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Other urls found in this thread:

Michael Brown died of an over-dose of blackness.

>5yrs ago the media spun a justified police shooting into a full blown race riot that destroyed a community and ruined hundreds of lives. We must confront the biased, misleading, propagandic, dangerous narratives coming out of our own mainstream media

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Shes even more unlikable than Kamala lol

I bet she also thinks only cops should have guns

>charge a police officer after robbing an asian owned store


propaganda comic
he was shot with his hands up

100% fuck Elizabeth Warren. Michael Brown robbed a convince store, then assaulted a police officer and tried to grab his gun. This is just pandering to nigger degeneracy for black votes.


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He was dying for a swisher

Imagine the volume of virtue signaling that would ensue if they could find a victim that wasn't a murderous reprobate.

Monkey down!!!

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>believing niggers
Cops are the biggest ZOGbots around actively suppressing their own communities and all but why the fuck would you ever, ever listen to a nigger

Someone give me the run down again, I can't remember why he was shot

No, he wasn't.


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st. michael will NOT be forgotten

stealing and then charging at police officers

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that comic is a pretty decent rundown

wtf That was a proven justified shooting. Mike earned his fucking bullet.

Fucking panderers

I don’t get how anyone of these Democrats ever think they’ll be elected President

My favourite was the witness, black no less, who said he would have shot Brown sooner.

Zero loss to the world.

Fuck Michael Brown


Warren STFU nobody cares about this punk thug who's been dead for 5 years now

Fucking cringe

This makes me fucking angry

violent nigger, 105kgs, recently robbed a store, tried to wrestle gun off cop, got shot.

They wont.
Trumpslide 2020
Salt prices through the fucking roof

>getting shot trying to steal a cops gun is murder and also racist
What a retard.

Wasn't he holding two puppies in the air and levitating a few inches off the ground too? Poor boy, he dindu nuffin

Fake and gay. Creating a thread around a twitter screenshot without the URL should be bannable.

5 years ago.

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Huh? WTF? Since there's nothing to outrage her today and she has to go digging into the archives for her righteous virtue signaling, why not Emmett Till???

Oh, wait...

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They're betting on a retarded population, and it's a pretty safe bet.

>robs store
>assaults officer
>resists arrest
>tried to murder someone

But it’s still the officer’s fault, because he was white.

Wasnt it deemed self defense by a court of law

I am happy that they did that. The media loves getting black civil unrest, because mass chimpouts are ratings cows.

Someone should make a painting

A completely provable lie.

>current year + 4
>still believing the "hands up don't shoot" lie

Fuck prairie niggers.

White women lying about sexual assaults never happens. Woman is nigger of the world.

That's pretty good considering the autopsy information, and eye witness accounts, and video footage. The only thing that could be inaccurate is Brown's words.

There are still people who think he was shot in the back. This is very dangerous. But also we need these crazy dems to alienate enough people before they are mathematically out of the running.

Some obese black chick in my class senior year wrote and essay about trayvon Martin and Michael brown and the teacher loved it. I read it after it was graded and the teacher wrote glowing approval for the most retarded factually incorrect essay I've ever read.

The girl smelled bad too.

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It wasn't even the first time, or the worst. Just look at the LA Riots.

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Trump trolled her into getting a DNA test to prove her forefathers raped a Native American. That was hilarious. She apologized to some tribal leaders during black history month. This is the Era of the Troll.

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>Brown was recorded on camera stealing a box of Swisher cigars and forcefully shoving a Ferguson Market clerk. Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson, left the market at about 11:54 a.m.
>A struggle took place between Brown and Wilson after the former reached through the window of the police SUV, a Chevrolet Tahoe.[34] Wilson's gun was fired twice during the struggle from inside the vehicle, with one bullet hitting Brown's right hand.
>On March 4, 2015, the federal investigation cleared Wilson of civil rights violations in the shooting. The investigation concluded there was no evidence upon which prosecutors could rely to disprove Wilson's asserted belief that he feared for his safety, that witnesses who contradicted Wilson were not credible, that forensic evidence and credible witnesses corroborated Wilson's account, and that the facts did not support the filing of criminal charges against Wilson.[12][48][49] Credible witnesses did not support accounts that Brown had his hands up in surrender. He was not shot in the back. Forensic evidence showed he was moving toward Wilson. Numerous witnesses were found to have given accounts of actions they were unable to see from their vantage points, or to be recounting others' accounts.
Lmao, even (((wikipedia))) sides with the cop here.

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>yfw the guy that oversaw Michael Brown's autopsy is the same guy doing Epstein's (and JFK's)

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>propaganda comic
It is.
But hilariously it is more accurate to eyewitness accounts and two independent autopsy reports (one ordered by Brown's parents) than any mainstream media account.

