Imprisoned While White

Is it true that American prisons are hell on earth for white inmates and that they are regularly targeted for sexual assault by all the blacks and the guards do nothing to stop it (or even encourage it)?

What are prisons like for whites/Europeans in other countries, say France, UK, Germany, Finland, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, etc?

I'd especially appreciate responses from those familiar with prisons (ex-inmates, workers, familiars, etc.).

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>they are regularly targeted for sexual assault by all the blacks and the guards do nothing to stop it (or even encourage it)?
maybe in your incel cuckold fantasies. Prison rape is rare and usually it's a result of some beta selling his shitpussy for protection

But if it wasn't real then where do stories like Donny the Punk or the Human Rights Watch report or American Renaissance's articles on it come from?

It is real you fucking brainlet it's just rare and usually "consensual".

So six black inmates threatening to kill a white inmate unless he "turns out" is consensual? (real story)

If you find yourself in jail and pretty, dumb, and cowardly enough to find yourself surrounded by 6 niggers you probably deserved it

What about 6 inmates going into his unlocked cell at daytime?

I watch a lot of prison podcasts like fresh out(big herc) and Shaun Attwood. American prisons are gang ruled.Each gang represents a race. So a white person would be approached by the aryan brotherhood and also protected by the AB.

>didn't go down stabbing his "rapists"
sounds like he got what he wanted

Stabbing with what? They would've scratched his eyes out, sodomized him anyway, and then leave him for dead, and he might still have survived?

It happens in the US. I've never been arrested but I read a lot.

If you know you're fucked why just accept it? You'd probably get raped too, you sound like a bitch.

He obviously has a homosexual interracial fantasy of getting abused by negro inmates.

It's disgusting how low some people have fallen.

Press F to spit on OP.

I'd press F but he probably gets off on being spat upon.

It's pretty much common knowledge but no one likes to talk about it. It's not just the Whites either. A felony conviction comes with a sentence of years of rape.

let me guess, by negroes, right?

for chomos its worse unless you live in cali then you go to chomo prison where the biggest chomos are treated like kings

I've been to prison. White collar crimes. I was a bookie in prison, essentially the same shit I was doing on the outside. I never had a problem in the 3 years I served. I got AdSeg'd a lot for teaching other inmates how to steal credit cards, clone them, where to buy embossing machines, RFID chip writers/rewriters and which inks to buy for printing up IDs to match the names on the cards. Nothing to brag about, I'm a thief.

seg is comfy once in a while though

What were black inamtes like and how did they treat you?

I think you fools are the ones fantasizing.

The sex intercourse are consensual

>n-no u r projecting n-not me!!1
highly ironic

>what were they like

Typical niggers, some craftier than others, easily established themselves as leaders in their social groups and "shotcallers".

>how did they treat you?

Most of the dumb ones owed me money due to gambling debts. So, very well. Debts were used as leverage for protection and social "ins" to exploit the dumber blacks by the craftier blacks. They got their cut. I charged for my scam school information teaching them how to steal/clone/use credit cards with haircuts, drugs etc etc. Prison is boring, all I did was smoke weed and watch TV, also sleep/read.

Read for yourself. Many guards will turn a blind eye and don't care if you're raped.

More rapes happen in prison than out

As mentioned, child molesters are the ones that get raped. Brutally. Like fucked with a broom handle til bloody and dying brutal. And the guards lock the door and stand outside. Otherwise it's a respect thing. Dis a nigger and maybe the gang will rape you if you're not protected, shit like that

Idk, but my plan would be to blind my cell mate on the first nite. Just rip the fuckers eyes out with my thumbs then beat him senseless, if it's a nigger I'd kill him. I bet nobody would fuck with me after that.

