The fact that his handler is Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of a well known Mossad spy is basically proof. We're to imagine this as coincidence?
And nothing will happen to her. But her name is out there, even the MSM has put out headlines that Epstein's associates could be implicated, including Maxwell. But we'll see what happens. Epstein also kept meticulous records (which also corroborates with the idea that this was a full-blown blackmail scheme) so someone out there who isn't a complete Mossad stooge and has a conscience needs to release/leak this information before it goes permanently "missing".
Jack Evans
Mason Baker
One thing you're gonna learn about Israel is they never sacrifice their own unless it can move their agendas. Mossad with a conscience? No such thing existed.
Elijah Fisher
Grayson Gonzalez
Epstein is as real as Stephen Paddock. He never existed. He is a phantom created by Mossad deep fake technology.