Just landed 6 figure job

Go on incels. feel the jel

Attached: incel_weeping_min_wage.jpg (250x250, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:


first one?
i remember my first 6 figure job.
now i give people 6 figure jobs.

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>fiat currency
So they pay you in paper? What happens when the Jewnited States collapses? You're just going to start over?

ok retard

I actually feel happy for you, OP. I hope it brings you a comfortable life that you truly deserve.

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t. poorfag
come back when you're making 7

Lol don’t forget your taxes. :^)

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boomer here.. I get 6 figures just off of dividends and interest and pension. Feels good to be retired :)

Lmao pathetic. I can make over 100k in an afternoon by writing a stupid fucking song. Wouldn't be the first time.

Showing your boobs on a Twitch stream isn't a job, OP.

I feel happy for you and am glad you are doing so well for yourself.

Hope your soul was worth the money :^)

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have fun subsidizing my existence, wagie

t. poorfag
come back when you re making 8

Are you famous?

says the incel..


Mark Foster?

>t. HR diversity hiring manager


Of course

What are you doing on Jow Forums? Are you retarded?

that's cool, mark. i like helena beat and best friend

No i'm just shitposting

Thank you for your hard work, wagie

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Did you sell your soul?

I unironically landed a 90k job today in which I will work remotely (from home). Are anons now reaping the harvest of planting trump in the white house?

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4 things wrong here
1. Why are you namefagging as Trump if he is already a billionaire. A six figure salary would be a downgrade
2. Since when is wojack an incel?
3. There are tons on incels with 6 figure salaries
4. I'm happy for you
Why is the 4th thing something wrong you may ask?
because OP is larping

>having a job at all

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I feel like a slave. In more ways than one.

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> pleb needs to work
> thinks he's doing well

No you don't

forgot happy_merchant.jpg

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> work


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So yes? No? Do you think religion is cope for us poorfags?

what? NO WAY this is real , provide me with a link at once

What is the significance of this koala? I see it all the time on VK, usually on profiles with sketchy videos. If I make my avatar a koala will people share Babko videos with me?

Congrats. I'm the same way. Hope you're also in early 20s. Any older and you'd be a loser only making six figures

Glad to hear it user, good thing someone is out here paying for my NEETbucks

U jelly neets?

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>OP wakes up 6 years later
>Realizes he has no memory of them as all he has done is work and sleep >Spent a fortune on fast food
>Wasted his youth

Enjoy OP


>making money for Jews
I'll be laughing when I have plenty of food on my subsistence ranch while comrade Sanders makes you pay a 91% tax

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Then why you crying.

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I make over £40,000 a year and I'm only 25 years old. Feels good being superior.

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Imagine being like notch getting all the money then realizing nope you’re still a loser.

cool. now you'll be depressed, suicidal AND have money. good luck.

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Pick one, baitlord

t. Poorfag
Come back when you're making 9

Are you taking $10 college classes as well?

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