I'm all for the white race...

i'm all for the white race, but it would seem to me MOST (not all) of the intelligent and driven members of our race are liberal. not to say that there aren't intelligent and driven right-wingers, but they seem to be a smaller minority surrounded by a sea of retarded white trash (which i suppose is better than being surrounded by a sea of retarded blacks and mexicans, but still).

it is the rednecks and the low-class whites that give the rest of us a bad name. how do we stop subhuman-like behavior among poor whites and give these people some sense of class?

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>race thread

Yes this is the way the board is set rn. We are in a class war. There are truckloads of retarded liberals out there dreaming about swooping off to some special cause with a Blade Runner-esque hellscape below.

We understand how you think.

Just drop the charade.

You have some money. You are a "coastal elite". You are like a child and want the "idea of whiteness" to go extinct.

Just put it out there so we can gas you.

i dont want whiteness to go extinct. exactly the opposite. im a conservative trump supporter with richard spencer-esque leanings and understand race realism.

there is absolutely an intelligent side of conservatism. but a fair amount of trump supporters are the bottom of the barrel as far as the white race goes. it is a problem.

like i said, many of the most driven and intelligent whites are liberals, which really is unfortunate for the cause of the white race.

A single retarded diarrhea shitting white person is of greater worth than all the shit skins in the world. It is an esoteric thing. It is a metaphysical thing.

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The "most driven" are liberal because that is a requirement in this age. They are also liberal because when they hit bright lights big city, it is all mind space. Liberalism runs on mind space, not reality. This is why all libshits think that women should have voting rights, niggers are civilized and intelligent and that gender is on a spectrum. All these things might be true in some instances, but not overall. This is utterly disregarded by the childish liberal.

So, liberals are children and weak golems. They run along and hither and dither depending on how the jew whip cracks.

>having fun means you're stupid

Rednecks built this country no matter how many times you try to cover that up

I've never seen more irony in my life, nordcuck.

>many of the most driven and intelligent whites are liberals, which really is unfortunate for the cause of the white race

They are driven by their passions, and adopt libshit views because that is the baseline. They do not want to cause a fuss. Celebs on the other hand are glorified pussy hat tier retards, Their brand is tied to politics, so they follow trends here. They also live in mind space lala land where all the lefty shit "makes sense" in a sort of simulation type deal. Their fantasy. So these individuals are prone to fall for kike bullshit along the lines of "tikkun olam" (heal the world by bringing it together)

I think that in the future, as things deteriorates across the west, many celebs and many "coastal elites" will come around to our way of viewing things. They will rediscover the allure of national socialism.

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statistically wealthier people vote republican and have higher IQs