>Argentina is one of the largest economies in South America, but with such great size comes great volatility. The main industry drivers of the Argentine economy are food processing/ agriculture and motor vehicles. Since independence in the 1860s, Argentina has defaulted eight times on government debt, with the most notable occasion in 2001 when the country was unable to repay $132B in dollar-denominated debt.
>Since independence in the 1860s, Argentina has defaulted eight times on government debt
>Argentina has defaulted eight times on government debt
>eight times
Literal communists that want to default on the debt and even to debts owed to Argentinians who have deposits at banks are won the preliminary elections today
Give us back Patagonia, we will take care of it better than you.
Fuck off, Libargie do it first
Charles Carter
this. we demand the cute white whores
Ayden Walker
All these retards think Alberto will be a disaster. I think it will be an improvement. Macri fucked up so hard, it's impossible to make a worse government than him. I'm not worried, I'd rather have Alberto in power, he will make a better job than Macri for sure. Before you ask, I didn't vote for either of them.
Adrian Gray
ADR shares on the NYSE
Jackson Scott
>one day after they elected a socialist >investors pull out their assets as fast as they can in fear of getting disowned, chain reaction, stock marked crashes >lol capitalism did this
I wouldn't mind paying for their flight through taxes if they gave up citizenship and were permanently blocked from coming back to the country
Isaac Thompson
Because unemployment was at 30% under austerity measures and inflation was rising.
Ryan Lewis
of course not, that's zoomers wanting to live in madmax, argentina will go out with a whimper and gradually but relentlessly turn into a latino shithole of the bunch my mom owns a shop and she's already gotten a new price listing this morning with updated prices, roughly a 10-15% increase in beverages
> So when do prices start changing at your local shops and markets? right now Are prices still the same as of today? no, everything went up at least %30 How long does it usually take? already happened couple of hours ago
Robert King
>been planning a trip to Argentina >already bought my plane ticket Should I cancel?
Andrew Jackson
>Keyra Probably was the best product that Argentina ever exported in the last 50 years
Brasileiros do Sul, por favor, guardar uma garota da minha idade argentina para mim. Não quero morrer sem ter filhos.
Ian Perez
You'll probably be able to buy half the country with you vacation money
Luis Lee
>Argentina on Suicide Watch
I didnt realize Argentina’s economy was located in the Manhattan Municipal jail
Ian Nguyen
I hope for your sake that Salvini won't go rogue on the EU and create his own shitcoin
Josiah Rodriguez
Go and buy their central bank
Grayson Watson
He will probably stop diving too
Hudson Cox
don't trust anyone called brayan
Wyatt Hall
well the orcs also know as negros adore her
Aiden Davis
Im not but it is kinda funny
John Hall
>It's impossible to make a worse government lmao we used to think that when people voted for AMLO here. Retards were brainwashed into "it's impossible to be worse than the PRI (former party)" and now we have hospitals with no medicines, he reduced science's budget to practically nothing and shit like that. We wake up everyday fearing what he might say.
Fucking commie absolutely rekt. I’ve never seen a commie not utterly destroyed in every way imaginable when they try to promote that gay LARP on this board. It’s always so enjoyable knowing these faggot pinkos have to walk away and drink a fifth of vodka to try and re-brainwash themselves that socialism and communism aren’t pathetic fucking meme ideologies. Kek
riots are part of the cultural experience there, they have a different one everyday, enjoy them and take some nice pics
Matthew Campbell
protests? yes like any day since 2001, basically a bunch of greaseballs sitting on the street holding signs then going back home riots? na thats more of a sports thing
Ryan Walker
Don't dude they'll not recover in like 20 years and thats if they recover
Wyatt Diaz
Isaac Stewart
no pendejo aqui ya estamos llenos, pero si quieren venir cuidado con los narco que ahoritan andan recios