You're all doomed

People on this website have been sent to the pyschological place which can only be described as the lowest abysmal lair of the damned. Not even in a religious sense do i mean this, you are all children of the damned, your souls are in satans collection.

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you lost, mossad.

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>You're all doomed
stop projecting, incel.

fuck mossad

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i use abrahamitic books as toilet paper after shitting on dead jewish childrens ashes from the WW2.

damn, I mean darn


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>the religious sense

Stopped reading their.

this shill tactic hasn't netted a single changed mind

Your words can only be described as the shrill screams of anguish from the burning of a tortured pyschological soul

This place also has some of the truest believers in Christ and some of kindest, most genuine people in the world. It also has people who masturbate to cartoon characters and videos of people getting killed. Sometimes, they're one in the same; a true microcosm of the world.

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hypnotic suggestion doesnt work if you dont believe it can noob

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Diversity is out strength

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Christ is an illusion for moralist authoratarians. The only retribution from the flames of the wicked is the devout comittment to the humble soul.

> your souls are in satans collection.


lucifer is the only figure in this kike-pozzed shit show that is actually cool

That's funny, you leftists don't believe in Satan, so why are you posting this?

the "everybody on pol but me" post

did you really have to create a new thread for this pasta?

Obtain coitus.

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Being doomed ain’t so bad, then.

I can utilize the same metaphor of the christianized person to describe the very people who are the very forefront of satans vanguard. Im no king this affliction affects me but im self aware are you?

K. Thanks. Keep me posted

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Kikes, you're losing it.

nice jewbabble

I'm awoken

>The only retribution from the flames of the wicked is the devout comittment to the humble soul.
>Christ is an illusion

Youre demonic possessed mind created a scapegoat of Jewish people. Without even a semblance of rationality you havent considered how distant i am from Judaism/religion act. Your mind is corrupt by the degenerate and nercrotic forces.

Welcome, OP.

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Youre devoted to a faulse idol, christ.

Most anons here are too stupid to be psychotic

Jews mutilate babies and then sexually abuse them

Scapegoat a culture, religion, whichever brings your justification. But youre damned

>Without even a semblance of rationality you havent considered how distant i am from Judaism/religion act.

by making this thread it shows you arent distant enough

Demons aren't real bro

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This thread is an alarm for the demon possessed (you)

Woah, this is deep... have my upvote!

Ye well you're a fucking cunty faggot and if someone someday sticks a screwdriver in your fucking head you'll probably have had it coming, nigger.

What (((wholesome))) alternatives would you prescribe, Dr. Douche?

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absolutely incorrect. The bible says not to worship false idols, Jesus is not an idol genius. If anything modern man worships the almighty dollar, that is a false idol.

Its all in your head, man.

Did you forget to take your meds today?

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Youre roasting in the fires, love will only set you free

Wait op. I agree. What can I do to improve my mental spiritual state? Please advise.

not all here

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>still fantasizing of The Hunt

Jesus is your false idol. Love will set you free.

Jews cut off part of my dick without my consent in the US so there is that.

When you tread into the deepest lairs of the afflicted you must adjust your mind to a state of pure humility to address the wicked.

Seek humility. Eliminate the ego.

Jesus does preach love dumb fuck. ayiyiyi, do whatever you want. Why do you think you're so enlightened

Humility. Elimination of ego.

I fell through the rings of fire

>Takes shrooms once

Projection at its finest

Look at the reddit nigger posting on Jow Forums
Big-dicked reddit nigger
You screenshot this to show your fur-friends reddit nigger?


You need to be doing this also.

>Christian moral frame

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I can almost taste your desperation through my screen

> Mmmmmmmmmm

I'm constantly in this pursuit. But I call out the heart of the damned.

Poor Judas it would have been better for this man to have not been born at all

That isn't an answer. Go to Jow Forumsatheism. Sage

>People on this website have been sent to the pyschological place which can only be described as the lowest abysmal lair of the damned. Not even in a religious sense do i mean this, you are all children of the damned, your souls are in satans collection.

New copypasta, huh? Cool beans...

Its an answer your too afflicted to accept it

RedLetterMedia is so based

in every problem lies its own solution

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Take your own advice you pretentious mid-wit. This is a sacred place of truth and freedom, where Anonymity allows total honesty and catharsis.

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I sincerely think you are not smart. Pathetic posts, thinking you are on some sort of high horse.
"pyschological" btw . Use a spell checker child, saged.

Blow me christcuck

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>another kike and kike enabler thread kafkatrap being responded to in a way to make Christ haters look good
Quit projecting your deserved existential dread of facing God in the afterlife onto anons, schlomo.

>... and from the lowest abysmal layer of the damned, lo, i looked and saw a man of insight, who whispered truth in the depths of darkness. And to him i replied, 'i would rather exchange truths with you here in darkness, than to shout lies in the light...'

- me to you

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The irony is this thread is as damned as the rest. You all need a large wide silver mirror

Id rather save you

Im riding a donkey

>Id rather save you
read your stupid posts and reflect how retarded you sound, twat. Sage.

You're dissillusioned.

Good luck preventing that "second" holocaust.

My post are as filthy as any

Dude needs to put trigger warnings on his comments amirite, christcuck race traitor?

Hell a second holocaust is the end of the world is that youre desire? To end the world?

>going to a Christian board to tell them they are damned.
I’m getting really fucking sick of Catholics.

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"We" are doomed. There is no "we". And talk about projecting. Oy Jeesh.


Im not sure what you mean But you seem damned

Yeah Okay faggot.

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Im projecting onto you your world.

Catholics don't do this. This is some evangelical Israel-fellating claptrap.

What is Twitter then? Because if that's the opposite then everyone everyone is fucked

I'm not Jewish, Mr. 26 posts

Niche political nosense is a viral infectant

You tried so damn hard and its all falling apart at the seams. It must be very frustrating being made to force your hand so sloppily. Very unlike the slow boil your kind seem to favor.

>Most wholesome board ever
I don't think so, user. I love my life and I feel good about myself. I love my wife and baby. I love my dog. I love the land I live on. I love my job. I even think my commute is nice.

I hate jews and shitskins, but I just cut them out of my life. And I feel no stress about it. I just know what I will have to do when the war comes. I feel at peace about that. I may even find myself enjoying it.

Didnt answer my question inflicted beast

Keep saying that.

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nice demoralization thread, op you're a faggot

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Youre a disillusioned spiteful aggressor