Anyone know about the Smith-Mundt act that now allows the US Govt to spread Propaganda in the USA?

I just heard about this shit.
The Smith-Mundt act (Public Law 80-402) is the law that deals with U.S. Propaganda. When it was written it was NEVER to be used in the USA. It is in the hands of the State Dept. It was for programs like Radio Free Europe, and broadcasts to Cuba in the 60's. It was revised in 2012. The revision allowed U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), formerly the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to spread propaganda made in the USA, to US citizens. This is an independent branch of Government. In 2017, the USAGM, was relegated to only advisory status, replaced with a single appointed chief executive officer. This was in Dec 2016, after the election, before Trump took office. Yes folks, we literally have a minister of propaganda. he false flags, the fact that so many shootings and bombings had "exercises" taking place beforehand, takes on a darker meaning, when thought of in this context.

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Well this slid right the fuck off.



This explains SJW crap, the alt-kike, antifa, the MAGA religion...

Yes Obama repealed it. Shortly thereafter - we had Sandy Hook.

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yea im sure the government needed a bill to do psyops. it seems to be more about the media being able to run wild with total horse shit

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Thanks for replying guys. I figured someone had heard about it. I bet it was attached to another bill like the digital spying shit. Fuck these motherfuckers. I'm a boomer, almost 60. I feel so fucking bad for you guys coming up in this shit I worry what my grandkids' life is gonna be like.

In B4 "Your generation let all this shit happen"
It's true, fucking hippies and greedy fucks, a string of shitbird politicians, and the scare after 9/11. Wasn't me or mine though...

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If not already mentioned, the NDAA of 2013 was signed by president Obama in 2014 and has language allowing use of USA Government propaganda on USA citizens. Old news.