Why aren’t millennials buying McMansions and having kids?

Why aren’t millennials buying McMansions and having kids?

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Which is getting uglier: Americans or their architecture?

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Because they're inheriting them from their boomer parents
t. Millennials dirty little secret

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>Implying boomers aren’t going to reverse mortgage their homes

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They all look like this.

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Don't forget to show what the neighborhood looks like.

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Thank you for labeling all these houses. I appreciate the work

I bought a mcmansion and am having kids. Wife is pregnant now. Cope more faggots. The square foot per dollar in the midwest is amazing. I probably pay 1/3 what some idiot on the east coast pays for a studio apartment.

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Can't find a girl desu. They literally all turned into prostitututes or fell under niggerdom to be undesirable partners. Housing market collapsed in 2008.

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I will post examples of quality homes

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With what money? The 7.85/hr they're making at Starbucks with their 4 year brown people degrees?

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this is severe autism

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I live in a stone house with 5 kids, that's why.

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Theser are stupid
kys memeforcer

Last one

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Here come the home builder shills

Inb4 "MUB OSB"

Lol my house and entire neighborhood is like this

Mostly mid west americans...

Once the baby boomers die off Merica will be an entirely different country. Just wait.

I was saving this pic for the perfect moment. I grant you, good sir, the honor.

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Stating direct fact they will do nothing of the sort. These are your wander and find yourself years. Your parents have already willed you these homes and you know it. When Zoomers see this happen, the fires will start.

These are dog shit too. Is this a competition who can post the ugliest home?

Why can’t we live in places that look like this? Fucking why?

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Fleed from that place. Jamal shoots up your house then steals your rims or your daughter becomes jamals bitch for rent money.

Seriously why can’t Yharnam be fucking real goddamnit

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>Wear less is more

Based. Literally no one in my family has ever owned a shirt.

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>Once the baby boomers die off Merica will be an entirely different country. Just wait.
yeah, a brown one
different is not always an improvement

Could be worse m8

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no offense but you kinda sound like a fag

I live in Colorado and the legal weed and yuppie influx has made the market unsustainable. I bought a house a few years ago for 200k. It was built less than 20 years ago for 100k and is now valued at nearly 300k. I also bought an income property that roughly doubled over a five year period as well. The market is headed for a serious correction.

shouldnt this thread be on /diy/?

who could have possibly thought this was a good idea

>cntrl v


Why aren't boomers giving pay raises to millenials and instead giving themselves bonuses and buying up extra properties instead? America is committing suicide and it funny

Im so fucking luckey I live in a house from the 1920's and not this shit. Trees infront of every house. Every house is a different style. The roads are grids. Suburbia the way GOD intended.

Holy shit this is suicide inducing

Whoever made these images has too much time on his hands living in their cuckshed.

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Boomers have no sense of self. They are fully brainwashed in name brand products. They choose to let decay take over and they love sitting in their own rot of piss and shit.

good ol' americana
absolutaly disgusting

Disgusting subhuman turk roaches.

I find it funny how whoever made these pics never mentions the most baffling fact: all those mcmansions are made of fucking wood. Probably because even actual american mansions are nothing but fancy shacks.

This is soul crushingly accurate.

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Why do most of these look like a nice house with 4 ugly houses pasted to the side

We have commie blocks too

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Muh square footage

you jelly faux Texas....

You live in a shithole that used brick and cement. You will never enjoy the warmth of 4inches of fiberglass. The open air feel of a Merican Kitchen. Patch of grass that may be small, but it belongs to you. Sidewalk upon which oneday your kids will sell lemonade as you watch from the front lawn where you taught your boys to throw ball.

Your apartment tenement block is all you could aspire to obtain. Nothing else, joyless cold floors, the sounds of neighbors farting above and below. Dog shitting on the floor as the only green is the puke lemon green faux wheatgrass deco on the counter. You will die alone, missed by none and forgotten by all.

And having a home builder design the home

Nice looks like home, but bigger

Tract homes all look like this where I'm from. Ticky tacky house 2500 Sq ft on a lot you cannot legally own its so small..... So hoa crap at 500k American to buy.


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not gonna lie that looks pretty neat in a kitsch way, like who doesn't want a bell tower to swing from? ESMERELDAAA!

Literally my town

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Why is the bridge taller than the house? Do you get on a ladder to walk across it? There is no ramp leading into it at all.

>enjoying the sound of rain on a metal roof but only on my front porch
is it me or is this genius