The absolute state of Norway

>the absolute state of Norway

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I bet she breaks her jaw every night on Muhammad's dick

The meme doesn't appear in the video, does it?

How can something do Nordic be so clueless so publicly and with such authority.

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This is the culmination of ignoring the some generational issues on a national basis..

>male kids do worse in the most egalitarian society
>female quotation is used as a power tool in industry
>systematically fucking up the way we grade children have lead to massive drop out rates & shit grades for boys
>the experts about the problem have started vilifying it as incels, as soon as incel stuck it is the go to name & shame used to avoid the conversation of a lost male generation.
>this continues because of the cringe associated with touching the subject
>further enrages the lost youth

So many have left the mainstream media that the narratives needed to maintain a coherent set of principles are eroding in record speed for young, isolated men.

Expect lots more attacks as a result of the media coverage alone. Expect the most condescending people you can imagine, being in charge of commissions for dealing with shitautists.

Local politics in Norway has gone from thinking about the long term future to 20 years at max. Just the male to female ratio has gotten worse by the quarter. When these ratios go even worse because of male mortality, we will have created a matriarchy supported by 1-2 decades of systematically ignoring the long term.

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That jaw? unbreakable

>Expect lots more attacks as a result of the media coverage alone.
Almost as if this was their keikaku all along.

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Did you edit the image? It's not in the video.

like hell it was

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she unironically needs to lurk more

you know it


everyone knows boys takes longer than girls to mature.

Everyone knows that adolescent boys are expected to perform worse to girls academically, but excel or at least be at the same level once they reach university.

Yet, in spite of the overwhelming evidence for this, no one has ever thought that the fact that joining boys and girls in the same school, receiving the same education, has a tremendous negative effect on boys in general - by failing academically in the first years, they are demotivated in theirs studies.

Not one educational system in the world pays attention to this fact, in spite of the fact that it is established research.

Our tax money at work!

>She is one of Norway's leading experts on the online forums the shooter allegedly notified about the attack
Imagine deciding your field of expertise will be a politics board on an anime imageboard and then giving powerpoint presentations about it.

he posted a meme on Jow Forums. well boys. we are all terrorists now.

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The society will collapse, like every ghetto without the resources being provided by the state. After another dark age the first society willing to reintroduce a patriarchal system will have a massive advantage over socieites where women fail to utilize male's sex drive and desire for a family to benefit all.

how will incels ever recover?

Reminder that Manshaus removed a gookwoman before going to mosque. That was probably why he didn't abort the mission when he noticed the main entrance was locked and instead shot his way through an emergency exit, which was the reason two (not one) muslims managed to overpower him., as they were alerted and closer to that entrance.

>everyone knows boys takes longer than girls to mature.
to their potential.
Boys and men are objectively smarter than women. At every age group.
Just because girls reach their peak faster than boys does not mean they are smarter than boys, ever. They are not.

You've read studies that assume and base themselves on the "fact" that men and women, that boys and girls are equally intelligent. This will naturally lead to errors at it will make one believe that girls are smarter than boys, but that's just not the case. Better at sucking up to teachers and looking at them with doe-eyes, sure. Smarter, no. And that's all very verifiable. At and after maturation, the boys become far smarter.

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This has come up on several occasions. Especially since most of the research confirming the gap in maturity is from Norway.

That added with a 85% female teacher ratio & free but hard to enter universities makes it a fun read when you see admission numbers. Lost opportunities for a significant portion of the population.

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and being wrong in your analysis of the most basic tenants of said site

Oh no nono no

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Imagine actually believing this shit. I've lost complete faith in our institutions...

Why does she look so manly?

>this person makes 6 figures

How can you guys expect these people to get anything right in your media? Ordinary people use these memes, they aren't "incel" memes. What the hell is wrong with journos.

But in the end it doesn't matter because it looks good on paper, and keeps the bureaucracy running while making the "bad guys" seem stupid and dumb.

In the end she says that incels commit terror attacks to become chads (and get laid).
What's funny is that if there's one surefire way to get women interested in you it's to go on a killing spree.