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White ex con here, young and from a Midwest prison, started in Max and eventually leveled down to min. The only white inmates that are fucked with are snitches and chomos

>I've been sentenced for a D.U.I. offense. My 3rd one. When I first came to prison, I had no idea what to expect. Certainly none of this. I'm a tall white male, who unfortunately has a small amount of feminine characteristics. And very shy. These characteristics have got me raped so many times I have no more feelings physically. I have been raped by up to 5 black men and two white men at a time. I've had knifes at my head and throat. I had fought and been beat so hard that I didn't ever think I'd see straight again. One time when I refused to enter a cell, I was brutally attacked by staff and taken to segragation though I had only wanted to prevent the same and worse by not locking up with my cell mate. There is no supervision after lockdown. I was given a conduct report. I explained to the hearing officer what the issue was. He told me that off the record, He suggests I find a man I would/could willingly have sex with to prevent these things from happening. I've requested protective custody only to be denied. It is not available here. He also said there was no where to run to, and it would be best for me to accept things . . . . I probably have AIDS now. I have great difficulty raising food to my mouth from shaking after nightmares or thinking to hard on all this. . . . I've laid down without physical fight to be sodomized. To prevent so much damage in struggles, ripping and tearing. Though in not fighting, it caused my heart and spirit to be raped as well. Something I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself for. - A.H., Indiana, 8/30/96

God bless the USA.

the guards took back the prisons in the 1980...most sex acts in prisons are mostly consensual among is pay the guards asking price for what you want

Judge for yourself:

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Had an old friend who did some time up State several years ago. He came out a straight up neo Nazi skin head. He said the inmates were pretty much self segregating. No, no shower room rape stories. Or if there were he did a pretty good job of laughing it off as something that is a jewish Hollywood myth.

I get that some men are not gay in the sense that they find men attractive, but want to dominate another male. But how the fuck do you live with yourself when you stick your penis into another mans ass? That's just disgusting.

Yo homey.

Im canadian did 52 days in jail, in one of the worse remand centers in canada. It sucks, the gaurds will fuck with you all the time. They do shit like pat your ass allot when their searching you to try to make u shook.

I also saw them beat some 17 year old white kid rodney king style with batons when i was talking to my lawyer. It was fucked up.

Lots of aboriginal inmates here, dont fuck with them but they usually stick to their own. Niggers get their own range, you dont want to be on it. Solitory confinement sucks, and the most of the gaurds dont give a fuck but some of them are alright.

What did you do?

so basically,,, natural selection

It's ironic because in Democrat states like Ca the prisons are segregated by race. Whites use a certain toilet and sink. Blacks have a certain table on the rec field they congregate around. Hispanics have workout equipment that only they use. Then you go to the South, you know where the racism exists, and blacks and whites work out together. They eat at the same tables. The play cards together. Funny how thay works out.

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Prison is a microcosm of how life works when the system breaks down. Everyone splits off into their own racial/ethnic groups and maintain those divisions by force.

What's funny is when white guilt faggots go to prison and their only protection and salvation from being made a plaything by Hispanics and Blacks is the White Nationalists in the prison system.

>T Uncle went to prison

Theft, but i was smoking bath salts when i did it . The victim was a female, i took her cellphone. I got lucky i got as little time as I did, the prosecution wanted to send me to st.lawerence valley for 2 years but I walked with probation after being on house arrest when I got out of remand.

I paid a kike $160 to teach me how to do over the phone bank account takeovers back before voice verification was a thing. You could literally ring up and change the email address attached to the account over the phone and then do a password reset to email on the account online and then once you are in you can just transfer the money out through e-transfers. Best $160 i have spent in my life.

CC fraud was absurd while it lasted. You could literally walk into currency exchange shops and have them swipe the card for $5000USD in foreign currency and they wouldn't think twice about it. There was also typically no or weak protection on credit databases so you could just rip DBs from payment processors and use them for a year straight before the database got burned, since it took a long time for fraud experts to revise the heuristics to identify which databases have been compromised.

There was a story in the Memphis "Commercial Appeal" (the main newspapet for the area) about some dude who got lost in the system for a year while in jail (not even prison) at 201 Poplar (aka "Thunderdome") in the early 2000s.

By the time they found him - months after he was supposed to have been released and because the blacks were hiding him (yes, hiding him in jail) he had been raped over 1000 times and was now HIV positive.

So, yes, it does happen. Dude was absolutely shattered.