Why are faggots on this board praising this cuck? Did you retards even read the manifesto...

Why are faggots on this board praising this cuck? Did you retards even read the manifesto? He literally was a fucking commie who praised the Chinese government. I swear, half of you idiots are underage and the other half suffer from a debilitating mental disorder. Get help losers.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Why are faggots on this board praising this cuck?
what an odd thread.
>at least 1,000 threads in the past week were made
>maybe 25 of them were about tarrant
>op is still sucking dicks



Attached: Israeli shills calling for violence.jpg (1438x1720, 1.08M)

nobody here is

>shilling his meme conspiracy again
Neck yourself moshe.

what an odd response that made no sense to what i posted.
why are you so stupid?

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because he did something about it.

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>implying china is still communist
>implying half of the manifesto isn't just shitposting amd messing around

>being this mentally retarded
I understand that you're handicapped so let me break this down for you kiddo. You have no proof. Where are the links you're providing you fucking idiot? Keep spouting out about your conspiracy theories though. It's not going to work because you're trying to change the conversation. Once again. NECK YOURSELF you fucking kike.

He made best video in history of human race. That deserve respect.

the greatest aussie shitpost of all time

>Spends pages describing how he is an eco-fascist
"yeah, I identify most politically with China"
>Literal communist country with complete disregard for anything environmental

This is how we know you have a double digit IQ

There is a reason why he wrote that in one paragraph. If you can't see it, you shouldn't really talk about double-digit IQ, user.

Apparently he never read enough to get to the section "To Antifa/Marxists/Communists".

>checks flag
>right on time
You are cancer. All of your people are. You literally mentioned ONE line. He goes on to explain his love for the chinese ran government you fucking tumor sized leaf.

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glow harder nig

Yossi Cohen is gonna watch his kids die.

I doubt you even know the history of modern China. To say its communist is misleading at best.

It's only feds praising him. His video was fake and zero people where harmed in the making of it.
Well okay, that one guy may have fallen down a little hard when he ran into his fellow actor. But nobody was shot.

Literally braindead.


Shit b8

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The ones praising are likely paid shills by jone other than.......MOS

sloppy job mossad.

>who praised the Chinese government
your point being? chinese government is great if you exclude few minor things

The Chinese government is more NatSoc than Nazi Germany
so this is the power of reddit smfh

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>Why are faggots on this board praising this cuck?
We're not. It's Shareblue/other shills.

Go away.

You are sperging out correct?

Mission accomplished

Meanwhile the longest thing you ever written is a book report on Harry Potter you American educated submongoloid. Your opinion means nothing to anyone.

I don't believe anyone here thinks of this guy other than a false flag. His manifesto was glowing and a meme. Anyone who says otherwise is a glow nigger or useful underage idiot.

>Why are faggots on this board praising this cuck?

they are kike shills

this whole board is pozzed by them and run by feds

>argumentum ad populum
No john, you are the glowniggers

China and the Chinese people will outlast any European country

>praised the Chinese government
The Chinese government has done a lot of good for the Chinese people.

It's not perfect, but the Chinese are facing the opposite of extinction.
I can't say the same about western countries.

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>Why are faggots on this board praising this cuck?
because I read the manifesto and he killed 51 mudshits


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>and the Chinese people
"chinese people" = amerimutt x10

the video was based

Aussie shitposted irl, he’s a God

Attached: 434D1F4C-60D7-4CAF-BF15-DB6A1697F46C.jpg (495x495, 26K)

unedited original livestream:


or with fun music:


Attached: download.png (225x225, 7K)

right or wrong
at least he did something
biggest habbening to ever habben in my city

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get fuxxxed nerd

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This. None of it was real. Notice they spammed it with the black-sun symbol, trying to make it look like white nationalists were praising him... almost like how jews try imply that white nationalists are all nazis... astroturfing 101.

fuck off the whole thing was obviously glowing, as are you

no u

(you) now get out.

no u

Explain or take your pills

>Notice they spammed it with the black-sun symbol, trying to make it look like white nationalists were praising him
case in point. every.single.time.

Even a commie can be right occasionally
(Like when they kill muslims)

OP is a plebbitor or a glownigger. fuck off faggot

this is the glowiest glowing I've ever seen on this site, and I don't even necessarily support Tarrant.

The video was entertaining, that is my only concern one way or another. He also cleared out a bunch of smelly shitskins.

you said that after my post. it's not like you even predicted anything, you're just throwing around "glow" "glowing" "glownigger" etc. until it sticks. explain your thoughts retard, use your words

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I'm sorry you haven't been paying attention.

Sloppy job Mossad

>you said that after my post. it's not like you even predicted anything
LOL are you saying that's the first time that stupid symbol has been shilled in a tarrant thread? give me a fucking break

this was my exact first thought. wtf is shlomo talking about over here?

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List of kebabs removed by Saint Tarrant

Atta Elayyan (33)
Mucad Ibrahim (3)
Sayyad Milne (14)
Lilik Abdul Hamid (57)
Areeb Ahmed (27)
Tariq Omar (24)
Shahid Suhail (35)
Syed Jahandad Ali (34)
Haroon Mahmood (40)
Farhaj Ahsan (30)
Maheboob Khokhar (65)
Muhammad Haziq Mohd-Tarmizi (17)
Asif Vora (58)
Ramiz Vora (28)
Ansi Alibava (25)
Ozair Kadir (25)
Haji Daoud al-Nabi (71)
Ali Elmadani (65)
Husna Ahmad (47)
Naeem Rashid (50)
Talha Naeem (21)
Amjad Hamid (57)
Kamel Darwish (38)
Linda Armstrong (64)
Mohammed Imran Khan (47)
Mohamad Moosid Mohamedhosen (54)
Hamza Mustafa (16)
Khaled Mustafa (44)
Junaid Ismail (36)
Abdelfattah Qasem (60)
Ashraf Ali (61)
Ashraf Ali Razat (58)
Mathullah Safi (55)
Hussein Al-Umari (35)
Musa Vali Suleman Patel (60)
Ashraf al-Masri (54)
Hussein Moustafa (70)
Mounir Soliman (68)
Zeeshan Raza (38)
Ghulam Hussain (66)
Karam Bibi (63)
Abdukadir Elmi (78)
Mohsin Al Harbi (63)
Osama Adnan Youssef Kwaik (37)
Mojammel Hoq (30)
Mohammed Omar Faruk (36)
Muhammed Abdusi Samad (66)
Muse Nur Awale (77)
Ahmed Gamaluddin Abdel-Ghany (68)
Zakaria Bhuiya (33)
Zekeriya Tuyan (46)

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>stupid symbol
You really need to go back.

no that's not what I'm saying. that symbol is in threads here all the time. are you new?

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Maybe if you learned how this site worked and that you can respond to multiple posts at once it would be less obvious you have no idea what you're doing.

Anyone who kills masses of innocent people is a sack of human shit.


Ohhh I see.. its just randomly appearing in tarrant threads. hahahahahah fuck you

He's a christian zionist fag

So an aussie kills 49 NON CITIZENS in a mosque with past links to al queda and we lose our guns.

China is actually building a nation for the future. US is in decline, replacing its White population with a myriad of brown people of different nations for short term profit while at the same time inculcating them with a revenge narrative against its dwindling White population. US won't exist in a hundred years, China will remain.

that's why reconquista is morally good. it prevents pic related

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damn I didn't know he killed a 3 year old.

>Source: trust me dude
And no, he is not. You didn't even read the manifesto you utter debil.

You didn't lose shit so far, your nation is reacting in way better suite than expected. Also if you just gonna hand them over in any time in the future, you deserve everything that is coming to you.

Don’t mention the jew, not part of the crew.

He literally calls for total expulsion of kikes from white countries though.

We don't praise mossad.

Your retarded as fuck. What did he accomplish besides more gun controle?

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he removed all of these invaders what have you done?

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hahaha, retard

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im talking about the other “manifesto’s” sorry

This collage means fucking what? Shooting random muslims in your own country only gains more gun controle. Sounds like inside job to me.

They prefer the black sun to the swastika, because they're either Jews or Jew pawns.

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About this, I saw pics on FB, walls covered by blood, but I rewatched the video again n again and the rest as you watched

the collage is composed of arab sex offenders. why are you avoiding the text in my post? are you defending them?

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>half of you idiots are underage and the other half suffer from a debilitating mental disorder. Get help losers.
Which one are you? Faggot...

>gun control
Opposite happened as Kiwis are buying more guns than ever. Their buyback failed, just like call to voluntary give them away before. And what it best, they actually can't enforce those law changes, because NZ gov. doesn't have a list of people who own those "banned" guns". Stop believing into msm astroturfing.

>using black sun means you are a jew
This is your brain on double-digit IQ.

Ok and those are not the random people that he killed in the mosque.

Hi again, lol

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The black sun looks cool and variants of the Sonnenrad have been used by Germanic people for millennia.

It's so they could avoid the contradiction of a swastika supporting a philosemite.

so the invaders he removed were just moderate muslims right? and we should have kept them because they're so wonderful?

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look be logical here.
muslim terrorists carried out thousands of attacks.
these attacks were terrorist.
hundreds of attacks every year.
SOME GUY went and finally did a "jihad" on THEM.
where is the part i have to feel bad about it?

Yeah, I have thought it was weird that he didn't have a swastika anywhere if he was so "accelerationist". He seemed to be going for maximum shock value, and the normies don't know what the Black Sun is, a swastika would've had a bigger effect. Of course, he could just be a dumbass, or maybe he is a false flag kike slave, I still don't give a damn about all the shitskins he killed either way.

Tarrant was a tard. Could have gone after a high value target but was a pussy and went for random people.

read the manifesto

No, it's just you being a newnigger. Sonnenrad is used for decades in nationalists movements across the whole Europe, it has it's own meaning and symbolism. Even Azov uses it. And no, he obviously wasn't even aiming for a shock value.