Why did Pedophile Ring Leader Donald (((J))) Trump KILL

his best friend and business partner Jeffrey Epstein?

Attached: epstein trump best friends.jpg (720x720, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


wow GOPedo shills sliding


u 1st kid

The same reason he kicked him out of Mar-a-Lago?

he kicked him out of maralago cause Epstein went after Trump's 9 year old boy

Looks like someone hasn't heard of jane doe v. trump and epstein and that trump was in epsteins flight records to pedo island.

the GOPedo shills don't update their talking points

>Hey Brock, I posted the lie again

Attached: share.jpg (743x755, 79K)

>Epstein died exactly 666 days from the last jupiter-earth planetary alignment
>Hillary wore a red dress on 6/6/2016

>trump openly admits to knowing Epstein is a pedo/ephebophile, and also parties with him
>fake newz!!! They're just trying to smear the reputation of muh god emperor, there's no reason to believe trump is helping pedos or engaging in pedophilia himself

Funny how schizo trumpweenies are willing to go chase shadows if they see any arbitrarily suspicious detail about the opposition, but decide to ignore all the shit that permeates trump

Now that's what I call a high iq board

A leaf. Conceptualize my lack of shock

Reminder there's still no evidence this actually happened

Don't argue with böťş like this faggot.

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Obamaleaf you don't update your images. Its nice and rainy out been enjoying the weather? Taste of The Danforth was so much fun.

you have to be an absolute faggot to not think it's weird

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You'd have to be an absolute faggot in order to spend more than a year posting on Jow Forums, and give credit to these /x/tier schizo ramblings.

Clearly people just post them to meme their retard agendas and have some fun, but actual schizos eat up this shit like it's candy.

This Christian news network just sent a drone over Epstein's ranch and then walked over to it and walked around.
Starts about 15 minutes into the stream.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-12 Exclusive Video of Epstein’s Zorro Ranch Breeder Farm - YouTube.png (949x534, 1.38M)

The REAL question is why doesn't anyone commit a mass shooting at shareblue offices?

Parsly ---- rosmary & thyme

>You'd have to be an absolute faggot in order to spend more than a year posting on Jow Forums
So you're a newfaggot, or cointel/shillblue? Why be on a site you dislike :^),better why be on a site you think is gay. you like the dick?

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1) no evidence
2) seen photographed with him after this supposed incident
3) rich pedophiles fall out about stuff who would have thunk it eh

The orange turd in chief hasn't brought up his stochastic terrorist techniques lice on FOX news to incite his violent fanbase against a meme scapegoat like Shareblue, that's why

hi hugh how r u

ya i got a killer tan. the long weekend was the perfect weather. hot, sunny, no clouds, no wind. was just perfect. my kinda weather.

too cloudy the last few days

>its all shareblue

>he says,
>aged 13,
>bending over in front of donald trump

>he groans as he is penetrated

>d..d...donald...we are gonna build the wall now right
>he whimpers, used and broken after the act
>donald laughs
>yeh but first we gotta deal with these lies in the media
>of course donald
>he goes to bed smilling, thinking of the wall

I've been on Jow Forums since moot reopened it after axing /new/, schizo. These LE HAPPENING / LE SECRET SOCIETY RITUAL memes got old after the 4th year or so.

You either suffer from an untreated mental illness, or you got jabrony'd by actual shills and trolls.

Trump had to dispatch his pal as he was going to spill the beans on barron being the incestuous love child of Trump and Ivanka.

Melania is barren following years and years of ...too many STDs

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Nice try leaf, we all know the Clintons did it. Saged

this is Jewzilian.
Ignore him

I hope you share lie faggots actually get this to stick.

People will be forced to watch as everyone "Important " in both parties is also implicated, along with a bunch of hollywierd pedohomos.

Please, hit the accelerator!!!

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So if you fuck a kid you get to be president?

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Did u know trump let his daughter sit on his lap on several occasions clearly a pedo

shut your roody-poo candy-ass mouth xir. your TINY mind doesn't EVEN KNOW what this is.

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Im great. I dyed my hair blonde. Enjoying the summer before its gone.

So, if you've been here long to see those filter terms, AND still believe the /x/ faggottry that permeates this board, you're an actual schizo.

Got any other based numerology breadcrumbs? Or perhaps some informational wellaware1 infographics?

>posted it again
>acting like it's not been ripped to shreds a thousand times already
1/10 bait, got me to post.


>you have to be a schizo to know the world is unhinged
do you know where you are faggot?

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>Shareblue does pedo fanfic
Well that's a new approach.

think about it nigger

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we're in GOPedo shill central

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Ching chong wing wong dong wing wing kong Shareblue ding wing chong kong?