>when your lies are so bullshit that even Vox calls you out

Let me remind you that the same coroner that preformed Mike Brown's autopsy also took part in the JFK one, The OJ Simpson trial, and is now in charge of Epstein's autopsy. Nothing to see here folks move along.

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dayyyyyum look like that homeboy was gettin up to some MONKEEEY BUUUUZNEZ

Is there any reason why he couldn't sue her for this? Other than libfaggot judges tossing it out immediately

i really can't stand all this niggerpandering and worship from the us.

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The news media knows how to get news to happen. They can blame GTA 5 for riots too.

What did he determine in Brown's autopsy? Not sure what a nigger gangbanger has to do with JFK and Epstein.

Around the same time, police officers in Louisiana opened fire on a stopped vehicle for seemingly little reason. There were children in the back seat. They got shot up.
The reason you've never heard about this story is because liberals really don't give a shit.
And it's funny. It's almost like they want to make their followers fools because there was a lot of problems with the Ferguson story, but with the one I just mentioned? Oh you probably could have marched and screamed and maybe everyone might have half respected it.
But that's not the story you got is it.
Instead you're left defending a thug.

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One of the most justified shootings in police history.

what happened in the comic is literally what happened though. The only thing that might be not accurate is the basic dialogue. Im sure there were more "nigga" thrown around than in the comic but this is what happened. Robbed a store, charged a cop, tried to take his gun, ran away, turned around and charged him AGAIN, got gunned down for it.

Mike brown was a worthless nigger and anyone who defends him is uninformed at best or another worthless nigger at worst.

Guy is thoroughly a deep state actor to push a result that furthers social division. He was probably the reason why people think Michael Brown was trying to run away when he got shot, when he likely got shot heading toward the officer.

Oh and I forgot to mention the children the cops accidentally made into swiss cheese were black kids. You liberals could have easily marched with that. Easily. Nope. Thug life.

He was the guy that basically ended the bullshit that the kid was shot in the back. That is the what the media spreads, via an eyewitness. You get riots. People come flying across the nation to riot/purge.

That's not true at all. Every autopsy concluded the same result, consistent with the policeman's version of events. People just ignored it.

>Senator Warren, as a white ally to people of color, what is your plan to reduce the number of white people in America?

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Thanks. But it's still unacceptable to not provide a link along with a screenshot.

Here's how you make a proper thread OP.

Next time do not only post a screenshot.

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What a bitch. The guy was beating the other guy and had a history of violent outbursts.

It's better that he's gone.

Lol no he wasnt

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Idk trump has a good chunk of the retards locked down already.

Weak bantz

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When's the anime coming out?

Yeah, it seemed like Black Lives Matter was intentionally meant to make blacks look stupid, biased and evil because every (or almost every) shooting they focused on was obviously justified.

>This is just pandering to nigger degeneracy for black votes
More like pandering for the "im not a racist" vote

Facts. Niggers and spics don't vote. Do red necks vote? I think the red necks outnumber the faggots that would vote against trump out of principle. Telling you, trump has the retard vote locked down

holy shit are you stupid. In court the truth came out. CNN took 3 people that knowingly lied and spread a false narrative for racial division. Then they destroyed Ferguson. Here's is what residents think of CNN and the liberal/deonicrat race-baiting media for pushing the crap you believe::

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Hard to believe Warren can be a Harvard Professor, it shows how far the Left has infected every Institution in America, from the newspapers to colleges, they will take the side of inner-city thugs and delinquents in a heartbeat if they can get a few extra votes out of it.

Moving forward, I don't see how normal white Americans can coexist with the Far-Left, there will have to be some breaking point at some point in time, it might be 20 years away or 30 years away, but the Left is rewriting history in front of us, the Left is ripping down historic statues and murals, and are currently doing it without any resistance. However, from the way they are flooding this country with 3rd worlders, I think the breaking point 30 years from now will be when the Blacks, Browns, and Illegals all join forces and go for a major power grab and just outright start taking shit from the whites, such as modern-day South Africa.

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Everyone needs to vote for Warren. If you don't, PEOPLE WILL DIE:

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Perfect touch that he's holding his pistol sideways.

Damn, that's really accurate

Nobody cares if a criminal got shot

will suck bbc for votes

It's amazing how the media and protester narrative took off in spite of all the physical evidence and conflicting witnesses.

I want to drive over this kunt with a steam roller and listen to his guts squish out his ass

isn't this libel? Can't the cop, who was acquitted,sue?

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>Hard to believe Warren can be a Harvard Professor
Ever head of "The Cathedral" that Mencius Moldbug talks about?

what a worthless fight over a violent fucking nigger

>Hard to believe Warren can be a Harvard Professor
she had some bullshit job where she didn't even really teach any classes. it's not like she was working in the physics department.

2 fucking seconds in google you faggot.