Isn't a stock market crash a "good" thing if it happens...

Isn't a stock market crash a "good" thing if it happens? If it occurs it means people were investing based on inaccurate information and now post correction more accurate investments will be made now that false values have been corrected and longterm malinvestment has been stopped? Right? RIGHT?

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No, people just pump money in whatever trendy shit and the robots do the rest.


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ur mom swallowing my cum is a good thing

Yes, corrections are good, especially after such a long bull market

stock market crashes are terrible.

stock market is good because it stops rich people from owning 100% instead of 98%.

Maybe. But the crashed prices may be just as inaccurate on the downside as the bubble prices were on the upside. They call it a "correction" but that doesn't mean prices are now correct.

Yea but it's now too big to fail. Meaning either the Central banks prop it up or the whole system collapses, we never found the floor in 2008. The Central banks stepped in around 6000 I believe to blow up what is now called the "Everything bubble".


When capital owned companies instead of high finance if the company fucked up the owners were liable and companies could plan over the course of decades instead of to just next quarter with a vague 5 year plan supporting it

Don’t know the sauce other than some polish chick. But I’ll share some more.

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Ok well keep it coming, very much relevant to the serious subject matter of this thread.

this, corrections get rid of the shitty stuff in the economy. i also like them since everything is discounted so there is that

Hell yes


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Ive got no investments and a 6 figure negative net worth. So yeah, let it burn IDGAF.

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Looks like she sat in bubblegum

oh honey, McDonald's and my favorite pink panties? You shouldn't have *GGGURUGURGLE* oh dear! You must have an upset tummy, all that big mac, here let me get close- *BRAAAAAAAAPPPPFT* incredible! Hints of french fry and processed beef have enchanted my nostrils!

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No because the corporate oligarchs have already moved most of their assets into property and bonds. Regular goyim are left holding the bag.

For the sake of accelerationism into anarchy then sure it's a good thing.



what makes you think their fear and subsequent selling or hoarding isn't based on inaccurate information?

have sex

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Honestly, there are some good aspects to a possible market crash. For example, the cancer that is Airbnb (which hadn't yet come into being 12 years ago when the last crash started) as well as tourism in general will take a hit and calm the fuck down for a while, meaning that rent prices will also follow suite. Generally speaking, 10+ years of the general population being fairly well-off is just too much.