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Hi Schlomo. Can you Jews stop raping White children?

I'm sure you're very tired shillnigger why not go to sleep;aren't you getting sleepy? Do they pay you with dog cocks? I couldn't imagine anything else that'd entice a proxxyLEAF.

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they won't so they need to be lyched, but it's okay because rope

Trump is a pedo just like him. It's funny how amerikeks in denial like to pretend he wasn't a straight up pimp back in the day

Attached: epstein trump joking about being pedos.webm (760x718, 1.56M)

sure post your sources nigger

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weren't u the retard always fighting against me that summers are awesome and winters are dog shit

he killed assange too, i just know it. it's all becoming clear.

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he did it for the sticky.

So why hasn't anyone come out against him with any legitimate claims? This webm. isn't new by the way. Show us the flight logs where Trump is implicated :^) Here is everyone on the first haha;declassified information

Attached: log 1.jpg (802x757, 153K)

Here's the second!

Attached: log 2.jpg (786x303, 60K)

your ID says jew

Definitely a poor choice of words

Why does everyone ignore that trump knew Epstein, HE KNEW HIS POWER LEVELS. And what did trump do?
>he testified

He testified against a very powerful man, and what was already in the works was sped up to reclaim America in the 2016 election instead of THIS ONE. The 2020 election is the only one that really matter, it’s the year of demographic changes that will bolden the already divide groups.

Trump is making Epstein testify, as revenge.
>inb4 source


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trump has his own lolita express u retarded paid GOPedo shill degenerate

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Leafs are the worst.

Trump 2020 faggots. Don't believe the fake news.

this IDIOT keeps posting >traces at me, LARPing as an agent

trump fucked little kids at epstein's properties in NYC and Palm Beach

he didn't have to fly to pedo island

u filthy GOPedos need new talking points

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Post your sources then, and take him down :^) So far you're spewing a lot of shit, but nothing to back it up. Is that, because there's nothing haha?

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Parked next to epstein's jet in nearly 2014

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damn thx for this one

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So show your sources! Take him down shillnigger. What's stopping you :)

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>1 girl didn't see them therefore trump is exonerated

is this seriously how retarded u paid GOPedo shills are?

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>being jewish
i'm not even paying attention to you, but you're jewish look at your ID

It was Her turn.

why are you so nervous to have now 16,000 posts today? from "brazil" no less

so where are the sources?

u paid GOPedo shills are literally paid to ignore all the evidence u disgusting pedophile worshiper

Attached: epstein trump pedo collafe.jpg (1440x1080, 536K)

i just saw that pic for the first time


you're unironically acting gay, but he's also jewish


sorry m8. personal vendetta

much love brazilbro

i've struck a nerve

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This is called overcompensating. Major democratic donor. Jew. Like Weinstein and many of the homo oedos

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so where is your evidence to confirm everything? DON'T YOU HAVE A SOURCE? Weird how so many federal officials are against the presidency of Donald Trump, and yet...NO SOURCES TO IMPEACH. So where are YOUR sources to bring him down?

You have to be a schizo to continue believing anonymous meme narratives that have been shilled for years, at the start I admit that I believed some bullshit that used to be posted in happening threads but after 3 or 4 years of constant research you could tell that most of the content here is being shilled by right wing manipulators, I am libertarian myself but I will never align with racists and people who fall for bullshit like this.

Most of Jow Forums's theories regarding muh elites are pure bullshit, cut and dry. You dumb apes can't even prove that muh comet pizza had a basement, despite the fact that you have zoning/building records publicly available, it's all a bunch of memes to tarnish the political opposition, and schizos play along with it.

Fuck off asshole.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-07 Fusion GPS tried to tie Trump to Clinton’s pedophile pal Epstein as part of (1246x1434, 1.54M)

your absolutely ruining Jow Forums on purpose. it's completely maddening. i'd fucking gut you if you were next to me

god damn THIS

There are no factions among the elites, they are all friends. They just put on shows like the elections to keep the masses ignorant and entertained, and Jow Forums eats it up.

and that's how we know you're being ill-intentioned here

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Trump is a pedophile king and you sick degenerate GOPedo shills worship him for it

you know that you're going to commit suicide out of shame that you dedicate your life to worshiping pedophiles

no, i'm simply taking the board back
you think you can sprout your bullshit all over this place for years without no one noticing?

Sloppy job mossad. Trump banned him from his property as soon as he fpund that He diddled littles. Fuck off kike

Why do so many people respond to such obvious bait?

He's not even hiding his flag.

your kushner shill memes are so fucking retarded at this point. just go shove them up your ass

>Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.

So why everyone callin him a pedophile when the girls were like 16?

>Trump banned him from his property
Literal magapede fanfiction. 0 evidence of this happening.