> I've lost complete faith in our institutions...
Well shit, its not like they have faith in you

search for "the integrity initiative". Its mostly covered up by now but you will find enough.

Its the latest example of the competence of our institutions and how their goals might differ entirely from what we see as a just democratic way of life.

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>Having a doctorate in memes
>Completely missing the point of the memes

Sounds about right

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pretty cool how we don't need subtitles to understand norwegian, right?

>nordic women are attractive guys 14/88!!!!1
Where were you when you realized that its the biggest lie ever manufactured on this board? Only nordic men are hot. Your women look like manfaced skeletals.

Just legalize prostitution already.

æ veit it ka du sei og du vet ik ka faen æ sei heller

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They're trying to equate this to jihadism. Similar to how muslims commit terrorist attacks to achieve martyrdom and gain 72 virgins, they're trying to say incels commit terrorist attacks to get laid.
These people are so stupid. Every ordinary personal I know has used the chad vs. virgin meme. Are we terrorists as well? This is so dumb.

>"expert" on Jow Forums
>probably has never even actually lurked here
What the fuck how do I apply for professional shitpost analyzer?

hi cathrine , show tits next time you come here

>expert on Jow Forums

pick one

deep fake her and turn her into a meme pornstar KEK

I honestly think she is as dumb as she looks here. I have no doubt that this propaganda is good for her side - but I actually think she actually thinks that these memes are the way she says they are.

lol. She is a family member of two of my old classmates.

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Are you from Piteå :DDD

do they also have fetal alcohol syndrome?

To be honest, she's pretty brave exposing her self like this considering that personal records are so transparent in Norway.

wtf this is like back in the day when your old teacher tried to be hip and cool with youth culture. like watching your principal rap

Nords are overrated

Yup. Slavic girls are the best.

Ironically, there's less hate and extremism here than god damn fucking twitter.

Decade of work spent traveling and analyzing problems of some brown people in a desert. Does she have a family of her own, I wonder?

She’s hot

It really depends though.

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-> long neck

-> old as fuck


Her husband is some kind of Green party eco activist.

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This desu senpai. Plus side those Slav genes gives them RIDICULOUS tiddies.

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Anyone able to post the pic? I only have one with 3

Dios Mio!

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Nah, one of them was/is a literal Chad/my dad's lawyer will sue you type. His sister on the other hand..... I couldn't tell desu.
Since we banned Jews in 1814-1840 and kicked them out again in 1940, criticizing Israel in Norway is not really a big deal. What amazes me is that she doesn't see the obvious correlation between Jewish global power and why Israel can get away with almost anything.
She has a husband or a boyfriend, but I couldn't see any pictures of her potential kids.

No way fucking sucks

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>She has a husband or a boyfriend

would it be too much to ask to bring on a sweaty nerd to explain it properly?

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>Local politics in Norway has gone from thinking about the long term future to 20 years at max

I read your entire post and it was such fucking CRINGE. Why do white men (like you) feel the need to take very simple issues (women) and turn them into massively complex things where you debate endlessly as your countries burn to the ground? Let me simplify:

>white women are stupid fucking animals devoid of nature, nurture, compassion, and intelligence. What they say doesn't fucking matter. Ever.

Look: your endless fucking mewling and whinging is getting you nowhere. You need to convert to hardcore ISLAM now. That means Sharia law all over Norway. Now. No more debate. No more (((christianity))). No more bullshit (((Western Ideologies))) like individuality and personal liberty.

AND YES... that means the following starts happening immediately:
>white women are publicly beaten
>white women are circumcised without anesthesia (let them reap what they've sown)
>white women are paraded on stage naked at age 13 and up, then auctioned off/sold to the top 30% of males
>white women are forced into burkas and stripped of their "rights" forever
>no more white women in schools, leadership, government, etc.

Option 2:
>white women and Jews burn your country to the ground and white men go extinct while you debate and cry to Rabbi Jesus Christ

So which do you choose?

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I'm just in shock of how poorly she understands this shit. Why do you guys pay these people?

