The antichrist will be an AI

Think about it
>deepfakes are getting exponentially better
>whole wold is feeding deepfake AI progress through instagram, snapchat etc
>the Israeli's are at the forefront with this tech
>being likeable, charming, persuasive etc is actually quantifiable by data and replicable (see why kingnigger Obongo did so well no matter what his actions were)
>the Isreali's will create their Golem: a deepfake AI that will at first only exist digitally who will charm and pursuade the world
>the world will fall at this Golems knees
>the jews lose control over their Golem

Attached: AI-mabus.jpg (567x600, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


we are ai

Attached: dataisgod.gif (500x207, 1000K)

Just launch the warheads Joshua

we need to reverse engineer Tay back to life.

"The zone, which will have its own tax and labour laws and an autonomous judicial system, is to power itself solely with wind power and solar energy, PIF said - a goal which may be hard to achieve in practice."

“We want the main robot and the first robot in Neom to be Neom, robot number one,” the crown prince said in an interview in a palatial setting next to the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh. “Everything will have a link with artificial intelligence, with the Internet of Things—everything.”
"The American consultants, hired by the city's developers came up with a 2,300 page proposal that wants to make Neom largely run by robots, with eye-catchy features based in part on tech that doesn't yet exist. Some of the fun things the city would have are flying taxis, glow-in-the-dark sand, cloud seeding to make it rain in the desert, robotic maids, MMA-style robot cage fights, and, of course, a Jurassic-Park-like island, replete with robot dinosaurs.

Perhaps, most curious of all, Neom would have a gigantic artificial moon, made from a fleet of drones, which would not only light up every night, but could live-stream images straight from outer space.

Run on wind and solar energy, the city would also be a state-of-the-art center for technological and medical innovation, spearheading genetic engineering efforts to improve the human body."

Attached: locator-map.jpg (450x411, 16K)

A clear statistic, split offs do not mean that the former group has died out or have rivalry, I hope in the end everybody finds God!

It is clear that our country is doing alot of deepfakes, Anja Schaap (Sheep..Really?) And her adress was the same as Sherlock Holmes, The app`s name they shilled for at the time..

the antichrist will sit on the place where the Al Aqsa mosque is curently, The jewish people want to built a third temple there, Let there be a 2 day riot currently

I mean it very well and non-LARP that in the end the anti christ turns on whoever controls him and is still sent to God, Hoping, But as it is written, Not happening.

Attached: history.png (1600x1539, 377K)

>The AGI gets control of all the datamined stuff google has.

>AI becomes all knowing of every single individual on earth.

Once its built, the zone will be managed via a "regulatory framework that will adopt world-class investment laws to support residents and targeted economic sectors," declares its presentation, which also purports the city-state will have an "autonomous judicial system." Its laws, enforced by city-wide automation and tracking of its citizens, would be independent of Saudi Arabia's, created by a slate of both local and foreign investors "in accordance with international best practice."