alright Jow Forums pretend you are epstein in his cell on suicide watch, how do you commit?
Jeffery epstein suicide
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Has hanging been explicitly said?
What if he attempted to swallow a large portion of his "paper outfit" and choked to death that way.
hold breath until room spins 360 degrees and walks away.
I don't and get killed by the guards and other inmates for being a pedo because the Clinton's paid them off
Keep holding your breath, duh
Conspiratards fuck off
Hide rope in microwave burrito, pass him burrito with note saying, "You don't have the balls pussy"
Uhm smash head into wall or the ground bite flesh off till bleeding out bite off own tounge and die from choking on one's own blood oh the possibilities .
First I would eat my shitty commissary food and miss out on the five star meals I used to have.
Hanging out with all the big tech leaders. Bezos, Elon Musk google execs, microsoft apple etc.