Scientists in china are making human-monkey hybrids in China

Chinese scientists have begun making human monkey hybrids this month. What kind of implications does this have? This picture is an early photo of one of the experiments. Absolutely disgusting in my opinion.

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>china is making more chinese


You already posted this thread Pajeet.

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Tbh they are running out of options for their 50 million single bugmen problem

What took them so long? We've had niggers and leftists for decades.

Maybe China isn’t so great after all..

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Hans you're not helping your country by being a piece of shit racist.

You need to change your ways.

This is some Resident Evil type-shit.
If they use those for war, we have got our first B.O.W.s

We already have human-monkey hybrids here, entire cities full of them

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They're probably MUCH smarter than president shit for brains.

A Trumputang would still be smarter than the smartest nigger

Is slavery moral if you use GE apes that are engineered humanely not to suffer under lifelong bondage and servitude?

Literally what's the point of genetically engineering niggers?

Itll be a failure and a lie. The paper dildo is built on deception.

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am i supposed to be impressed ?
Africa makes half a billion of those a year

beyond all the hillarious racist jokes this will fuel, can we all stop the banter for a moment and contemplate the horror of this situation? Chinks want to create a new race of servile beasts, even kikes aren't this bizarre.

Thought that Africa already had millions of those?

So China is literally copying the Americans now