>if only you knew how bad things really are...
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My bday is 6/6/96
Wow, they switched him out. They did this on purpose.
nice try emu, 6/6/96 is the day you hatched
Always just too much of a coincidence with this shit. Nothing is by accident.
Or its all a show and they planned this date for his death long in advance
On Tisha B'av too
>God damn all these Jews to hell
>Ignoring leap years
He was 66.558 years old.
imagine planning to suicide someone based on a number derived from a calculation made with the incorrect assumption that there's 365 days in each year without accounting for leap years
(((They))) dont count leap years when calculating these things into their occult rituals.
>Jews use the Gregorian calendar just without leap years when calculating these things into their occult rituals.
>>if only you knew how bad things really are...
you don't have any idea either.
the "common year" is bullshit anyways. base theories off of bullshit and you still get bullshit.
Time for meds!
Take your meds, leaf.
Doesn't this number include leap years?
1/20/1953 - 8/10/2019
66 x 365 = 24,090
leap days between 1953-2019 = 16
1/1 to 8/10 is 203 days
= 24,309 (/365 = 66.6
Look, an autist that spent 10 hours looking for a 666 combination. Wow! What a coincidence.
Time for meds.
Whilst this is like wow and shit, it's a stretch
Clearly Epstein needed to get got and it took some serious power to do it, the idea that if they hadn't got him that day they wouldn't of bothered or they would have to wait until the next significant numeralogical synchronicity is clearly ridiculous so I'm gonna call it
>a weird coincidence
No, taking leap years into account requires: 24,309/365.24217 (the number of days in the mean tropical year) and you get 66.558 years.
beginning of the 33rd week of the year too, right?
better save your women from niggers, polack
The phrasing suggests that leap days are not counted in the final day count (24,309). I think it'd be better stated as: when you consider the true length of a year (365.24217) he's 66.5558 years old.
>a day sooner or later would not have fit.
well you forgot about the Leap years, so frankly it doesnt fit.
Damn bro, stop doing drugs and for God’s sake don’t put your tinfoil hat on so tight. It’s actually damaging your brain
The Gematria on this has already been covered, see Zachary K. Hubbard's blog: