I'm all for the white race...

i'm all for the white race, but it would seem to me MOST (not all) of the intelligent and driven members of our race are liberal. not to say that there aren't intelligent and driven right-wingers, but they seem to be a smaller minority surrounded by a sea of retarded white trash (which i suppose is better than being surrounded by a sea of retarded blacks and mexicans, but still).

it is the rednecks and the low-class whites that give the rest of us a bad name. how do we stop subhuman-like behavior among poor whites and give these people some sense of class?

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>race thread

Yes this is the way the board is set rn. We are in a class war. There are truckloads of retarded liberals out there dreaming about swooping off to some special cause with a Blade Runner-esque hellscape below.

We understand how you think.

Just drop the charade.

You have some money. You are a "coastal elite". You are like a child and want the "idea of whiteness" to go extinct.

Just put it out there so we can gas you.

i dont want whiteness to go extinct. exactly the opposite. im a conservative trump supporter with richard spencer-esque leanings and understand race realism.

there is absolutely an intelligent side of conservatism. but a fair amount of trump supporters are the bottom of the barrel as far as the white race goes. it is a problem.

like i said, many of the most driven and intelligent whites are liberals, which really is unfortunate for the cause of the white race.

A single retarded diarrhea shitting white person is of greater worth than all the shit skins in the world. It is an esoteric thing. It is a metaphysical thing.

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The "most driven" are liberal because that is a requirement in this age. They are also liberal because when they hit bright lights big city, it is all mind space. Liberalism runs on mind space, not reality. This is why all libshits think that women should have voting rights, niggers are civilized and intelligent and that gender is on a spectrum. All these things might be true in some instances, but not overall. This is utterly disregarded by the childish liberal.

So, liberals are children and weak golems. They run along and hither and dither depending on how the jew whip cracks.

>having fun means you're stupid

Rednecks built this country no matter how many times you try to cover that up

I've never seen more irony in my life, nordcuck.

>many of the most driven and intelligent whites are liberals, which really is unfortunate for the cause of the white race

They are driven by their passions, and adopt libshit views because that is the baseline. They do not want to cause a fuss. Celebs on the other hand are glorified pussy hat tier retards, Their brand is tied to politics, so they follow trends here. They also live in mind space lala land where all the lefty shit "makes sense" in a sort of simulation type deal. Their fantasy. So these individuals are prone to fall for kike bullshit along the lines of "tikkun olam" (heal the world by bringing it together)

I think that in the future, as things deteriorates across the west, many celebs and many "coastal elites" will come around to our way of viewing things. They will rediscover the allure of national socialism.

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statistically wealthier people vote republican and have higher IQs

>Ghetto people vote Democrat
This post makes no sense

Shills, if you can't make your retarded point in one or two sentences, don't post

You send them to frontline and make good use of them.

redneck life is good life, fuck you with your jewish memes

> intelligent and driven members of our race are liberal.
>unironically believe Trump called Nazis "fine people"
They may have art degrees, but they live in a fantasy word, as you would expect from someone obsessed with art/fantasy.

You're just jelous you can't grow a beard like that dude in your pic

Everything you just said was basically every MSM's narrative. Think about that for a second and the validity of it.

>Follows your advice

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You err in your judgement. Yes, you do need an intellectual class, but you also need a warrior class and those rednecks you look down on are it. They'll be chopping off heads and bowling with them while you're pondering the meaning of life and getting ass raped by niggers. Liberals don't have that class and that is one of their biggest weaknesse. It's why most know if things get dirty they're fucked.

Every piece of unintelligent poor white trash I've encountered always vote Democrat.

You can't because the white race is just white trash.

You realize for every propped up successful Liberal figurehead, there are hundreds to thousands of essential debt slaved sheep? Hooked on tinder, binging Netflix sheeple who own nothing, rent everything, and who'd kill and die(which they are) for their slightly higher then 60k jobs???

These people have no future, and are given the most lavish slave quarters in history for their inevitable extinction. Half the bullshit they believe is cope for glaringly obvious void their lives circle around.

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>i'm all for the white race

>race realism

oh boy, another one of THESE retards. get a job, faggot incel.

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All the libtards believe that robots are going to sort it, and in this environment women can emerge and have their retarded ways. This is literally how these tech fapping mongos view the future.

I've also noticed lower income whites seem to have little political views other than just believing in Christian values. While that may have made you a conservative at one point, the right has moved on from emphasizing traditionalism to focusing on nationalism and libertarianism. Traditionalism is more associated with Blacks/Hispanics/Muslims(aka Democrats) now.

I have not seen this to be the case. When I lived in the South, sure no one read Zizek or Eco, but there was no need to. They aren't interested in bullshit ideologies just for the sake of having a new ideology. These people are the workhorses of society with a strong foundation.
Meanwhile the trash in liberal areas like Los Angeles, are disgusting idiots. Maybe they can spout some taking points from smarter people, but they don't understand any of it. When questioned, it is not their job to educate you. They are mostly disease addled, both mentally and STD, idiots chasing transitory happiness. They repeat the points of better men, in a game they don't know they are playing, to create the worst cities in America and feel superior about that.

The Jews bought them all off or blackmailed them with loli poon, OP. As far as WT is concerned the answer is the same as how to keep Niggers from ruining the black community: stop recording everything and posting it on social media. Keep the posts to only things that /we/ support; I.E. guns, outdoorsmanship, family and friends and nature.

P.S. just keep white women off social media, actually.

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Buddy those people have more honor than your bitch ass. Some people like living close to the land instead of in a city surrounded by niggers

>Read post and contributed first comment

Verbal brains get brainwashed by NPR's refugee sob stories. Math based brains aren't as brainwashed. This goes for intelligent verbal types - they think they are thinking, but they are feeling based on a dressed up story

the economy is too globalized for the alt-right fantasy of ethno-states and german style genocidal warfare, instead of lifting the world out of depression like ww2 did it would collapse economies and lead to a dark age

Dark-Age? Technology is stagnant for the pursuit of faster vices and truth is obscured (en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis). People are no longer having kids, and millions of what is essentially slaves for elites are being brought in a attempt to keep the scam a float.

The Dark-Age is already here.

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I suspect that's a huge illusion. That system is fragile and can breakdown too easily. And I'm certainly not for genocidal warfare. (See the Roman Empire and its trade networks.)

These goofy bastards!!! LMAO!!
Retard conservatives showing off their long necks, big ears, buck teeth and WalMart clothes. Empty craniums. The world avoids your ignorant asses.... you’re just too absolutely stupid to notice!

Please America do something about. If you do I promise I'll stop calling you fat.

I am both extremely oil rich and a Texan redneck. Most of the actually highly intelligent members of the race who achieve and build and produce and utilize their intelligence to create are deeply conservative. The psuedointellectual pontificating academic class is your typical liberal. They're also usually jews.

They’ll continue on while the liberal rots, he remains childless, filled with hate for those he helps marginalize more and more everyday. I hope those rednecks eat you alive and proceed to have unprotected sex to make even more rednecks you bourgeois subhuman

A fucking men.

>and the low-class
is what it is all about
Class War//
not race war

>daddy's money makes me smart

These people aren't more driven or smarter they just got a huge headstart

Exactly at least we are free

>t. believes the media


Come on keep bleating


Yet they make movies where they imagine themselves as elites (when they're actually ghetto Kaepernick) hunting down Conservatives.

Why do you hate whites?

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>bases things on personal experience

We've got a bright one, folks.


Walmart is something everyone around the world dreams of having. That's why Liberals hate Walmart. It provides everything in A/C for cheap.

"According to the June 24 study the states with the highest average number of military enlistees (apparently officers are excluded when it comes to measuring just how "America, Fuck Yeah" a state is) Georgia ranked highest, followed by Alaska, South Carolina, Texas, and Alabama. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the states with the lowest rate of enlistment were: Minnesota, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, with North Dakota at the bottom."

Ahem. So who's willing to kill and who isn't? Notice a trend?

Let them jump in the mud you fucking racist

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>Richard spencer-esque leanings
You take it in the ass?

Every white engineer ive met is far right regardless of age.

Somebody compare single mom ghetto liberals next to Republicans with jobs and families

Somebody compare a Starbucks employee to Republicans with jobs and families

Somebody compare a homeless Liberal commie "philosopher" with Republicans who have jobs and families.

*rubs hands*

Yes, underestimate us

I live in a college town and still drink beer with students on occasion and the hard sciences are dominated by RWers. Everywhere I've been it was that way. Then the left dominates shit like sociology, psychology, liberal arts and journalism.

If it's maybe not a real science, liberals will be there.

It was the same thing with me. Granted, this was Auburn University, but still.