>This roastie gets tax dollars for this

Now that post is what I call jewery.

> pravda
> not featuring loyal card holder

option 3

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she cute though

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>Now that post is what I call jewery.

oh no the (((christfag))) is upset that he'll have to give up his endless degeneracy to save the white race! Oh no what will you do when you're not the best goy ever for your kike masters and (((jesus)))? What will you do when you can't be a slavish, groveling little pussy to white women?

t. schizo

nice larp. You idiots are some of the worst strategists and fighters on the planet. Pic related. Islam isn't a meme. But you are. Maybe it's time for a change?

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if you think their "authority" really affects anyone but boomers, youre wrong. And thats the case in most of the west these days.

You stink go back to what ever hole you crawled out of, cretin.

did my workable plan of action hurt your sensitive feelings? Or do you just want to continue being a degenerate and worshipping Rabbi Jesus Christ? I bet it's "all of the above."

Are they gonna criminalise our jokes like those dudes and the Grenfell bonfire?

>no worship this semitic religion
Are you retarded?

oh no a jew-loving kike worshipper and pussy-whipped white-knighting bitch is upset that some of us aren't going to tolerate white women's bullshit any longer. Whatever shall we do lads?!

ps you stink like a Boomer

>she unironically needs to lurk more

She probably makes 6 figures to stand up there and bullshit like that. Her colleagues find her boring and irritating but they tolerate her to keep their cushy jobs.

hva fuck sier du

Just Google her. This is not even her field. She probably just started a project on this or something, and NRK called her.

But yeah, she needs to lurk moar.

I give her a year until she is shitposting with us

>Rape gangs kill your wife and daughter and put them into kebabs.
>Durr you're just mad you can get LAID. HAR HAR HAR tee hee hee hee

and then one day for no reason at all hitler rose to power: Nordic edition.exe

lel. agreed. once she realises she's taking this shit far too seriously (and that she's fallen for "the joke" on here) she'll be joining in in earnest.

she probably gets female-gibs by taking up extra shit like this, and additional pats on the back as part of this. "very good girl, aren't you a smart girl, big-daddy government thinks you are a very good girl, just like daddy did".

Spot on. She works at the University of Oslo, which I attend, and it's pozzed af.
I also worked in the public sector before my studies and I can confirm; say one bad word about a woman and HR comes crashing down on you.

Anyways; I can't find a wiki on her. She wrote a book about Israel, she writes about nationalism and works in academia. It's almost as if ...

Expect aa crackdown on your Norwaybros. This is just them constructing a ridiculous narrative to help justify it. At least the youth actually understands what a meme is. These boomers are hopeless.

from first hand experience as an academic inside the Australian university system, these women live in a well-kept bubble with a government teet to suckle from their whole lives. They are so disconnected from reality, these sort of examples are just more of the same.

what the fuck did you just say you little bitch?

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I said it in a previous thread:

They are already creating an action plan to combat racism and hate speech. That will be on top of a law against racism that is used selectively against political dissidents.

On one hand I want to go to work as fast as possible and leave that shit behind, on the other; become a professor and combat that shit. But the private sector is infected as well. The #MeToo powergrabbing was extremely popular here. I want to go to Africa and put my money in the Seychelles.

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>this is her profession

Jesus christ you could get a 15 year old to do this shit. What makes people like her qualified for such a position?

I'd fuck her... ten years ago.

Jealous ethnic roastie detected
Tits or gtfo

I could post my dick and hairy chest if you really, really want.

germany lost. twice. Germans were exterminated en masse and those few that survived were raped and impregnated by slavs. Your memegraphic is meaningless. If my facts hurt your emotions, then too fucking bad.

Its actually retarded that this kind of person gets touted as an "expert". She has literal F tier knowledge about chan culture.

Sure, remember to put a time stamp on your boyfriend’s chest

She's jewish

kek this. it's only Amerimutts drooling over Nordic girls because muh blonde hair. In reality most are dirty blonde/light brunette and dye it lighter because of beauty ideals

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