What happend to anonymous?

What happend to anonymous?

Attached: 40DFFE8D-E022-48CE-8F53-171B980FE862.jpg (225x225, 10K)

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they all moved to reddit

Are you blind? Check your name

I'm still here

they caught the big gay

*Narrator voice*
"Yep, it was at that moment I realized that the Anonymous was in me all along."

*fade to black*

turned into q.

I still remember when they used to do this kind of shit
but i haven’t heard from them since.

Subverted away from political and financial corruption and redirected to going after pedos.
Effictively neutered.
Sound familliar?

Attached: gambits for deception.png (937x708, 489K)

It's the same old story. When you trust niggers and jews... You lose!