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Kek, all poos.

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(((canadian))) subhumans are unironically going to be an existential threat to america once they complete their takeover.

canada is like 30% white m8, reality isn’t d&c

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Damn food riot police.

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mutt cope

Is too chad that army for cucknadians

>implying Sikhs aren't legendary Muslim-killers


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Based Sikhs are honorary whites. They will be allowed in the ethnostate

They are everywhere these fucking sickos, why do they all come to canada

Those sickos fought off islam and didn't take shit from them.

Canadian military history is fake and gay; thanks for Kandahar faggots

They truly don't see the plan, brothers.

>Only military in history to get kicked out of a Muslim country for literal faggotry (Somalia Affair)
>Highest unit level award for non existent firefight (Op Medic Packet)
>Only NATO country to pull out of active battlefield with enemy still engaged (Kandahar)

Sikhs are the original kebab remover.

How the fuck can you hate that?

At first I thought you were just messing, but then I saw Tim Hortons in the back.

That is all.

You'd have lasted 5 minutes.

If that were the case there would not be the biggest Muslim nation on their doorstep...

Kikes, you do realize sikhs are based right ?

Family unit. Work hard. Co-operate. Don't usury. Self-defence. No Circumsicion. Community charity. Pretty anti-muslim. Traditional values. Hate and actually do something about pedophiles.

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They look pretty canadian to me.

Shitty street.


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>Loses one war
>Has literally never won a war, more or less faught one where weren’t auxiliary cannon fodder for the British or on side of entire world

All your wars were started by you on behalf of kikes. You lose even when you win.

>Not knowing the difference between Sikhs and Poos
No burger left behind
Who? India? Pakistan? Or Malaysia, the actually largest Muslim nation on Earth?
Go the fuck back to school and figure it oot.
>Sven saying anything
This. No Sikh has ever given me quarrel.
Chinks though...

Sikhs are still shitskins who hate the west. Keep letting them in your military, though. I'm going to love it when they get their heads blown apart because they can't fit a helmet over their turban, and then their families sue the government for not forcing them to wear helmets. I expect you guys will break yourselves apologizing.

How do they deal with gas mask sealing issues?
How do they deal with left shoulder firing?
How do they deal with not standing out in the field with their big round headdresses?

Looks like an average Canadian day eh?

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Well they already tried to sue us when we tried to force them to wear motorcycle helmets, I'd actually look forward to that legal debacle
Seemed to do pretty okay while you lot were beating up cockroaches with a bunch of shitposters

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They can make bigger helmets.

I know you guys lack imagination from all the in&out burgers you stuff into your assholes.

But 1 green canadian sikh recruit, is worth 10 random green marine recruits. Lowest attrition rate because they've had a military religion longer then america has existed.

>inb4 they start shooting down whites
>b-b-b-but they are our...f-friends

Wow you had to dig pretty deep back into history to find that didn't you
So do these guys use century old gas masks in place of modern gear?


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Don't forget the 10 mil we gave to the mutt killing terrorist LMAO

>They can make bigger helmets.
Their religion prohibits them from wearing anything else on their heads except the cloth. That's why we gave up on trying to make special hardhats for them.

Not that the most of them are crazy devout or anything. I've seen enough of them balance hardhats on their heads so the don't get kicked off job sites.

Also, we don't have In & Out in Canada. Now I know your real flag.

Armor plated cloth ? Duh.

Also I was responding to the period stripes, You don't shit.

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They look pretty bro-tier to me.

What the fuck optics are those? I appreciate the full length ARs though

Wtf is that ISIS? Why are they not arrested?

Stop postings here israeli roaches.